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Chapter 1 Evening Party

Taolin City is a small county town adjacent to the Never Night City Magic City. It is a 5-tier small city.

A school named "Taolin No. 1 Junior High School" heard a loud sound of reading, and every class was full of knowledge. It's just that things turn against each other when they reach the extreme; There was a class of 9/15, but it was out of tune with the environment here. It was extremely quiet.

All the students in Class 15 are studying hard. Although the teachers and teachers did not come, they did not affect their learning desire at all; Even those naughty students are preparing carefully. In fact, not all of them are so conscious.

The head teacher of the main class is very abnormal. She has forced about 10 students in the class with poor academic performance to leave. All this is because the head teacher wants to improve the entrance rate, so that she can be elected as the "backbone teacher" this year.

Because of these students who were forced to leave, other students were very conscious even in her absence. But one student sitting by the classroom window did not seem to be afraid of the teacher.

Still sleeping there, this student is called Ye Xingchen, 15 years old. Wearing a thick black glasses, it can be seen from his white, white and tender face that the boy is not too bad. Maybe some special reasons lead him to wear a big glasses to cover something.

It seems that he is sleeping soundly. In fact, his back has been sweating a lot. Ye Xingchen has another memory in his head. This person has the same name and surname as him. This man comes from a world called Earth and is a wandering singer.

Ye Xingchen lives on a planet called Mercury, which is very similar to the planet where the man lives in his memory. But some entertainment cultures are different. The entertainment culture of the earth is far more developed than that of the planet where Ye Xingchen lives.

As a middle-aged woman entered the classroom, the original slight voice suddenly stopped, but now the classroom is extremely quiet.

This middle-aged woman is called "Huang Shaohua", a somewhat masculine name. According to some gossip, she didn't call this name at first, just because she was not admitted to the Normal University that year. Then she replaced this person called Huang Shaohua through some relations with her uncle.

Huang Shaohua came into the classroom with a stack of test papers and said angrily

"This time our class exam was very poor. I didn't care about other subjects. Even my Chinese ranked third in the school“

"Now I would like to announce my Chinese achievements this time“

Huang Jie 99 points

Yang Zixiao 96 points

Liu Ziyue 103 points

Liu Shuai 98 points

Slowly approaching the end, Huang Shaohua stopped. There are only two students left in the class whose grades have not been announced.

Zhao Geyan 118 points

All the students in the class cast envious eyes on Zhao Geyan. At the same time, Ye Xingchen beside her was still sleeping. Zhao Geyan quickly pushed Ye Xingchen with her arm.

Ye Xingchen suddenly woke up and saw a blackboard eraser covered with white powder flying in front of him. One of the erasers hid sideways and unfortunately hit the head of the male classmate behind.

"Ye Xingchen, you still have the face to hide. Do you know how many points you got in the exam? 78 points. If you fail, do you know that you are the only one in our class who failed this time?" Huang Shaohua said angrily

But Ye Xingchen didn't seem to hear it. He looked at the ponytail beside him. His skin was more beautiful than snow. His face was so beautiful that he could not stare at it. In particular, the school uniform can not hide the youth, and there is a faint smell of jasmine.

"Thank you, Zhao Geyan. Otherwise, it would be bad luck" Ye Xingchen said with a smile

When Zhao Geyan looked at Ye Xingchen's smile, she could not help blushing. The originally fleshy face became more attractive. Without answering Ye Xingchen's words, he looked at the class teacher who was more and more angry above, and he couldn't help worrying about Ye Xingchen.

"Ye Xingchen, this time, because of you, he pulled down his Chinese score in the class. In the same class, Zhao Geyan was the first in the school, but you were the last in the school. You still have the face to stay in the class," Huang Shaohua said angrily.

When Zhao Geyan heard what Huang Shaohua said, she was angry. He hated being compared with others, especially Ye Xingchen. In fact, she likes Ye Xingchen a little.

At that time, at the beginning of the third day of junior high school, she met several local ruffians because she walked a path. Fortunately, even though Ye Xingchen appeared to save her, she still can't forget that Ye Xingchen didn't wear glasses at that time, and that face was white and clean, even like a girl.

At that time, he thought how there could be such beautiful boys in the world. Maybe only she knew why Ye Xingchen wore big glasses in this school. Zhao Geyan is not a flower maniac, but when he saw Ye Xingchen, he was moved, especially when she was most helpless.

Ye Xingchen's move left an indelible mark on Zhao Geyan's heart.

Huang Shaohua saw that he had said a lot, but Ye Xingchen ignored him. He was angry but had no way. So he gave up, thinking about how to get Ye Xingchen out of this class and not affecting his enrollment rate.

