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Chapter 1 Hello Zhang Junze

As a novelist, I am used to writing about rebirth. What should I do when I find myself reborn one day?

At present, Zhang Junze is facing this problem.

Rebirth is not terrible, it can make up for regret and improve life.

However, the dimension of rebirth seems to have some deviation.

This is still the earth.

But the things around us are totally different.

This is more like a parallel space. Everything in the original space is not connected here, which surprises him and makes him panic.

Looking in the mirror, it looks a little tender and handsome.

Show a smile.

Hello, Zhang Junze.


Jiangcheng High School.

In the classroom, the students are bustling.

Zhang Junze sat there like an old monk in meditation.

The noise around has nothing to do with him.

After a short memory reception, he has a general understanding of this new identity.

Both parents are ordinary workers, and there is a younger sister below.

Ordinary family background.

Talent is not strong.

Looking up, on the blackboard was written the words "one hundred days" from the college entrance examination.

He didn't care much about these things.

He now needs to make a plan for his life.

Since we are born again, we should live a wonderful life.

How about writing a novel first?

Although writing novels is a way of no return, there is no other way now.

The most important thing is to make your own pockets bulge.

Dong Xue looks at Zhang Junze and feels very strange.

Zhang Junze will find all kinds of reasons to chat with himself. What happened today?

Why didn't anything happen?

When I think of this, I pout.

Hum hum, it's white not to speak to me. Well, I won't speak to you either.

The bell rings for class, and everyone is listening carefully.

Mr. Sun was doing a simulation analysis, and was in high spirits when he found that there was someone wandering below.

This made him very angry.

"Zhang Junze, come up and solve this problem."

When Zhang Junze heard someone shouting, he stood up slowly, confused.

People around saw his appearance and snickered.

Dong Xue was very angry when he saw this guy, and was ready to give him an answer.

But found that this guy did not pay any attention to himself.

"Teacher, don't give me such a simple question."


Mr. Sun looked at Zhang Junze as if he saw a monster.

"You said the question was simple. Please tell me why you got 39 points?"

Zhang Junze did not expect that the original host was so arrogant that he could score 39 points.

Ma Dan, even if you close your eyes and blind, there are more than these points.

He was speechless, shook his head and walked towards the platform.

The students looked at him in surprise.

Is Zhang Junze really going to solve the problem?

Take out the chalk and write on the blackboard.

Mr. Sun looked at the handwriting and saw a little light because it was very good.

However, he still did not believe that Zhang Junze would solve this problem.

Tata Tata.

The chalk was quickly knocked, and the biggest question on the test paper was solved in less than a minute.

The main answer is right.

This is even more shocking.

Mr. Sun's head is muddled. He is a little confused now.

Since I can now, why do most of the test papers come in empty?

Back at his seat, Zhang Junze grinned and showed his little tiger teeth. "Teacher, do you think I came to school for fun?"

"During the exam, it just happened that the pen ran out of oil? Haven't you noticed that all the questions I did were right?"

Mr. Sun Ye was depressed when he was repeatedly questioned.

"Hum hum, who knows if you got the answer after the event? If you have the ability to simulate next time, you can give me a good score."

"No problem."

He said with a smile.

He showed great confidence.

I'm joking. Although he didn't go to a famous university in his previous life, he did a lot of research on mathematics.

If you can't even do high school math, you can't do it.

People around looked at Zhang Junze and were shocked.

In everyone's memory, Zhang Junze's academic achievements have always been in the middle and lower reaches.

What's going on today?

Not only refute Mr. Sun, but also show a little skill.

Is it true that, as he said, he just ran out of oil?

Dong Xue sat beside Zhang Junze and wrote on the small note: "Zhang Junze, why didn't you find it before? You can pretend like this?"

When he saw the note, he noticed the little beauty around him.

Wearing ponytails, she is graceful and graceful.

The skin is very good, like suet jade.

When he looked at him, his cheeks were flushed.

"What I said is true, but I don't believe it."

He wrote stubbornly, without reason, and continued to fall into meditation.

But this time he learned to be smart, and even though he pondered, his eyes also stared at Mr. Sun.

Even Mr. Sun Ye wanted to remind Zhang Junze several times because he found that the child had been staring at himself.

Seeing this, he felt uneasy.

Does the child have a problem with xing orientation?

Holding back the goose bumps, I hurried out when the bell rang.

Zhang Junze, who was still in deep thought, was suddenly photographed.

"Junze, Niubai, when did you have such a hand?"

Looking at the chubby young man in front of him, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

After meditating for a few seconds, the information about the other party is waking up little by little.

Fang Zhou, the standard fat man.

The current weight is at least 200 jin.

My family runs a pig farm, because they don't lack meat, so they raise a lot of fat.

Zhang Junze said with a smile: "Fatty Fang, you are a long meat, I am a long brain, we are not the same level."

The girls giggled when they heard this.

Fang Zhou said angrily, "Junze, we don't take this. I treat you as my brother, but you treat me as a tool for fun."

"What's wrong with happiness tools? At least they are useful. If you can't even count as happiness tools, what's your use?"

"I can't sell you as a pig."

"Damn it."

Looking at Zhang Junze, Fang Zhou was surprised.

They are iron brothers. Zhang Junze used to talk a lot, but today he talks several times more than usual.

He put his arm around Zhang Junze's shoulder and said, "Hey, hey, what are you happy about today, buddy?"

"Tell your brother that Dong Xue promised to be your girlfriend, right?"

Then he squeezed his eyes.

Dong Xue was very close to them. Hearing this, her cheeks were flushed and her almond eyes stared at Fang Zhou.

But before she could speak, Zhang Junze said first, "You son, you can't spit ivory out of a pig's mouth. Do I need a reason to be happy?"

He touched his belt, lifted his pants naturally and said, "Go to the toilet."

Fang Zhou laughed and said, "Brothers, did anyone go to the toilet?"

Fang Zhou shouted, and few boys who wanted to go followed him out.

Dong Xue looks at Zhang Junze with surprise.

Zhang Junze's contrast is too big.

Just now, there was silence like gold.

In the next second, it will become a chatterbox.

Is there really anything happy?

She didn't understand and decided to wait until Zhang Junze came back to ask again.

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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