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Chapter 1 Dismissed Bicycle Department

"Chief General Wang Cheng, I'm sorry, but we are going to quit the department."

Two tall, thin men bowed to the tall man in front of them and left the house full of equipment.

Wang Cheng sat on the bench for a long time with a sad face and bowed his head.

There were not many people in the entire cycling department. After this race, these two people finally applied to withdraw from the department, leaving Wang Cheng alone in the entire cycling department.

"Yes, it doesn't belong to a strong sports school originally, and the forced organization of the cycling competition department didn't produce good results!" Wang Cheng sighed: "I will be in the third year of senior high school next year, and in the last year, I shouldn't have had this dream..."

"Prepare your lessons well. Although you can also enter the university, you should at least work hard..."

Wang Cheng has been riding a bike since junior high school. This summer, he used to be a senior high school student, and his time is running out.

There are a lot of equipment in the cycling department, but most of them are old equipment, including bicycles, wheel sets, and kits, which are out of date.

At that time, Wang Cheng's performance was average, so he was admitted to such a Nanfeng University. But when he learned that there was a bicycle sports department here, Wang Cheng was ecstatic!

He immediately filled in the application and became a member of the Cycling Department.

However, although it is called the Sports Department, it is actually no different from the Fellowship Club. We just ride a bike when we are free to have a little fun or where the food is delicious.

Instead, Wang Chengcheng is the strongest person in the cycling department!

Since junior high school, he has yearned to ride a bike to participate in various competitions, and even become the most dazzling sprinter. However, after entering high school, the bicycle sports department is horrible

There are road vehicles, small wheeled vehicles and mountain bikes. Everyone has different levels of vehicles, but some competitions must use professional road vehicles. In order to win the ranking, the performance of road vehicles is also a top priority!

Even some competitions can only be participated in if they have the qualification. These qualifications must be accumulated from some small competitions to become the final ticket.

At the same time, there will be the National Bicycle University League! That is the place that Wang Cheng dreamed of!

So under the strong suggestion of Wang Cheng, this fraternity meeting dressed in the cloak of the Sports Department was also aroused by his enthusiasm.

Everyone began to save money to change trains and participate in various competitions with great ambition, but the results were predictable

The training intensity was not enough, and the bottom scores of several competitions made all the people frustrated. This time, after the seniors in the third grade graduated, only Wang Cheng was left to ride in the second grade, and the rest of the first grade students also withdrew to sell their bikes.

At present, only Wang Cheng is left in the cycling department of Nanfeng University.

Facing the pressure of entering a higher school and being empty, Wang Cheng of the Sports Department also planned to give up.

Wang Cheng closed the door of the Sports Department, took a look at the dusty equipment inside, and left with a sigh. The department with insufficient numbers will sooner or later be banned and closed by the school. I'm afraid that the Nanfeng Bicycle Sports Department will never open again. The equipment inside will be treated as garbage, which is sad.

Pushing on his road car, Wang Cheng said, "Just spend this summer vacation. Don't think too much."

Although not reconciled, but also helpless.

Qiuliang City is a big bicycle city, and there are many colleges and universities. There are five colleges and universities in Qiuliang City, four of which have excellent cycling performance, with the exception of Nanfeng University.

It is understandable that Nanfeng University was not originally a sports oriented university.

Wang Cheng finished his summer homework early, then asked where there was a bicycle race, and planned to sign up for it.

Even if it's just a personal game, he wants to participate in the game.

Although it is hot in summer, there are a lot of bicycle races. People here are also very enthusiastic about bicycle races, which is why colleges and universities are so active.

"Individual competition, Sunday?" Wang Cheng brushed his mobile phone and saw the information of the competition. He immediately filled in the application form and submitted it.

"Why don't you go out for a ride?" Wang Cheng thought for a while. Although it was extremely hot, he still took a kettle with him and put it in the kettle rack in the middle of the bike frame, ready to go.

"It's about 40 kilometers from home to the university in the south of the city, and the road condition is also very good. Let's take this route this time."

Wang Cheng put on gloves, helmets, special riding clothes and riding pants, then changed into locking shoes, put the stopwatch on the stopwatch rack, and walked briskly on the road.

"The friction between tires and the ground, the transmission engagement between gears, and the crisp sound of flower drums all make people feel relaxed and quiet."

Wang Cheng began to accelerate unconsciously. He liked the feeling that he was chasing the wind. His speed once reached the number of 278 yards from the ten yards displayed on the code meter, and finally stayed within 30 yards.

"This is the limit..."

At the speed of 30 yards, Wang Cheng stepped on his feet and the wind blew in his ears. With the sound of stepping on the crank flower drum, it disappeared. The sound of tires rubbing against the asphalt road made Wang Cheng enjoy himself.

Of course, Wang Cheng is not the only car on the road. I don't know when Wang Cheng has an electric car beside him, and the person riding the electric car is probably a high school student, right?

"Bicycle?" The high school student looked at Wang Cheng's bicycle and his electric bike, and it seemed that the idea of a contest had spread.

High school students should surpass Wang Cheng!

The electric car accelerated faster than Wang Cheng, who thought it was interesting to catch up. He followed the electric car with a relaxed smile and said, "Brother, it can be faster."

The high school student only felt provoked! But actually Wang Cheng didn't mean that.

High school students turn the electric car switch handle to pull the speed to the fastest!

The speed of 40 yards is clearly displayed on his display screen.

"How can a bicycle catch up with an electric car? Although your bike looks pretty handsome, the cyclist will honestly go to the non motorway for me!"

The high school student's heart turned to him, but when he looked into his rearview mirror, he was totally stunned.

"Impossible! How could he still catch up!" The high school student turned the switch wildly, but it was a pity that his electric car had reached the maximum speed, and he could not continue to accelerate.

"Forty yards, bicycle? Can people really run so fast by bicycle?"

But Wang Cheng laughed so brightly when he followed the battery car.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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