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Chapter 1 Lose of Haoshuichuan

"The scenery of autumn coming from the frontier fortress is different, and the wild geese in Hengyang are not paying attention to it. The sound from all sides rises from the corner to the corner, and the long smoke and setting sun close the city alone. A cup of wine is ten thousand miles away from home, and there is no plan to return without swallowing. The Qiangguan is long and frosty, and people can't sleep. The general's white hair is attacking the tears of his husband." This well-known frontier fortress word, "Fisherman's Pride in Autumn", is no stranger to everyone, and it breaks the euphemism and implicit style of the early Song Dynasty, The content focuses on the limitation of children's customs. With a broad vision, a solemn and generous tone, and a sense of concern for the country and the people, it reflects the major issues related to the country and society in the ci, opening a new chapter of heroic poetry in the Song Dynasty. The author of this poem is Fan Wenzhenggong, Fan Zhongyan, who wrote the famous Yueyang Tower for thousands of years.

Fan Zhongyan was not only a famous litterateur, poet and thinker in the Northern Song Dynasty, but also an outstanding politician and strategist. In May of the first year of Qingli (1041), the minister of Huanqing Road was appointed by Longtuge, a straight scholar, and the Ministry of Household, Langzhongzhi, to supervise Qingzhou. At that time, there were many wars in the frontier. Li Yuanhao, a Dangxiang nationality in the Western Xia Dynasty, was eyeing the enemy and constantly invaded the central Shaanxi Plain. Fan Zhongyan put forward the strategy of "active defense", and built the famous Dashun City to resist the intrusion of the Western Xia Dynasty. This word was written in Dashun City.

After thousands of years of wind and rain erosion, the ruins of Dashun City are now clearly visible. Looking at the whole word, the artistic conception of the word is open and desolate, reflecting the scene that the author has heard, seen and experienced personally, and expressing the true feelings of the author and the soldiers guarding the border. Today, I can still feel the same feelings.

Back in 1040 BC, Li Yuanhao, a Western Xia militant, began to attack the frontier cities of the Northern Song Dynasty on a large scale. Qingzhou, as the frontier position of the Northern Song Dynasty, was the first to bear the brunt. This sudden change alarmed the Song court. The frontier, which has always been peaceful, is now troubled. Since the founding of the Song Dynasty, it has adopted a military deployment that is strong inside and weak outside. The border defense has not been repaired for seven years. The first war between the two sides ended with a disastrous defeat of the Song army. Most of the fortresses hundreds of miles away were looted or occupied by the Western Xia army.

At this time, Han Qi, the first deputy commander of Shaanxi Road Division, led the memorial to Bianliang and sent it to the emperor, Song Renzong, Zhao Zhen. In the memorial, Han Qi strongly recommended Fan Zhongyan, a close friend, as the deputy commander of Shaanxi Road, to cooperate with him in the border defense.

Han Qi and Fan Zhongyan are also old friends for many years. Although Han Qi is ten years younger than Fan, they share the same interests. Han Qi believed that Fan Zhongyan was a man of great talent. When the country was in danger, he would not care about the theory of "friends", and would use the life of the whole family as a guarantee for Fan Zhongyan, and solemnly proposed that his recommendation was purely for the country, not for the personal feelings of friends.

The Emperor Renzong of Song Dynasty is one of the few emperors in the history. He is the fourth emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty and the longest reigning emperor of the Song Dynasty. He has been in office for 42 years. The Song Dynasty was the most prosperous era of economy, culture and education in ancient Chinese history. Chen Yinke, a famous historian, said: "The culture of the Chinese nation has evolved for thousands of years, and has reached its zenith in the era of Zhao and Song." Chen Yinke said that the "era of Zhao and Song" of "zenith" mainly refers to the reign of Emperor Renzong of Song Dynasty.

Zhao Zhen, a Ming monarch, had special feelings for literati. Fan Zhongyan, as an outstanding person in the literary world of the Song Dynasty, also had outstanding military talents. Such talents are hard to find. Without thinking, Song Renzong issued a decree to appoint Fan Zhongyan as the deputy commander of Shaanxi Road.

Fan Zhongyan, who received the letter of appointment, traveled day and night to the Loess Plateau. As far as we can see, the desolate and barren loess plateau is in full swing, and the people are in dire straits. At this time, a cool wind came, blowing Fan Zhongyan's clothes. Sorrow arises spontaneously.

This is the second time he has come here. Before the Battle of Haoshuichuan, he personally went to the northwest front to conduct field research. According to the current situation of the national strength and military strength, he proposed the policy of "active defense". He opposed launching large-scale offensive wars in Xixia, and advocated training frontier troops to consolidate frontier defense and maintain lasting defense.

Standing at the head of the Loess Plateau, Fan Zhongyan, 54, felt depressed and helpless.

