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Chapter 1 Event Initiation

In 1512, twelve years after the beginning of the Great Navigation Age.

West Sea, an unknown sea area.

Of course, the so-called unknown sea area is also for ordinary people. As for other people, whether they are navy or pirate, they are very clear about this sea area.

Croboson Island, a pirate paradise. The navy will not manage, and civilians will not come.

The whole island, or the entire Krobosen sea area, is full of pirate characteristics. Fighting, killing, alliance, betrayal, fraud, various indescribable transactions

But there are also brave bounty hunters who are not afraid of death.

However, there are some abnormalities in today's Krumson Island. Without the noise of the past, almost all pirates or bounty hunters disguised as pirates are quietly looking at their newspapers.

They read a newspaper called "The Great Events of the West Sea", which only publishes news related to the West Sea, whether it is naval news, or pirate news, bounty hunter news, noble news, merchant news, or civilian news.

As for the news about the Great Route and the world government, that is the coverage of the World Economic News.

"Cough... cough... cough, cough, cough..."

Old Tom's Bar in the center of Croboson Island. After reading the newspaper in his hand, a fierce, bald faced pirate and pirate with scar on his cheek tried to smile to ease his mood, but he choked on his saliva and coughed loudly.

The cough of the skinhead, scarred face and pirate seemed to turn on some switch, which began to spread from the old Tom's Bar, and the whole island fell into the uproar again.

"Are you kidding me?!!!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"How could there be such a powerful existence in the West Sea?!"

"Monster! It's a monster!"

"Why don't such people go to the Great Route?!"

"Yes, yes! The pirate king or something should be the pursuit of such people? Why should they stay in the West Sea?!"


"Damn it! What do those sailors do for food?"

"That's right! Those damned navies were so energetic when they chased us. Why can't they be seen now?!"


The reason why this group of pirates and bounty hunters are so frightened is because of a big event that happened yesterday reported in the West Sea Event.

The captain "Blood Tooth" Boris of the Blood Tooth Pirates Brigade of Bailey, who offered a reward of 97 million yuan, and the whole staff of the Blood Tooth Pirates Brigade, 197 people.

A reward of 84 million yuan was offered to the captain of the pirate group "Crazy" Qiluofu, and 438 members of the pirate group.

The captain of the Ghost Hand pirate group, "Ghost Hand" House Hand, and 131 members of the Ghost Hand pirate group offered a reward of 88 million Bailey.

Angel Clarkloss, the captain of the Hell Pirates with a reward of 93 million Bailey, and 354 members of the Hell Pirates.

The four pirate groups have a total of 1120 people, and the total reward for all the members of the four pirate groups, including the captain, exceeds 400 million bailies.

There are also 73 bounty hunters, all of whom are famous in the West Sea. The weakest of them have caught the pirate with a reward of 20 million Bailey.

In addition to the pirate and pirate hunters, there are also 3000 naval soldiers, a major general of the naval division, three colonels of the naval division, 17 lieutenants of the naval division, and 28 majors of the naval division. There are 185 captains, lieutenants and second lieutenants in total.

The number of these sailors, pirates and bounty hunters is the number of deaths reported yesterday in today's West Sea Incident.

Yesterday, for some "special" reasons, these navy, pirate and pirate hunters successively arrived at an island named Leander. The four pirate groups were the first to arrive. Only after the bounty hunters arrived alone or in groups, did the navy "arrive late".

However, when the navy arrived, a golden spherical light curtain shrouded the whole island. People inside the light curtain cannot come out, and people outside the light curtain cannot see the situation inside the light curtain.

Four hours later, the golden light curtain disappeared. A frightening picture was shown in front of people.

There are 4427 crosses standing at the landing port of Lyonde Island, each with a person tied to it. 4427 people, which is just the total number of pirate, navy and bounty hunters who entered Lyonde Island before.

The most frightening thing is that there is such a big thing happening on Lyondee Island, but the residents of the island are unaware of it. According to the investigation after the event, at the moment when the golden spherical light curtain appeared, the residents on the Lyonde Island fell into a coma.

No one knows what happened in the four hours when Lyonde Island was shrouded in a golden sphere of light.

There are three unsolved mysteries in the whole "Liande Event".

Because of what? How? Who did it?

