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Chapter 1 Rebirth

When Su Xia woke up, she felt like there were eighteen bronze men playing drums in her head, and the pain was about to explode.

Countless strange memory images have emerged in my mind, and all kinds of complex emotions, sweet, bitter and hot, have passed through my mind. But in a short moment, she seems to have lived through several years as a stranger.

She thought everything was just a dream, but when she opened her eyes, she found that it was not a dream.


It should be afternoon now, and the strong sunlight shines in from the window across the bed, and the stinging person cannot open his eyes.

Su Xia narrowed her eyes and blocked it with her hand. After shaking her head for a while, she began to slowly survey her current environment.

Above the head is a low old roof, surrounded by mottled mud walls. The furnishings in the house are old and simple. Everything is so familiar and strange——

If there is no extra memory in the brain.

Su Xia thought for a moment. According to his own way of dying with his head facing the ground, he should be in the Hall of Hell at the moment.

But the truth is not.

Instead of dying, she came back to life, just becoming another person.

According to the memory in her head, she should have come to a country that never existed in history, called Tianyuan Kingdom, and her body now is Su Xia, the daughter of the second son of Su Family in Dashan Village of Tianyuan Kingdom, the same as her previous name.

But what makes her different from Su Xia here is their life experiences.

In her previous life, her parents divorced when she was young, and she has been living in a boarding school since junior high school. When it comes to weekends or holidays, she lives in a small room rented for her by her parents near the school, and the rent is paid by them in turn.

This situation lasted until she graduated from high school. Her parents refused to spend another penny for her because she was an adult. Fortunately, she had already started working to earn money during the holiday, so when the day came, Su Xia was not sad, but had a sense of sureness that her expectations were finally realized.

Since then, Su Xia has continued to live a life of her own until she graduated from work and came here unexpectedly.

In this time and space, Su Xia seems to have no better experience than her.

Her mother died early, and her father was not loved by her parents since childhood. After Su Xia's mother died, she was directly separated from the Su family's old house, and took Su Xia with her.

Until last year, seeing Su Xia growing up day by day, Su's father, after all kinds of consideration, finally relaxed and married a new wife with the help of a fellow villager. With this wife, there were also her children, Su Xia's stepsister and stepbrother.

However, according to Su Xia's existing memory, after these people came to Su's house, Su Xia's relationship with them has been quite stiff, and the relationship with her father has also been getting worse and worse.

Su Xia couldn't help sighing when she thought of this.

According to the information she has learned, the reason why the original owner's relationship with these people at home is stiff is not because of how bad they are, but because she always feels that they have become the one who has been added since the addition of these people at home.

In fact, she can also understand that no matter where she went after her previous parents remarried, she felt like she was the one who came out of the family. Based on this mentality, how could she get along well.

Fortunately, she was not able to deal with this "complicated" family relationship. From this point of view, the original owner's behavior has reduced a lot of trouble for her to get along with this family in the future.

While Su Xia was sorting out all kinds of confused information, he heard a sound of approaching footsteps coming from outside the house.

Su Xia immediately stopped thinking and listened.

"Daughter, are you awake? Father came in?"

With the sound of a deep male voice, the door of the hut was slowly pushed open. Su Xia looked at the door according to the voice, and saw a tall and thin man come in.

This should be the original father Suning Mountain. According to the memory in her head and the name of "girl" just now, Su Xia secretly determined the identity of the visitor in her heart.

"How do you feel today? Is your head still sore?" Suningshan looked at Su Xia who was lying on the bed, asked with concern, and walked to the bed.

After hearing this, Su Xia suddenly remembered that the original owner accidentally fell down from the cliff a few days ago and hit his head. Although the wounds on his head and body were almost healed after treatment, he had a high fever all the time.

Thinking of the way she died when she hit her head earlier, I think this may be one of the reasons why she came here.

Thinking about this, Su Xia shook his head slowly and said, "I feel much better. My head is no longer painful."

"That's good, that's good." Suning Mountain gave a long sigh of relief, pulled the chair by the window, sat down, and said to Su Xia's language center of gravity, "You've been sick for a few days, but you've scared the family very much. After you get better this time, you don't dare to mess around any more, do you hear?"

Thinking of the reason why the original owner ran up the mountain, Su Xia nodded silently.

At any rate, she was a 14-year-old girl, but she ran up the mountain because she had a quarrel with her family members, and finally lost her life accidentally. It was really a bit of mischief.

However, Su Xia's obedience obviously made Su Ningshan, who had been used to seeing her cold face for more than a year, a little uncomfortable.

Just because of a father's concern, he couldn't help saying, "Dad knows that you hate Dad and don't like your Aunt Han all the time, but no matter what, you can't make fun of your own body, you know? Dad is only your own daughter. If something happens to you, how can you let your father and I live?"

As he spoke, it seemed that Su Ningshan's voice was choked and hoarse when he thought of his daughter lying in bed a few days ago, covered with blood and unconscious.

How could Su Xia see this? The calm on her face suddenly couldn't hold, and she hurriedly said: "I promise I won't. I will protect myself well in the future, and I will never take risks easily. Then, don't... don't cry." Su Xia almost said the last few words in a breath tone, and no one could hear them except her.

Suning Mountain didn't hear it either, but fortunately, he soon realized that he had misbehaved in front of his daughter, so he lowered his head and quickly wiped his face with his hands, and then raised his head and said, "Alas, it's not my father. You have just recovered from a serious illness and are still weak. My father shouldn't tell you this."

After saying that, he stood up again and said, "Now that you are awake, why don't you go out for dinner with everyone? You have been sleeping with a high fever these days, and everyone in my family is worried about you."

After saying that, Suning Mountain looked at his daughter's face with some care, for fear that Su Xia would start to be unhappy after hearing his words.

Fortunately, Su Xia is not the same now. After listening to him, he just thought for a second and nodded directly, "OK."

Suning Mountain smiled at the words, nodded repeatedly and went out of Su Xia's room laughing.

Copyright: Start Girls Network

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