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Chapter 1 Name of XI

"Tanghulu~Sweet and Sour Tanghulu~"

The sound came into the street with the lane, and was heard everywhere.

This is the courtyard. There is only one street door outside. Close the door and come from Chengtiandi. The creaking doors and the cellophane windows are bright from the inside and dark from the outside. Green bricks and white tiles, bare branches in the central courtyard, and rocking chairs falling snow are all quietly praising the beauty of the ice and snow.

This is BJ's winter.

This is the place where we live.

The original name of the National Day was Gu Shiyi, because he was born on October 1. As a special police officer, his father named his daughter Gu Shiyi.

Gu Weilong, the father of the National Day holiday, is a special police officer and a man. He once participated in the "Hunter School" in Venezuela, South America, and received the Hunter Medal awarded by the Venezuelan Defense Minister in person from numerous difficulties. Gu Weilong has been in the police for more than 30 years and has arrested many criminals in major cases, including gambling, homicide, transnational transactions, etc. These prisoners are outlaws. During the process of arrest, they are constantly fighting and fighting to the death. Gu Weilong, the leader of the first special police team, is naturally the first to bear the brunt. After catching the prisoners, some families or younger brothers of extreme criminals will come to retaliate and kidnap them.

When Gu was 16 years old, it was a hot summer evening. He was walking home with his army green canvas backpack and milk flavored ice-cream in his hand. On the way home, we had to pass through an alley with roof. In order to prevent rain from falling on the top of pedestrians, it was sealed. The alley was also dark during the day, and at night, it was invisible.

Suddenly, a black shadow covered the mouth and nose of the eleven from behind to avoid her voice, dragged her onto a tricycle, and ordered the other to say, "Go!".

This alley has restored harmony and beauty, as if nothing had happened just now.

As the night went on, Jun Lan, the mother of the National Day, was a little worried. After all, the National Day was a obedient and sensible child, and would not stay on the road for too long. Jun Lan called Gu Weilong and said, "I went to see you on the eleventh day. Why haven't I gone home yet?"

Gu Weilong laughed and said, "Maybe he ate a lot of snacks on the way. Don't worry. The boy is smart and follows me!"

Jun Lan was also amused by Gu Weilong's words: "You are narcissistic! Are you on duty tonight? Do you want to come back for dinner?"

Gu Weilong was about to say that when the alarm rang outside, he hurriedly said to the other end of the phone: "Another task is coming!" Jun Lan was worried and had to say: "Be careful."

In the police car, Gu Weilong explained the development of the case to the team members. He learned little information, except that a girl had been kidnapped.

I drove very fast. I arrived at the kidnapping scene in about three minutes. The scene is in an empty residential building, where no one has lived for a long time. To put it bluntly, it is a building built by steel. Gu Weilong and his team members arrived at the scene and listened to the police and colleagues explain the situation at the scene: "The scene was extremely chaotic, and the number of kidnappers could not be determined, but it can be seen that the kidnappers were very calm, which caused great problems for us to carry out psychological attack. In addition, the kidnappers called the police station, specifically explaining that Gu Weilong was required to be present."

After saying this, Gu Weilong felt a bad premonition, but he didn't know where it came from.

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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