Of course, with the "Great Riande Incident" published in the newspaper, we exchanged information with each other. At least we knew why the navy, pirates and bounty hunters appeared in Riande Island at the same time.

The four pirate groups received a piece of broken rubbings of historical texts and the news of Nicole Robin.

The bounty hunters received information about Nicole Robin, a picture and the items in the picture. The content was one of the 12 techniques of the supreme big fast knife, the curtain blade big bay straight word, the heart knife bright.

The Navy received three messages, one about Nicole Robin, one about a natural demon fruit, and one about the West Sea Pirates who were undercover in the Navy. Of course, the information about part of the spies of the West Sea Pirates in the Navy was sent to the 27th branch of the West Sea Navy with the three messages.

The bait, together with the big cake clearly visible, led to the Navy, the Pirates, and the bounty hunters gathering on Lyonde Island.

As a result, the Li Ande event is a proof.

While the pirates and bounty hunters on the island of Krubossen were talking about it, the Headquarters of the Navy was also holding a meeting on the "Great Leander Event".

Naval Headquarters, Marinfando, Conference Room.

"Let's talk about it all. What do you think of the" Great Ri'and Incident "that took place in the West Sea yesterday?" The admiral, Buddha Warring States, looked at the document in his hand, and his face was livid. The death of more than 3000 naval generals, schools and soldiers made the Warring States receiving the news very angry.

"According to the comprehensive news, whether we or the pirate or the bounty hunter, there is a common message in the news we have received." The speaker was Lieutenant General of the Navy Headquarters, Dougou, and Doberman.

"Nicole Robin." The person who answered the call was also a flying squirrel, a lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters.

As soon as the word of the flying squirrel came off, almost everyone in the meeting room looked at a tall, thin man who was sleeping with an eye mask.

It seemed that he felt everyone's eyes. The tall and thin man took off his blindfold, opened his eyes, looked at the people in the conference room, and said, "What are you looking at me for?"

"Cough, cough," after hearing what the Green Pheasant said, the Warring States Period saw Red Dog Sakaski want to say something, and immediately coughed, attracting the attention of the naval generals present

As he spoke, he looked at the generals and lieutenants in front of him.

"Before you came, I checked the information. Most of these people were related to Nicole Robin or the O'Hara incident."

"The pirate group and the ghost pirate group started to hunt Nicole Robin as soon as possible after the O'Hara incident."

"The Blood Tooth Pirates and the Hell Pirates are allies. The two Pirates once slaughtered an entire town to capture Nicole Robin."

"As for these bounty hunters, they were all the people who once hunted Nicole Robin. As for the process of hunting Nicole Robin, there were many people who 'accidentally injured'."

"And the sailors who died..."

Speaking of this, the Warring States hesitated for a moment, but continued to speak.

"They also participated in the O'Hara incident," said the Warring States, looking at Sakaski and Kuzan


As the voice of the Warring States Period dropped, the generals in the conference room did not know what to say.

Many people knew that Nicole Robin was released by the Green Pheasant in the O'Hara incident. But almost no one takes this matter to heart. An eight year old girl, with a reward of 79 million Bailey, would be good if she could survive. What else would she like to do?

However, after listening to the words of the Marshal during the Warring States Period, I picked up the information in front of me and looked at it carefully.

Suddenly, there was only one idea——


In four hours, more than 4400 people were killed without destroying any buildings. Is Nicole Robin so cruel now?

"Nicole Robin!!! Damn it!!!"

Sakaski roared, looked at Kuzan angrily, and was about to say something when he was interrupted by a female voice.

Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Peach Rabbit.

"Look at the wounds on these people," Peach Rabbit said with a puzzled look, holding the photo from the West Sea Naval Division. "Am I wrong? You have a look."

After hearing Tao Tu's words, the naval generals in the conference room, including the Marshal Warring States, looked at the photos in their hands again, and this time they focused on the wounds of the characters in the photos.

"Hmm? This is... Zefa, Karp!"

The Warring States did not pay attention before Peach Rabbit spoke. Now, after carefully watching, the Warring States could not help looking at Zefa and Kapu, looking serious.

"Point at the gun!"

"Lan Jiao!"

Karp and Zefa spoke at the same time and said two surprising moves.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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