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Chapter 1 The only chapter

Because the site was changed suddenly. This book has been changed to a new pit. It was first launched and renamed "The Resource Boss of the Pirate King"

The following is nonsense

"About seedling cultivation techniques

The first is seed pretreatment:

First, dry the seeds 2-3 days before sowing, spread the seeds to a thickness of 3-5 cm, and turn them over several times a day to ensure that the seeds are evenly dried. When the sun is strong and the temperature is high, the number of seed turning should be increased to avoid not turning the seeds for a long time, which will cause the seeds to burn at high temperature and reduce the germination rate.

Then select seeds, select the blighted grains, broken grains, worm grains and grass seeds, and select the large and mature seeds. The seed selection includes salt water selection and yellow mud water selection. Salt water selection is to use a vat or large basin to put water and salt into the water. Mix well while putting salt. Take an egg and put it in the prepared salt water. When half of the egg is in the water and the other half is on the water, the concentration is just right. Don't put any more salt.

The selected seeds shall be soaked with seed soaking agent such as 100 grams. If not, you can use other products. When buying medicine, ask the drug seller which one is good, or ask more about what kind of medicine people around you use. Seed disinfection is to prevent rice seedlings from getting bakanae, rice blast and damping off disease.

Finally, uneven germination is related to temperature. The minimum temperature for germination is 10 ℃, the maximum temperature is 40-42 ℃, and the most appropriate temperature is 28-32 ℃. Under the condition of 32 ℃, the seeds germinate most quickly and completely. Therefore, after the seeds are soaked, use water of 47-48 ℃ for a while, and then keep the constant temperature of 32 ℃ for germination. The bud should not be too long, and it is best to make the bud 1 cm long to be white and uniform on the whole, otherwise the bud is easy to suffer from bakanae.

The second is to select appropriate environmental conditions

First, we need to pay attention to the weather. When the local temperature is kept at 5-6 ℃, we can start to breed seedlings. The seedling tray shall be watered thoroughly before sowing, and the sowing shall be as uniform as possible. The covering soil shall be 0.5-1.0 cm, and shall not be too thin or too thick. If the temperature at the time of sowing is lower than 5 ℃, bamboo shall be used to support the arch in the shed, and a layer of film shall be added on the plastic film in the shed, which shall be covered with three films to increase the heat preservation effect.

Secondly, attention should be paid to coordinating the relationship between oxygen, water and temperature during seedling management, which is the key technology for dry breeding and seedling strengthening of rice. The first is to prevent the breeding of weak seedlings due to high temperature in the shed, the second is to prevent the breeding of small and old seedlings due to low temperature and water shortage, and the third is to prevent the sudden high and low temperature from causing damping off and causing dead seedlings.

The first point is that the temperature condition is cool during the week from sowing to emergence. The large and medium-sized sheds are mainly sealed and insulated, and attention shall be paid not to bring cool air in and out.

Second, water management should try to extend the first and second watering time, that is, after the seedlings come out, do not water first, and then water the first time when the soil in the seedbed is hard by hand. After watering, water again when the bed soil is very dry.

The third point is to ventilate and refine seedlings when the seedlings are half a leaf, so as to prevent overgrowth. Generally, as the seedlings get bigger and the weather gets warmer, the ventilation time is gradually extended and the vent is enlarged.

The fourth point is seedling disease prevention. It is an important time to prevent seedlings from getting sick when the seedlings have 1 half leaf to 2 half leaves. It is necessary to focus on the prevention of green withering and damping off.

Fifthly, after fertilizing two and a half leaves of rice at seedling stage, it is easy to be short of fertilizer, and the leaves of rice seedlings will generally turn yellow and not so green. At this time, pay attention to fertilizing once, 10 grams of urea/square meter. About 5 days before transplanting, the fertilizer should be sent back, and 5-10g urea or 50-100g ammonium sulfate should be applied per square meter.

Finally, about Honda management.

First of all, manure and fertilizer should be applied together, and topdressing should be combined with foliar spraying. The key point of fertilization is to apply less nitrogen fertilizer and more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer should be applied earlier and more times, depending on the seedlings, and should not be applied too much at one time. In case of cold weather in the middle and later stages, foliar fertilizers such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate and Yunda 120 can be sprayed on the leaves to promote growth and improve the cold resistance of rice plants.

