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Chapter 1 You Know Who I am

The night is getting deeper, the city is still noisy, and the hot and stuffy air in the day is more or less fresh. The damp and hot air in it seems to be pulled away by the green trees on the street, all of which turn into the green on the trees, so the summer nights are more lingering.

"Let's go." A group of young men and women in uniform blue short sleeved shirts got up and left the table with disheveled cups and plates. A girl with golden hair and a beautiful face looked at Zhou Chen and whispered something to the woman holding hands. They both "ate" and laughed together.

Zhou Chen was still steady. After all these days, he was used to watching like this again.

He could not get used to watching some of them. The young men walking behind looked at Zhou Chen one after the other because of the two girls' watching and laughing.

These seem to be young people who have just started working. Looking at Zhou Chen, they have different meanings, including those who deliberately despise, those who dislike, and those who warn

But at the same time, they all said that they belong to us!

Zhou Chen raised his head and squinted at them, without concealing his contempt.

You are all scum who don't understand farts. Such behavior is just like a dog using pee to delimit his sphere of influence. It is useless and childish.

Some people are inclined to be irritated at once, but when they look at Zhou Zhenhai opposite Zhou Chen, the middle-aged man with thick hair, dark square face, sighing stubble under his jaw, and two parts of the depressed and three parts of the uninhibited, they all pretend to be generous and generous.

Cut, you little white face, it's just that the bottom plate is better. What's your good look.

Seeing their appearance, Zhou Chen is too lazy to argue with them. It may take many years for them to understand some truth. When they are beaten by life again and again, they may understand that the most important thing is not to target other people, but how to improve their own strength.

"Dad, have a meal," he advised, putting down his chopsticks long ago.

"The last mouthful," Zhou Zhenhai, whose eyes were already wandering, poured the last beer in the bottle into a disposable cup and shook it up and down a few times to ensure that there was no beer foam left. It was really a very alcoholic.

Looking at the way he grabbed the last half of the beer, Zhou Chen couldn't help thinking that the morning 15 years ago, when he first picked himself up in the township hospital, he was afraid it was just like this.

After watching my father's mouth sizzle, he even drank beer as high quality liquor. He couldn't help feeling inferior to wine. Maybe it doesn't matter if my son doesn't see it every day. He must see this wine every day. It's really not good without a day, and he can see it at least twice a day.

Well, my wife probably has to see me every day, not because of my true love, but because my wife is not here, no one will make food and drinks for him.

"Do you want to have a cup of wine?" Zhou Zhenhai smiled as his son looked at the wine in his hand, "Go and get two more bottles."

I think you still want to!

Zhou Chen turned his head and looked out of the window. The dim yellow lights were mixed with a faint silver glow. The dim, quiet and romantic scene was like a dream. Behind the dark green Magnolia grandiflora and the gray and black exterior walls of the community, it seemed that he also felt a warm feeling that made him feel very kind... No, I can't go home tonight, but if I drink any more, the bus is not far away.

Yingzi, the waiter of the restaurant, walked past the door with a stack of plates. Her smile made Zhou Chen want to take out a camera to take a picture.

Although the little girl was wearing an earthy white background blue floral Chinese shirt, her face was still shiny, but because the guests had gone almost, the day's work was finally coming to an end, and she sincerely smiled. After seeing all kinds of social media, BGM with "you smile so well", and showing all kinds of smiling photos, it was really beautiful.

It was also much more beautiful than the two girls who had just been beautifully dressed and obviously wanted to attract his attention.

Only when you return to the era without various social media, can you really understand those platforms and what impact they can bring to the society. Zhou Chen's current understanding is that they are all pervasive.

Zhou Chen likes this year, which has not been influenced and coerced by social media.

But Zhou Chen didn't take out his camera. These days, he has taken many pictures of similar smiles. It's no good taking more pictures - it's really no good.

"Hey," Zhou Zhenhai glanced at his son. "Don't always stare at other girls."

"I didn't, I'm not," Zhou Chen was really wronged. I said that it was my professional habits and professionalism. Would you believe it?

