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Chapter 1 The Down and Out Students

Hu Tian in August.

Only the howling north wind and the rustling yellow snow!

The valley slightly near dusk still echoes two crows and barks from time to time. The loud sound can not penetrate the mist in the distance, and is finally locked in the valley.

The most sacred Tianshan Mountains in the Western Regions are buried in the mist.

It stretches for thousands of miles.


Li Qingdu, 11 or 12 years old, dressed in a white mink, sat on the threshold of his yard and looked down at the group in the valley.

There is a shabby academy on a small hill in the distance.

In the morning, he heard the sound of reading.

He is a student bully among the twelve college students, and is highly valued by his teacher.

She also shoulders the dream of becoming the first prize man of her mother.

If there is no such sudden illness, I should also be listening to your earnest teachings.

Then he waited to go south to get the No. 1 Scholar.

For Li Qingdu, who only read books about sages and sages, Jiangnan in his mother's mouth is the holy land he has always dreamed of.

However, everything seems to have changed.

A soul belonging to 500 years later inexplicably burrowed into this delicate body, eating away all the memories and perceptions of the original body.

Then... I began to accept my fate in despair!

Jiangnan is really a good place, a land of plenty.

But it is thousands of miles away from this hidden valley!

The governing line of the whole Ming Dynasty never crossed Jiayuguan. Even with the memory of being eaten by dogs, Jiayuguan was at least hundreds of miles away from itself.

But this is not a distance that data can express!

It's a near death.

A clear brain tells Li Qingdu that all beautiful women are liars, even if that person is his own mother, Li Xuanqi who lost one arm has never told his son about Jiangnan.


"You child is still ill. Why are you wandering outside in the snow? Go back to the house quickly." Shen Yuelian came out of the kitchen with a strong smell of herbs.

Li Qing, whose thoughts were interrupted, shivered when he smelled the fragrance of the medicine, "Mom, I swear, I'm really not ill now."

While talking, Li Qing hopped around the yard to prove his strong body to his mother.

However, in this vast and sparsely populated territory, our own yard is too large. After a small circle, our unbearable body is still sore and panting.

Shen Yuelian pulls her son into the room.

It is a disaster to underestimate the power of any species in the Western Regions. Li Qingdu's wrist has been bruised when he returns to the house.

He said he was a patient, but it was the bookstore that was dragged into. Shen Yuelian's smug smile on her face had clearly told Li Qingdu that this beautiful woman was not ready to let him rest as a patient.

"It's still early now. You should read the book first, and I will continue to cook medicine for you." Shen Yuelian opened a book 20 cm thick and put it in front of Li Qingdu's desk.

Then he asked for pen, ink, paper and inkstone: "Mr. Shui of the Academy said that learning is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will fall back! This is even more necessary for calligraphy practice. So Mr. Shui came home in the morning under the snow and assigned you homework. Today, he must copy 50 pages of The Analects of Confucius."

Li Qingdu stared at Shen Yuelian silently as she left the study, wondering whether she was born or not.

He could not believe that the slovenly old thief who listened to his endorsement and could fall asleep would come early in the morning to care about his studies and give him homework.

Unless the old man didn't eat dinner last night and was hungry for midnight.

In the Western Regions, where five measures of rice can buy three lives, few people hang the thing of integrity!

My feet cramped in cold weather, and I still had ten pages of books to copy.

Just when Li Qingdu was thinking about whether his red frozen paws would be completely abandoned if they went on like this.

Yang Xuelian comes in squatting on the hot medicine soup.

Although it's hard to drink, Li Qing, who is shivering with cold feet now, can only rely on it to survive. He will raise the big bowl and dry it first.

Only after drinking the first bowl, Li Qingdu left one bowl on the table, and the young man's big eyes began to roll.

"Mother, you are going too far."

Shen Yuelian glared at her son and said, "How can you talk? This ginseng can't be produced in this area of the Western Regions. Your father wasted a lot of effort to get it for you."

Li Qing coughed awkwardly, "We can't eat anything we can grab. Ginseng can save people's lives when it's critical. Save it."

"I counted it. There are still half a box at home, and you must eat! You are weak, and you suffered a lot of nosebleeds last night. You must make up for it today."

After drinking ginseng and black bone chicken soup for half a month, nosebleed seems inevitable.

Stare at the half bowl of ginseng soup on the table. If it all goes into my stomach, it will be inevitable that my nose will bleed tonight.

So we must definitely find another way.

Glancing at Shen Yuelian's bright eyes, Li Qing felt that it was too risky to find a place to dump this method.

Moreover, people starve to death every day outside. Wasting food at this time should really be punished by heaven.