Tiller fertilizer shall be applied twice. The first tillering fertilizer shall be applied with half of the total amount of tillering fertilizer immediately after returning to green, and no more than 6 leaves at the latest, so as to promote tillering to come out early and grow quickly; When the tip of the seventh leaf is exposed to the eighth leaf, the rest of the tillering fertilizer is used as the regulating fertilizer, that is, the second tillering fertilizer.

When ear fertilizer grows 10 leaves, young ears begin to differentiate and ear fertilizer is applied. Ear fertilizer shall be applied twice. For the first time, 60% of the total amount of panicle fertilizer was applied when the last three leaves just grew up to promote the differentiation of panicles, branches and primary spikelets, increase the number of primary branches and strive for large panicles; For the second time, the rest spike fertilizer was applied when the tip of the flag leaf was exposed.

Secondly, water-saving irrigation water layer management should meet the requirements of "root strengthening, warming, ventilation, water-saving" and other requirements to promote growth.

Shallow water promotion: when transplanting, keep the flowers in the pool to reach the water level. After transplanting, keep 2/3 of the height of the seedlings in the water layer. Raise the seedlings and turn green. After turning green, keep the water layer 3.3cm, which can increase the water temperature to promote more tillering. After the 10 leaf period, the wet irrigation method of dry, wet and wet is adopted, that is, water is stopped after watering once, and water is released after the water is dry. 40 days before heading;

Roasted field, strong stems and big ears: when the number of stems in the field reaches 80% of the desired number of stems, the plots with overgrowth, early canopy, black leaves, drooping leaves, and no jointing yellow should be removed from the water and dried for 7 to 10 days, on the contrary, they should not be dried and should be submerged in deep water. The degree of drying the field is that the ground is white, there are small cracks, white roots can be seen on the pool surface, the color of the leaves is faded and straight, control the up and promote the down, and promote the strong pole;

Deep water tyre protection and shallow water grouting. When the weather forecast has a low temperature below 17 ℃, fill 15-20 cm deep water to protect the tire. In the rest of the time, intermittent irrigation with dry, wet and wet, mainly wet, shall be adopted to make the green stems mature. The irrigation shall be 4-5 cm each time, and the irrigation shall be carried out after natural fall. No water supply during the yellow ripening period. "

"Well, Baidu is really very detailed!

"About seedling cultivation techniques

The first is seed pretreatment:

First, dry the seeds 2-3 days before sowing, spread the seeds to a thickness of 3-5 cm, and turn them over several times a day to ensure that the seeds are evenly dried. When the sun is strong and the temperature is high, the number of seed turning should be increased to avoid not turning the seeds for a long time, which will cause the seeds to burn at high temperature and reduce the germination rate.

Then select seeds, select the blighted grains, broken grains, worm grains and grass seeds, and select the large and mature seeds. The seed selection includes salt water selection and yellow mud water selection. Salt water selection is to use a vat or large basin to put water and salt into the water. Mix well while putting salt. Take an egg and put it in the prepared salt water. When half of the egg is in the water and the other half is on the water, the concentration is just right. Don't put any more salt.

The selected seeds shall be soaked with seed soaking agent such as 100 grams. If not, you can use other products. When buying medicine, ask the drug seller which one is good, or ask more about what kind of medicine people around you use. Seed disinfection is to prevent rice seedlings from getting bakanae, rice blast and damping off disease.

Finally, uneven germination is related to temperature. The minimum temperature for germination is 10 ℃, the maximum temperature is 40-42 ℃, and the most appropriate temperature is 28-32 ℃. Under the condition of 32 ℃, the seeds germinate most quickly and completely. Therefore, after the seeds are soaked, use water of 47-48 ℃ for a while, and then keep the constant temperature of 32 ℃ for germination. The bud should not be too long, and it is best to make the bud 1 cm long to be white and uniform on the whole, otherwise the bud is easy to suffer from bakanae.

The second is to select appropriate environmental conditions

First, we need to pay attention to the weather. When the local temperature is kept at 5-6 ℃, we can start to breed seedlings. The seedling tray shall be watered thoroughly before sowing, and the sowing shall be as uniform as possible. The covering soil shall be 0.5-1.0 cm, and shall not be too thin or too thick. If the temperature at the time of sowing is lower than 5 ℃, bamboo shall be used to support the arch in the shed, and a layer of film shall be added on the plastic film in the shed, which shall be covered with three films to increase the heat preservation effect.

