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Chapter 1 Dreaming

The sun in early summer shines on the classroom on the third floor through the cracks of the towering plane tree leaves in the school. The classroom under the shade of the tree makes people forget the dryness and heat at this time, and a roar breaks the silence at this time.

"Nie Pan, what are you doing?"

Nie Pan's misty eyes have no focus. The girl opposite looks like Xiao Yun when he was a child.

He remembered that it was just because he was preparing to meet new leaders in the company. It was said that he was from the consortium of M, and he was said to have bought shares by tough means. Then I saw a group of M people come in. Although they bought their own company through blind means, the capital is that big fish eat small fish. As long as it is conducive to the development of the company, they should also have better financial prospects, and their mother's illness can also be better treated. It is said that these people all control the issue of coins in country M. I have just been promoted to the deputy R&D manager of the R&D Department, and I am sure I can get attention.

As a result, Jin Mao, the leader named Jack, cut himself and a group of colleagues directly, and shouted that only his own country M can do these things. You are all gone. After five years of hard work, you just started to make some progress. Just because we are not from M, you asked him to lay off the staff. He was even more arrogant. He was angry and gave him a punch. Then when he wanted to call the police, his colleagues stopped him and let him run out. When he drove out of the company door, the phone on the front passenger's seat sounded that it was his mother. Did she get worse? When I reached for it right away, I heard a loud noise and saw a big tire hit the front windshield. At last, Nie Pan realized that he wanted to beat Jinmao and get revenge.

Nie Pan thought and sighed: He had told the company leaders that it was not good to guard the Fengshui of the viaduct. Look at the tires coming, but if you think about it, you will die. What will your mother do? Who will take care of her in the hospital! I should have listened to my colleagues and bought an insurance policy, so I won't worry about it. I regret it!

After his eyes refocused, he saw the surrounding rooms with peeling walls and desks full of books because they had been built for too long. A room full of people were sitting in their seats, looking at themselves with wide eyes and strange faces, as if he had found something unexpected. Nie Pan himself was sitting on the seat near the window, leaning forward, Try hard to reach out to the black wooden desk drawer next to her. She is a beautiful girl wearing a school uniform with ponytails. She seems familiar, like Xiao Yun? It seems that he is holding something in his hand, and it is a piece of letter paper with a blue flower background?

"It's against you, Nie Pan. What's wrong? Stand up for me." A thin, long faced man with a middle parting head, wearing a white short sleeved shirt and foaming at the mouth, shouted angrily, as if his authority had been provoked. He bent his head to look for slippers without finishing speaking, as if it was not enough to calm his anger on the platform.

Whoa! The students in the class are just like Columbus discovering the new world, staring at them without blinking for fear of missing any details that make them regret their life.

Nie Pan looked up and looked ahead. It seemed to be Wang Gui, the head teacher of a junior high school.

Wang Gui is known as the "Satan" of the Third Middle School. In this age when teachers were not popular in receiving gifts, he even suggested that some students should give gifts. Otherwise, when you change seats, you will have a desk beside the podium, and cleaning will be yours this week. Moreover, his martial arts skills are extraordinary. Once, Zhou Tai, the school bully, invited Xie Qiong, his cousin of the high school basketball team, to support the scene because Wang Gui asked Zhou Tai not only to put his small desk in front of him, but also to make Bai Hongliang, the English teacher, cry like a flower because of his English class. He even took off his pants at the stall of the teaching building to spank him. Zhou Tai felt he wanted to regain face. As a result, Xie Qiong came to find trouble with more than a dozen people. It is said that she went to the playground to practice alone, but she left with a bruised face.

Since then, Wang Gui has been even more unscrupulous in receiving gifts, and no one dares to offend him. The students in the school are afraid of him, because he really starts to beat people regardless of whether men or women are disobedient. After beating, he invites parents. It's certainly not a good thing for parents who are not the first ones in the grade these days. When good parents come back, they will beat them again. If the top students in his class were not in his class every year, he would have been expelled from the school. However, it is said that someone who offended was punished. I haven't heard from him since.

Aren't you dead? Aren't you dead and become a vegetable? Now consciousness revives? It's better to die. Mother is more sad.

However, the first sight of Xiao Yun was understandable. It was still so beautiful. The second sight of Wang Guina was a ghost. How could there be Wang Gui? At the beginning, he hated him so much. He was the last but one. He put on shoes for himself every day. As for? Is it because of the legendary love of hate... So what the hell is this?

"I asked you to stand up, did you hear me? How did you do it when you regarded the teacher's words as farting.

Boom! All the students in the class laughed.

"Don't laugh," said Wang Gui in a hurry. "Look at your starting results this time. It's good to laugh."

I remembered that under the rule of Wang Gui and Yin Wei, the students in the class were all like quails, and they were trained quails, so they did not dare to make a different sound, even if they had a different consciousness.

Nie Pan stood up subconsciously and looked at Wang Gui who was coming. He thought how much I wanted to be disciplined. At the beginning, he dreamed of Satan Wang, and he was angry Satan. How sad!

"Hand over what you have in your hand." Before finishing, Wang Gui came up to Nie Pan and grabbed the letter from Nie Pan's hand. He opened it and saw what was written in the scrawled characters. Then he smiled angrily and said: "You still write love letters. Look at your exam results, what you did in the exam. You are good at writing love letters, You think you are qualified to fall in love there. What's more, what you wrote here is a good idea to be a love letter for others. As he said this, he shook the piece of paper, turned around and said, "Look, students, you don't know these words. Even if you don't get good grades, you can't write clearly. Are you not afraid of jokes when you write love letters?"