The young man's eyes turned: "People should know how to respect teachers and respect morality. In such a snowy weather, Mr. Shui has not been late to give me homework. He is really a good man who respects his job."

"But this morning I saw that Mr. Shui's face was pale and his eyes were black. I'm afraid he was not well."

"I'd better send this bowl of soup to Mr. Water."

"Although it doesn't matter if he has any problems, it's a big deal that he has delayed his schoolwork."

"How can you talk?" Shen Yuelian glared at Li Qingdu with a pair of phoenix eyes, and then continued: "Mr. Shui came to give you homework this morning and ate two bowls of rice before leaving. He is in good health."

"But we should also take precautions against the cold weather."

Then Shen Yuelian cast her eyes on Li Qingdu and said, "Let's save it for you to take Mr. Shuihui with you when you go to school tomorrow morning."

Li Qingdu gritted his teeth and said, "OK."

It was not easy to escape half a month of classes by recuperating from illness, and it seems that it is the end.

Looking at her son's gloomy look, Shen Yuelian sighed, "You are becoming more and more glib! I remember that before you got sick, you didn't have these clever and strange ideas in your head. Having a disease is like changing your mind."

"If you hadn't still got the red mark on your ass and been under my eyes every day, I would have doubted that you were still my son."

Li Qingdu frowned slightly. Women are too scary.

Looking at her son's frown, Shen Yuelian snorted: "What are you thinking? I raised you so big with a lot of shit and urine. I'm destined to be my son in my life."

Seeing Shen Yuelian leaving behind, Li Qing pinched his fists and muttered to himself, "Yes, there is only Shen Yuelian and Li Xuanqi's son in the world."

After patiently copying the next lesson, Li Qing lay in bed.

But in my mind, I couldn't understand it.

The Western Regions has always been a chaotic area with chaos of war and bandits. Li Qing can't find why there is such a peaceful village in the western regions on the scorched soil of war.

And the village continues all the traditions of the Han people.


early morning.

It finally stopped snowing for three consecutive days.

But the weather became colder. Li Qing was called to wrap himself into a zongzi very early, put on his white mink skin, and went out with a pot of hot ginseng and black bone chicken soup!

And the whole black bone chicken, Li Qing, who had too much medicine, had left his mouth open and was ready to give a good meal to Mr. Shui, who came to his house every other day.

More than a mile away, Li Qingdu, flushed with cold, gently kicked open the door of the school cottage.

Li Qingdu stared at the empty school!

"Shit, there is no one here! It seems that the news is not well informed, and the school should be on holiday." Li Qing thought for a moment and felt very happy.


At this time, a tiger head and a red cheeked head poked in, and then a pair of smart big eyes rolled around, and then the young man was determined: "Sure enough, the old man is not here, and he is not late."

Then the boy in sheep's clothing ran into the school and found a place to sit down calmly.

The sallow skinned body kept shivering.

This guy obviously doesn't want to pay much attention to Li Qingdu. After all, Li Qingdu, who is usually a bully, is arrogant and even more reluctant to help others. What he says most about others' questions is "I suggest you use thinking instead of asking questions."

Li Qingdu, a man with a straight mind, really knew a man named Hai Rui in this era.

However, it is obvious that such people will not end up well, not to mention that they are trapped in this land of wolves, tigers and leopards in the Western Regions. There are only a few small sheep around them. If they are not united, others will not be able to stuff their teeth.

So it is very important to do a good job in the small team.

Li Qingdu removed a chicken leg from the black chicken in the wrapping paper and handed it to Li Xu!

Li Xu, whose eyes were shining, swallowed the saliva and then bit hard: "No, sir said he would not eat the food from scratch."

"No money," said Li Qingdu.

Li Xu grabbed the chicken leg and gobbled it down, making the chicken bones crunchy.

Li Qingdu stared at the young man's eating appearance and said, "You haven't eaten for three days."

"After drinking rice soup for two days, it's a waste to eat food without farming in winter," Li Xu said.

I don't know when Li Qingdu found that there were three more Mao children around him, and his mouth was full of saliva, which almost fell on him.

Deliberate Li Qing gave the whole black bone chicken to everyone.

Black bone chicken soup was also served.

It was not until Mr. Shuijing, who was pinching his gray beard, looked straight at the wreckage filled with people that Li Qing remembered that it seemed that his mother had asked him to bring it to the teacher.

Mr. Shuijing coughed twice and then scowled: "How decent! You guys should clean up the desk for me."

"Li Qing didn't have to tidy up. He recited the Analects ten times."

"Say it again."


Li Qingdu felt that he didn't need to bite the bullet. Hearing the teacher's belly growling, he finally chose to wake up the sleeping hell with Lang Lang's reading voice.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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