Secondly, attention should be paid to coordinating the relationship between oxygen, water and temperature during seedling management, which is the key technology for dry breeding and seedling strengthening of rice. The first is to prevent the breeding of weak seedlings due to high temperature in the shed, the second is to prevent the breeding of small and old seedlings due to low temperature and water shortage, and the third is to prevent the sudden high and low temperature from causing damping off and causing dead seedlings.

The first point is that the temperature condition is cool during the week from sowing to emergence. The large and medium-sized sheds are mainly sealed and insulated, and attention shall be paid not to bring cool air in and out.

Second, water management should try to extend the first and second watering time, that is, after the seedlings come out, do not water first, and then water the first time when the soil in the seedbed is hard by hand. After watering, water again when the bed soil is very dry.

The third point is to ventilate and refine seedlings when the seedlings are half a leaf, so as to prevent overgrowth. Generally, as the seedlings get bigger and the weather gets warmer, the ventilation time is gradually extended and the vent is enlarged.

The fourth point is seedling disease prevention. It is an important time to prevent seedlings from getting sick when the seedlings have 1 half leaf to 2 half leaves. It is necessary to focus on the prevention of green withering and damping off.

Fifthly, after fertilizing two and a half leaves of rice at seedling stage, it is easy to be short of fertilizer, and the leaves of rice seedlings will generally turn yellow and not so green. At this time, pay attention to fertilizing once, 10 grams of urea/square meter. About 5 days before transplanting, the fertilizer should be sent back, and 5-10g urea or 50-100g ammonium sulfate should be applied per square meter.

Finally, about Honda management.

First of all, manure and fertilizer should be applied together, and topdressing should be combined with foliar spraying. The key point of fertilization is to apply less nitrogen fertilizer and more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer should be applied earlier and more times, depending on the seedlings, and should not be applied too much at one time. In case of cold weather in the middle and later stages, foliar fertilizers such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate and Yunda 120 can be sprayed on the leaves to promote growth and improve the cold resistance of rice plants.

Tiller fertilizer shall be applied twice. The first tillering fertilizer shall be applied with half of the total amount of tillering fertilizer immediately after returning to green, and no more than 6 leaves at the latest, so as to promote tillering to come out early and grow quickly; When the tip of the seventh leaf of rice is exposed to the eighth leaf, use the remaining tillering fertilizer as the regulating fertilizer, that is, the second tillering fertilizer.

When ear fertilizer grows 10 leaves, young ears begin to differentiate and ear fertilizer is applied. Ear fertilizer shall be applied twice. For the first time, 60% of the total amount of panicle fertilizer was applied when the last three leaves just grew up to promote the differentiation of panicles, branches and primary spikelets, increase the number of primary branches and strive for large panicles; For the second time, the rest spike fertilizer was applied when the tip of the flag leaf was exposed.

Secondly, water-saving irrigation water layer management should meet the requirements of "root strengthening, warming, ventilation, water-saving" and other requirements to promote growth.

Shallow water promotion: when transplanting, keep the flowers in the pool to reach the water level. After transplanting, keep 2/3 of the height of the seedlings in the water layer. Raise the seedlings and turn green. After turning green, keep the water layer 3.3cm, which can increase the water temperature to promote more tillering. After the 10 leaf period, the wet irrigation method of dry, wet and wet is adopted, that is, water is stopped after watering once, and water is released after the water is dry. 40 days before heading;

Roasted field, strong stems and big ears: when the number of stems in the field reaches 80% of the desired number of stems, the plots with overgrowth, early canopy, black leaves, drooping leaves, and no jointing yellow should be removed from the water and dried for 7 to 10 days, on the contrary, they should not be dried and should be submerged in deep water. The degree of drying the field is that the ground is white, there are small cracks, white roots can be seen on the pool surface, the color of the leaves is faded and straight, control the up and promote the down, and promote the strong pole;

Deep water tyre protection and shallow water grouting. When the weather forecast has a low temperature below 17 ℃, fill 15-20 cm deep water to protect the tire. In the rest of the time, intermittent irrigation with dry, wet and wet, mainly wet, shall be adopted to make the green stems mature. The irrigation shall be 4-5 cm each time, and the irrigation shall be carried out after natural fall. No water supply during the yellow ripening period. "

"Well, Baidu is really very detailed!"

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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