After losing the first battle, the Central Government discussed the military. The main battle faction and the defense faction argued endlessly. The Emperor Renzong was fearless and ignorant. Under the influence of the main battle faction's courtiers, he agreed with the main battle opinion reported by the Shaanxi Road Headquarters. Sadly, only a handful of courtiers disagreed with the rash attack, only Fan Zhongyan and Du Yan. For the sake of their own safety, there are many ministers in the court, so stand there. Xia Song, who was pacified by Shaanxi's strategy, had the same military thought as Fan Zhongyan at the beginning, both advocating active defense. Unexpectedly, Xia Song immediately became an inveterate attacker after seeing the trend change. In such a situation of wide differences in opinion, Fan Zhongyan said danger alone, and the results can be imagined.

His thoughts returned to the previous day's account. The discussion in this account has sown disaster for the battle of Haoshuichuan, and the old best friend has serious cracks. Fan Zhongyan put forward the military idea of "active defense", which was in great conflict with the view of Han Qi, the main fighting faction in the imperial court. At this time, the main fighting faction had the upper hand. In addition, Xia Song's imminent defection, a war was inevitable.

Of course, Han Qi also has his own theory of marching and fighting, and has made a detailed deployment before sending troops. If General Ren Fu acts according to the plan, does not covet merit and rushes forward, and is ambushed by Li Yuanhao, then it is likely that the plan of this initiative attack will succeed. Moreover, this time the Song Dynasty is going to organize 200000 troops to attack 50000 troops in Xixia. Many people believe that the odds of victory are still great. But they forgot that the battlefield situation is changing rapidly, and there are many unknown factors. Many people do not necessarily win the war. It is sheer fluke to send troops in such a hurry.

This kind of pure friendship has not withstood the test of interests. It turns over faster than turning over a book.

Practice has proved that the most scarce thing in the world is regret medicine, and there has never been a if.

In 1041 AD, the spring was chilly, and the Second World War between Song and Xia was inevitable. At the beginning of the war, the Song army reported many good news. Han Qi, who was sitting in the camp, was in high spirits. He stubbornly believed that the chance of decisive battle was coming, and a command arrow issued the order of general attack. At this time, if only someone could lend Han Qi a pair of eyes! Unfortunately, failure is inevitable.

Not afraid of a god like opponent, but afraid of a pig like teammate.

Ren Fu is a teammate like this pig

Han Qi took Ren Fu as the commander in chief, and Sang Yi as the pioneer. Zhu Guan and Wu Ying gathered their troops and launched an active attack after the break. Han Qi told them to go around the enemy's rear after merging and moving westward, and rely on the nearby strongholds for food and grass supply. These strongholds gather for more than 40 miles, which is convenient to meet. Never deter a distant attack. As long as you ambush nearby and break the back path of Xia soldiers, you can wipe them out at one stroke. He also reiterated many times that if the generals disobey control and act without authorization, no matter how much credit they have received, they will be severely punished. However, Han Qi's warning turned out to be a deaf ear. After several small victories, Ren Fu was tempted by the enemy, and chased all the way to Haoshuichuan. Here, the Song army ushered in the second disaster.

The pocket array of the Western Xia Army had been waiting for a long time, when a fatal weakness of the Song Army was exposed. The army of the Song Dynasty carried out a system of rotation of generals. The generals and soldiers of the Song army who had just finished the rotation had not come to have in-depth exchanges, so they led the army to fight. The generals and soldiers did not know each other. Soon, it became a mess. They all entered the encirclement circle and waited for the Xixia army to close the net.

Closed mud boxes scattered randomly in the valley like ghosts. The soldiers who didn't know where they were, thinking they had picked up the treasure, rushed forward and opened the mud box. An incredible scene happened, hundreds of pigeons swarmed out, and the valley was white. The sound of wings flapping covered the cheers in the valley.

The Xixia army ambushed on the side began to draw in the net. A wave of arrow rain hit, and Song Jun woke up, but it was too late. Sad cries and excited shouts intertwined, eventually forming a deadly note and heading straight to Bianliang, leaving no peace in the border.

In this war, the Song army was defeated, with more than 70000 casualties, and the main generals almost died. Hearing Yan, Han Qi slumped on the grand master's chair and sighed repeatedly. The fame of my life was destroyed once. If I had known this, why should I have done it. There are always similarities in history. Since Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, almost every emperor has been faced with the helpless act of abandoning Luoyang. The stubbornness of ministers is the cause of the tragedy. They all think they can turn the tide and create the future. Han Qi made such a low-level mistake.

The defeat of Haoshuichuan further aggravated the poverty of the people and the instability of the army in the frontier fortress, which was conducive to the disappearance of the situation of the Song Dynasty.

In this war, more than a dozen generals including Ren Fu were killed. The Song army was defeated. More than 10000 people were killed, almost all of them were destroyed.

On the way to the evacuation, thousands of the fathers, brothers and wives of the fallen soldiers cried bitterly while throwing paper money to summon the souls of the martyrs. The scene was full of crying and banknotes were flying all over the sky, which was extremely tragic. I couldn't bear to witness that these border officers were far away in the frontier fortress, and their loyalties were forever buried in the soil layer of the Loess Plateau.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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