There was a sound of footsteps on the stairs. The proprietress Huang Lina came in with a large bowl of rice. "Brother Zhou, have a good drink. You have to eat more or less."

Zhou Zhenhai's former small client, who now relies on one of the main sources of income as a female family member, came up to take care of him warmly, and after adding two more meals, he left without any doubt.

During the whole process, Zhou Chen kept blowing tea that was not too hot.

The current progress is that he has once again adapted to such greetings in the big world to a certain extent, but he is not able to participate freely.

The landlady did not ignore him for this reason, but also enthusiastically added a stir fry powder to him.

On the morning of the week after putting down the chopsticks, I was not polite either. After a few chopsticks, three or two mouths were stuffed into my stomach.

Now he is in the year when he can eat. He doesn't care about calories or calories. As long as he eats, he can make it with confidence and boldness, because he won't gain weight at all. This is the most gratifying conclusion he reached after measuring his waist circumference for two months.

It is often that although I feel very full, after a while, if I still have a chance to eat, I can start again majestically.

For social animals who once ate only to live, this is a very novel and joyful experience that is so long ago that they have no impression.

He put down his chopsticks again, "Dad, let me go out."

Zhou Zhenhai thought he was going to the bathroom and nodded, "Go ahead."


It was almost ten o'clock, and there were five small tables downstairs. At this time, there were two other tables with guests who were dressed casually, but listening to their conversation was not too simple. Zhou Chen listened casually, and they talked about no small business. The table near the door seemed to be talking about dyes, and the table near him was talking about steel.

The big wings in a plate on that table also made him feel kind. That was one of the rare things that he and his father sent to this shop today. It was a migratory bird whose name was difficult to say.

In this small restaurant on the roadside of the residential area, you can also intuitively feel the pragmatism of the city and the strong pulse of its rapid development.

Once again, if he can't do something, he might as well hang himself with noodles, buy a piece of tofu and drown in a can of soda.

For him now, this time is really an opportunity everywhere. For example, with the passing of SARS, steel prices and international crude oil prices are rising together. If he can enter the market to do a few futures, it is not a dream to exchange Xiali's investment for Bentley's return.

Unfortunately, the conditions are really not allowed. He does not have many conditions other than capital and capital.

To put it simply, he remembered that it was a good time to hoard gold, because his family not only had no spare money, but also owed more than 300000 foreign debts, which was impossible to talk about.

"Zhou Chen, are you ready so soon?" Huang Lina asked in surprise from the kitchen behind.

"Yes, I'll pay the bill."

"No, where do you pay for your meals?"

"Yes, or we can't eat in the store next time."

"Always so polite," Huang Lina turned over the list and quickly added it to the calculator

Zhou Chen counted out 134, "Boss, friendship is friendship, business is business, one yard for one yard,"

Huang Lina looked at him and smiled. Mature style came to her face. "Zhou Chen," she rubbed his head. "Now you are really big and small."

Zhou Chen wants to hide some things. He is not used to such contact, but to be honest, he does not resist such contact in his heart. Just when he was still weighing and analyzing, there was a sign that he had finished his work and was not satisfied with it.

"He is so smart that he ranked second in the city in the high school entrance examination."

Seeing her hand up again, Zhou Chen hurriedly dodged back.

Huang Lina smiled, and the child was a little embarrassed.

"Hey, Zhou Chen, you are so smart. Can you help me think about how to make the restaurant business better?"

When she praised just now, she was a bit embarrassed in the morning. She just thought about it for a moment and said, "The simplest way is to make a popular signature dish, such as fried rice noodles. When people think of fried rice noodles, they think of it here."

Huang Lina didn't expect that Zhou Chen actually said it. She asked, but she was just polite. "Well," she thought for a moment, "I'm afraid it's a little difficult. The Huibin Building has been built for many years, and it has gained such a reputation."

Huibin Building is the best restaurant in Donghai City. Their signature is seafood noodles.

