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Chapter 1 Wedge Creation and Fall

In the vast universe, a tall figure stood in the void like that, but he was square and alive.

His face was slightly sad, but he smiled.

His name is Notch. It has been ten thousand years since he opened his eyes to this void. In these ten thousand years, I have been looking at the nothingness, and I can't help feeling frustrated.

"Alas, lonely heart!" he sighed.

At this time, he thought, since he came to this void, he naturally has his own ability. Why not use his own ability to create his own world?

After thinking about it, they started to manufacture it.

The golden light on the fingertips flickers, and the hands are constantly waving in the void.

Slowly, in front of his chest, there appeared a small square, slightly golden.

Notch smiled and became!

"First, some flowers and plants, then some trees. Of course, water is essential, and if you can, some mountains..." He has been making things, never stopping.

Until a huge square stood in front of him, with mountains and water, light clouds floating, red sun on the top and silver moon on the bottom.

Just like a square planet!

MC continent, which is the name given by Notch to the world.

Notch felt bored after staying on it for several days, so he used his omnipotent hands to create birds, animals, insects, fish, wolves, tigers and leopards, all composed of squares. All of a sudden, the whole square planet became vibrant, and the regular food chain ran smoothly for a long time, including life, old age, disease and death.

Notch keeps company with jackals and wolves every day, and makes friends with birds and animals. Although he is not lonely, he still feels disappointed.

What's missing?

He had a brainwave. There was no creature like himself in the world!

With a wave of both hands, human beings were born

But with the emergence of mankind, war is also imminent.

Notch selected several peaceful and eager human beings as gods to assist him. With the help of the gods, the war ended. In order to further strengthen its rule, Notch created the heaven, named the dimension on the earth the "main world", and observed the dynamics of the main world all the time.

There will be no war in 100000 years.


However, where there is light, there must be darkness.

An evil god named "God of the Shadow" has risen

The god of the last shadow killed a large number of creatures in the main world, and led their dead souls, called "the dead".

Zombies, skeletons... roam around, invading villages and killing people.

Notch was so angry that he created a new dimension world - the divine world. He included several more powerful gods in the celestial world, and fought against the god of shadow together.

In the end, the god of the end shadow, covered with bloodstains, hid for thousands of years, and created four dimensional worlds, namely, "Lower Boundaries", "Twilight Forest", "Fire Island" and his own habitat - "End Land".

The number of undead is increasing, and the variety is also increasing. Finally, the seven dimensional world is ruled by the god of shadow.

In order to consolidate his rule in the MC continent, he placed a world king in each dimension world, and each world king has four leaders, that is, there are seven world kings and twenty-eight leaders in total.

Under such a huge army of undead, MC mainland has been occupied ever since

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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