"Now, let's say one thing. The school is going to hold an art show next Monday. This program will be broadcast on Taolin TV Station at the same time. I hope all students will actively participate." Huang Shaohua said on the platform.

Hearing Huang Shaohua's words, the following students were excited.

Suddenly, a boy who looked like a Korean stood up and said excitedly, "Mr. Huang, I want to attend this evening party. My program is a hip-hop performance.

This boy is Huang Jie, Huang Shaohua's nephew, and he is also a man of the moment in the class. Huang Shaohua often treats Huang Jie specially. Many students in the class are unbalanced, but there is nothing they can do.

Huang Shaohua was very happy to see Huang Jie so enthusiastic. She has only one daughter and divorced her husband earlier, so she likes Huang Jie very much and almost treats him as her son. When Huang Jie made some mistakes in the class or had conflicts with other students, he also turned to Huang Jie.

Some ordinary looking girls in the class, when they heard that Huang Jie was going to perform hip-hop at the gala, showed a crazy expression. It was very comfortable for Huang Jie to enjoy these eyes.

When Huang Jie sees Zhao Geyan, he finds that Zhao Geyan's eyes are not on him, but he is whispering to Ye Xingchen. He is very angry. He likes Zhao Geyan very much, but Zhao Geyan doesn't like him very much. Instead, she is very close to Ye Xingchen.

Every time he saw such a picture, he felt green in his heart. Zhao Geyan is the school flower, and she can get scholarships every year. In Huang Jie's mind, Zhao Geyan is the woman he has made up his mind. In the future, Zhao Geyan will agree with his pursuit and become his woman.

When Huang Jie was in the mood, he heard a voice that made him furious.

"Little Star, aren't you going to the evening party? I really want to see what you look like when you take off your glasses and perform on the stage. It must be very cute." A sweet voice reached Huang Jie's ears.

"I don't want to attend such a boring party, and Zhao Geyan, don't call me Xiaoxingchen or describe me as cute. Besides, you are only one month older than me, right? Ye Xingchen stretched out and said casually

Just as Zhao Geyan was about to speak, Huang Jie said angrily, "Mr. Huang, Ye Xingchen said that the show was boring, and that my performance was not good. If he came on stage, he would perform better than me."

The other students all looked lively

Hearing Huang Jie's misinterpretation of the truth, Zhao Geyan said angrily, "Teacher, Huang Jie is talking nonsense. Ye Xingchen didn't say anything like that."

When Huang Shaohua heard what Huang Jie said, he thought it was an opportunity to drive Ye Xingchen out, so that her "backbone teacher" this year could be expected.

However, she also has to pay attention to Zhao Geyan's words, because Zhao Geyan's score is the first in the school, far ahead of the school by more than twenty or thirty points. She also expected the student to be a champion in the middle school entrance exam.

"Ge Yan, don't worry. The teacher believes that Ye Xingchen didn't say that, but this time the school required each class to perform two programs. Even if Ye Xingchen didn't say that, the teacher would give Ye Xingchen a chance to perform on the stage“

"Well, it has been decided that Huang Jie and Ye Xingchen will perform the show on behalf of our class. You two will report the show to Ge Yan later. Don't lose face to Class 15. If anyone loses his grip on the stage, he will leave Class 15“

Huang Shaohua seems to have been rated as "backbone teacher"

"But, teacher..." Zhao Geyan still wants to say something. Ye Xingchen holds Zhao Geyan's arm and stops her.

Later, Ye Xingchen stood up and said to Huang Shaohua, "OK, teacher. I know, I will attend“

After school, a man and a woman are walking side by side at the gate of the school. They are both in their prime of life and invincible youth, just like a pair of golden children.

"Little Star, what program are you going to perform at the gala? It's all my fault to tell you about the gala. Otherwise, it wouldn't be like this." The girl blushed and said shyly.

"It's all said. Don't call me Little Star. Don't worry about the gala. Don't worry, I will handle it." Ye Xingchen looked at the girl and said

Zhao Geyan is embarrassed by Ye Xingchen,

"Little Star, if you don't mind singing a song, I'll dance with you."

Ye Xingchen was moved when he heard such words. He didn't expect that the little girl cared so much about herself.

"No, I will solve this problem by myself. It's just a small evening party. As for dancing, you'd better show it to me alone when I am the first." I don't believe it. I have so many classic songs of the earth in my mind that I can't even win a small evening party.

In the twinkling of an eye, Zhao Geyan arrived at the community where Zhao Geyan lived. Zhao Geyan turned and ran into the community.

A nervous but firm voice floated into Ye Xingchen's ears.

"It's a deal"

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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