Relying on that bowl of noodles, Huibin Building has developed from a street stall to three restaurants in the city at present. It is always a first-class catering enterprise that is hard to find during the peak meal time. It is the most famous gold lettered signboard in the catering industry of Donghai City.

But what Zhou Chen said was not referring to the Huibin Building. What he said was that some Internet celebrity restaurants later said, "Then you can try other methods, such as offering a special dish every day, one yuan..."

"Oh," he said in a small voice behind the table he had been watching, "how awesome! All the children here have such ideas."

Xiao Fucai, who kept a short board inch and wore a blue and white striped polo shirt, just sat down and still looked very loose at the waist, smiled. His impression of Zhou Chen was not very good. Although he had some ideas, he was too outspoken.

I was just asking politely.

"It's not easy for young people nowadays," he only looked at Zhou Chen

Because he didn't like Zhou Chen's style very much, he said it a little louder.

Later, Huang Lina touched Zhou Chen's head again. "What you said is really good."

You ate my tofu again, and I can see that you didn't take my suggestion to heart either. Zhou Chen glanced at her face and quickly turned his eyes away.

Just as Zhou Zhenhai came down the stairs, he stared at his son again.

"Brother Zhou," Huang Lina took out a bag from under the counter, took out two cans of Wang Laoji and two bottles of black tea from the refrigerator, and took out a small bag from the kitchen

Zhou Zhenhai repeatedly refused: "This is not good,"

"Don't mention it," said Huang Lina, putting the bag in Zhou Chen's hand and holding Zhou Zhenhai to walk out. "When we went to the island, we didn't eat and take it with us."

In the morning of the week that lagged behind, when passing the table that also took care of my business, I couldn't help saying, "The EU's investigation on our fasteners will not be long, and they will file a case early next month."

Xiao Fucai, who always wanted suppliers to agree to buy more money, was stunned. Looking up, he saw Zhou Chen, "He he, more sure than I am, do you also make fasteners?"

Zhou Chen shook his head. There is no factory at home now.

So you are so sure? Xiao Fucai leaned back in his chair, hugged his hands and looked at Zhou Chen lightly, saying, "Do you know who I am?"

His arrogant appearance made Zhou Chen a little upset. No matter who you are, you are not qualified to say such things in front of me.

Don't say it's Liang Jingru. Even if singers and entertainment stars from all over the world are added together, they can't give you the courage.

"Do you know who I am?"

Kind to remind you, don't you believe it? If you didn't take care of my business indirectly, I wouldn't bother to tell you this.

Xiao Fucai, who has been in business for many years, was dumbfounded for a moment. Is this young man so angry?

"Ha ha," the salesman from other places smiled, "President Xiao, do all your kids know this?"

Zhou Chen recognized the taunt in that remark, and he shook his head. He didn't listen to the mountain people. If you suffer, I will do my best.

Xiao Fucai was stunned again, because Zhou Chen seemed really determined, and didn't bother to talk with those ignorant people.

This matter is of great importance, because his company mainly exports to Europe. Since he officially joined the WTO at the end of 2001, he has had several friends who have started a company. Because of the anti-dumping initiated by the EU, it has become worse than before, and even bankrupt. He wants to order more steel, and he also has the idea of making more money while the good days are no longer ahead.

"Wait a minute, little brother." He stood up. "Here is my card. Can we talk about this?"

Zhou Chen picked it up without looking. I don't want to leave my QQ to you.

Not because you are an uncle, but because you tell you something else, can you still give me information fee?

When he came to the door, he could still hear the laughter from behind, "Oh, even this matter, the children here seem to be more powerful than President Xiao, the vice president of the Fastener Association of the city."

Zhou Chen heard clearly that he was the vice president of Fastener Association. So what?

Even if you are the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, or even the head of the Ministry of Commerce, then what?

Do you know who I am?

"Young people nowadays are fierce and have a good temper." Xiao Fucai looked at Zhou Chen's back and thought about the idea he had just given to the restaurant proprietress. It seems reasonable?

This guy is a bit crazy, but he seems really unusual.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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