It's like crushing with absolute force. If Nie Pan doesn't have any room to resist, and if he doesn't continue to trample him into the mud, it's not enough to show his majesty.

Nie Pan's face was confused. It seemed that he had written a love letter to Xiao Yun a month before graduating from junior high school, but it seemed that he had given it to her on his way home after school. She refused at that time. Since then, when she went to a middle school, she seldom contacted. Since then, he has degenerated, and only later did he make progress through family changes. Later, it is said that Xiao Yun married abroad.

Looking at the girl next to him, she was really Xiao Yun's original appearance and still so beautiful. Turning her head to look at her next table, Panglin was right. Looking at her next table with a pen in her mouth and staring at her own smile, she must have endured very hard. Hao Lin, his best friend since childhood, has seen him again. He is still so fat. He used to like rubbing his chubby little face most. He is very comfortable. He reached out and rubbed his face decisively: "Hao Lin, you are still so chubby and lovely. I love you very much."

Hao Lin's eyes suddenly stared at the size of a ping-pong ball, full of fear, just like Zhen Zi in a curse suddenly ran out and touched him. She found that she was sitting in front of the TV watching a horror movie, but the ghost suddenly ran out, and she became the person in the play. Where was the melon eating crowd.

The whole class now looks at Nie Pan as if he were an alien. Nie Pan is really going to heaven now. Wow! How brave.

"Nie... plate..." Wang Gui said with a sullen face and biting his teeth, looking like he wanted to eat Nie plate.

"You are going to heaven, aren't you? Haven't you heard what I said? Ah... Look at the exam paper this time. You are so fierce. You personally lowered the grade of our whole class. This is the final exam. If the middle school entrance exam in the class is not good, you will be responsible for it. You will be responsible for the whole responsibility. It's good of you to have the heart to write love letters, come here and read your exam results this time. " He pointed to a Chinese test paper on the table.

"Choose 16 points, fill in the blank 19 points, recite 5 points, composition 15 points." Nie Pan looked at his examination paper silently, he wanted to draw himself. When did he become so bad, really once? No impression.

"With your score of 15 points in this composition, you can still write a love letter. Come and read what you have written." Then he threw the love letter on the desk.

Nie Pan subconsciously picked up the love letter from his desk and read it: "Ah, a flower is so beautiful, it's Xiao Yun. Her hair is long and bright. Ah, it's so dark and beautiful. You are the star in my dark night. You are my heart, you are my liver, and you are three quarters of me.".

Nie Pan said, "It's very good. It fully expresses the beauty of the other party and my heart. It should be a full score composition."

"Where did you get your face? Let me see. The exam was terrible. If you don't take a good class, you can also send love letters. It's quite reasonable. Reach out." Pick up the stick and hit.

Wang Gui's whip is a willow branch with a thick wrist that was broken off by the river outside. It is a direct thug. It hurts you for several days. Who broke it? Who broke it the next day will break one. So Wang Gui's Eighteen Way Demon Subduing Staff is really handy.

I asked you to express your beauty, your heart, and God's love for you.

The intense pain in Nie Pan's palm told him that it was true, but then Nie Pan became more confused. Why is it so painful? Shouldn't he feel it when he is conscious?

"How can you learn from your achievements? You are basically isolated from high school. Hurry home and buy a flat car to go to the thermal power plant in the west of the city to pull coal. You are simply wasting your parents' hard-earned money, and now you can earn money by pulling coal." Wang Gui said more sternly.

Nie Pan thought it was all in my dream that he could still be afraid of you: "How can I fail to go to high school with this score? I still have to go to the first middle school. The teacher said that my score is not good, and how many points can you get in the first middle school entrance exam?"

Wang Gui looked at him in surprise and said, "You must be the one who can't compete with me."

Nie Pan looked up at him and said, "Of course not. You were fired."

Many years after graduation, Wang Gui was dismissed from the school for fighting outside the school. It was said that Wang Gui changed his status and went back to school.

Wang Gui dodged his eyes and said, "Who told me what was wrong? Could I be fired? I don't want to look at your virtue. Fortunately, I mean to say something about others." After that, Wang Gui looked around the classroom and found that all the students showed such eyes.

Compared with Wang Guili's straight and strong appearance in the past, his momentum is obviously shorter now. The students in the class thought that this was true, and they were expelled from the first middle school.

"What's wrong with my virtue? No matter how bad my virtue is, I haven't beaten people all day long. Besides, you can tell me whether I can pass the exam if you can get fired." Nie Pan calmly said that if I can still let you bully me like this in my mind, I will leave. I can find a piece of tofu to kill me.

"Well, how about making a bet? If you pass the exam, I'll apologize to you. If you fail, how about you write a review and read it out at the conference?" Wang Gui suddenly said in a cold voice, but his expression was like you didn't agree to try.

"Yes," Nie Pan said casually, "but just apologize. You can call me teacher in front of the whole class.".

"Well, don't regret it." Wang Gui looked at Nie Pan, who was not convinced at all. Now he thought about the way the mopper would stand at the school meeting and read the review. Don't be too excited.

Some council members in the class thought that Nie Pan was doomed this time, and his review at the conference was to be written into the file. His performance was not good at all, which was obviously a suit of Wang Guiset. Nie Pan also plunged into it. He didn't know how to die at that time, and the file would be useful for future school and job hunting.

The bell rang after class, and the students wanted to rush out and publicize what they saw today.

Since Wang Gui became Satan, few people dare to contradict him like this. Niepan became a Spartan warrior today.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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