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Chapter 1 Power Lock

For ordinary people, every minute counts! Because they will grow old with the passage of time! Even death!

However, time is meaningless for a person! Because they can enter the eternal cycle! They are super beast soldiers!

——Baixi Street, Taohualin

"Another hundred thousand years have passed!" It was an old turtle who spoke!

The heavy tortoise shell was on his back, with a crutch in his right hand, and the other hand was touching his long white beard! It seems that I have seen through the world, and I seem to be sighing something.

The place where the old man Xuangui lives is covered with luxuriant trees and the breeze blows! Peach blossom leaves slowly fall down! What a beautiful scene!

Not far from the old Xuangui, there was a sound of fist bags falling! However, it is not the sound of wind blowing, but man-made!

It turned out that a beautiful girl was practicing Kung Fu! The girl has light pink hair!

A small green basket hairband technique started her hair tail, making it more convenient for girls to practice kungfu! There is a diamond mark on her forehead, which makes her look more mysterious and charming!

"Ha!" The girl came to kick her legs in the air cleanly and then made a standard horse stance.

"Hmm!" Old man Xuangui came in from the bamboo door and nodded his head to show his satisfaction.

"The horse step is steady, I think it's time for you." The girl was very happy when she heard the old man's voice. The originally calm face finally had a smile, which was as bright as the sun.

"Master, here you are!" The girl stopped practicing Kung Fu, and old man Xuangui suddenly had something in his hand!

"Well, it's time to return the things to their original owners!" Old Xuangui handed the girl the things in his hand.

"Master, what is this?" The girl was playing with the pink item. There was a small phoenix mark on it. The only phoenix eye was a bright spot!

"This is a power lock, which can greatly increase the power in your body!"

The old man Xuangui hasn't finished talking! The girl put the power lock on her right hand!

The phoenix's eyes also shine for a moment! Somehow, she suddenly felt that she was familiar with this thing, as if it belonged to her originally.

The girl opened the power cover and pressed a few buttons on it, suddenly feeling that her body was full of power!

"Armed!" The girl's body was emitting pink light, which was very dazzling and psychedelic. Soon, a suit of armor appeared around her, as if it was tailored for her. It was not big or small, and it was very suitable.

Her arms, thighs and body were covered with a suit of armor, but she did not feel any discomfort, as if this suit of armor was the hands and feet that grew on her body.

"Master! I feel my whole body is full of power!" The girl's temperament suddenly changed!

The girl punches with both fists, and her fists rise and fall! When her fists flew in front of the air, she immediately opened her hands! Cover the front side to finish a perfect horse stance, and put your hands back and forth to stop your kung fu! Peach blossom leaves also fall on the ground!

"I think my fists and my feet are more powerful! What a powerful power lock!"

After a period of kung fu, a pink ball shaped dot unexpectedly appeared in the girl's hand, which flashed! The girl threw it into the sky!

"Super beast armed!" The girl shouted loudly!

"What?" The old man was surprised at the girl's action! And the girl suddenly felt the whole body burning!

She felt that she was not under her control. She felt like a device that was about to be detonated!

"Ah!" The pain made the girl unable to control her movements, and she felt that she was going to be unable to support it!

A crutch touched the girl's back at this time! The girl was about to explode and finally calmed down.

"Tianyu, are you in a hurry? Be calm when practicing martial arts." Laotse Xuangui spoke slowly and calmed the girl down!

"Master, why is this? I have practiced for 18 years. Why can't I control myself well?" The girl called Tianyu Earth could not help asking the old Xuangui.

"Because, you don't belong to the earth, and the black hole is your home. Only there can you really feel like a fish in water." Old man Xuangui answered the girl's question, but the girl still didn't seem to understand.

"Master, what are you talking about? I can't understand it!"

"One day, you will understand!" The old man did not continue this question. The girl was about to ask, but she heard the sound of the fence falling down nearby, "Master, what happened?"

"One hundred thousand years ago, it's time to come! Tianyu, go out and stop them!" The old man Xuangui was not surprised by the sound of the fence falling down, as if everything was in his expectation! "Okay, Master!"

"Feng Yu flashed!" Tianyu pressed a few special buttons of the power lock, and a pink flashed suddenly came to her with light!

She didn't know why it was so, but it was so familiar to her!

The girl jumped into the air and sat steadily on her Fengyu's gallop. Holding the handle of the car, she started the engine and disappeared in front of the old black turtle with a swish!

From a distance, others can only see a small light shining.

The impact of the car shocked those who wore black armor. Of course, there were still some people standing safe and sound without being impacted!

The girl also jumped off the car! Press several keys of the power lock again, and the girl's flash will disappear.

"Who are you? Why destroy this peach blossom forest!" The girl posed for battle!

"Hum! Who are we? You don't need to know, you just need to ask your master to come out!" A man in silver armor said to the girl.

"Impossible!" The girl didn't give the silver armor man any room to discuss!

"Don't toast, don't eat, don't punish, and don't kneel down and cry to beg me later!" The silver armor man said to the girl with a very contemptuous tone! "Really? Let's see who will kneel down later!" The girl refused to be outdone!

The silver armor man took the lead and kicked the girl without stopping his fist, hitting her waist!

However, the girl will not let him succeed so easily!

At the moment when the armor man kicked the girl, the girl's left leg arched in front of her, blocking the armor man's attack. At the same time, her left hand also held the silver armor man's fist. With this momentary collision force, the girl also took the opportunity to throw the armor man's leg to the ground!

"Now, it seems that you are kneeling down to beg me!" The girl stepped on the back of the armored man!

"Say, who are you?!" The girl was about to give another blow to the silver armor man, and the armor man disappeared!

"This, how is it possible?!" The girl felt very strange! With the disappearance of the silver armor man, other insignificant minions also disappeared!

"The phoenix feather flickers!" The most urgent thing is to tell Shifu about this strange phenomenon!

The girl felt that something big was going to happen! Shanchi also appeared in front of the girl again. With a buckle on her leg ring, the girl rode Shanchi back to her residence in Peach Blossom Street!

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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