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Chapter 1 First Awakening

South China Sea.

The sky is full of lead gray clouds, heavy and suffocating. The torrential rain is accompanied by arc lightning that cuts through the sky, making the whole world look like the end of the world.

A fishing boat of about 500 tons is in danger of capsizing at any time due to its ups and downs in the raging waves.

"On the vast sea!... The wind is gathering black clouds!..."

On one side of the ship's side, the black figure was trying to hold the steel railings straight, raising his head and roaring at the sky.

"... the chief is here!"

"Letter! Why did you come here?"

"Quick!... Send the leader back!"

Several men in raincoats, with all hands and legs, still want to continue to shout.

"You... let me go! Let me go!"

The "Dashi Man", who struggled fruitlessly and was called "Leader" or "Xin", was finally dragged into the cabin.


"Letter!... have a good sleep!... We will return to Thailand one day at most!"

Lu Yinghao looked at his cousin Lin Dong or Xin Lin (Xin "Sing" means lion in Thai), who had been comforted from his bed for a long time, frowned and fell asleep.

Three weeks ago, they set out from Beidalian Port, Thailand, to collect debts in Kota Kinabalu, the capital of Sabah State, Kalimantan Dongma. But the debtor went to Java Island, Indonesia, two months ago. So the next day, Lin Dong led everyone to find Surabaya from Jakarta, and then from Surabaya to Bandung. The result was nothing. On the way back, Lin Dong, who was angry and resentful, fell ill.

In fact, the debt owed by the other party is not much. Lin Dong didn't care about the "three million dollars". Of course, this is also the "arrogance" after inheriting a large amount of inheritance left by his father. The real reason why he still traveled thousands of miles to collect the debt is because of the other party's deception. To be exact, it is because he cheated him with great respect, And the father who has died... Lin Wenshan!

Lin Dong, who graduated from the international trade major of Tunburi University in Bangkok, Thailand, is a native of Chinese Thai origin. He has not seen his father since he lived in Bangkok with his aunt's family when he was five years old. So at that time, his impression of his father was always intermittent, and the only thing that could strengthen his memory was the old picture of his father in military uniform on the bed.


Lin Wenshan is not a native Thai Chinese, but came from Rangoon, Myanmar, with his younger sister and some neighbors in 1967 when he was just 14 years old.

After entering Thailand, the two brothers and sisters in distress have become exiled. Lin Wenshan, who has money, not only entered private schools again, but also entered a famous military academy in Thailand, because he took enough care of his family's elders when fleeing.

In 1973, he entered the Thai army and served in the army. As he graduated from Chulalongkorn Royal Military Academy, he had a large number of colleagues in the army to help each other, and the road to promotion was very smooth.

Of course, if someone knows a little about the military academy he graduated from, he will certainly have some special "expectation" and "admiration" for everyone who graduated from this military academy.

Since 1932, every time there has been a military "reform" activity in Thailand, its leader must have graduated from this school. So that during his twelve years in the army, Lin Wenshan, together with his colleagues and Shangfeng, participated in this "collective activity" for four times, and it was the last "activity" that forced him to retire.

In September 1985, at the age of 32, Lin Wenshan was already the chief officer of the independent infantry battalion under the Fourth Military Region in southern Thailand, and his son Lin Dong was only four months old at that time. Therefore, several calls and calls from his former colleagues to Shang Feng made him hesitate and finally did not participate, but he was still implicated.

The "collective activity" organized by Colonel Manon, the leader of the group of young military officers, failed only ten hours later. All direct participants were arrested and imprisoned, while Lin Wenshan was ordered out of active service.

As an old "activist", Lin Wenshan was not depressed for a long time because of his restlessness. He disappeared in the Thai Myanmar border with several colleagues who were also punished for retirement.

When he reappeared, Lin Dong was five years old and his wife had just died of illness.

Lin Wenshan disappeared again after he hurriedly took care of his wife's affairs and entrusted his son to his sister's family.


The fishing boat continued to struggle in the sea, while Lin Dong, who was curled up in bed, seemed to be experiencing some torture and torture. His clean and handsome face was somewhat ferocious due to the confusion of thoughts in his head and strong tinnitus.


"Pull! (Dad) Don't go!"

In the mean lane, five year old children are desperately chasing after them, but the tall figure in their eyes is disappearing at the end of the lane without turning back.


"Go with your feet at the beginning, get up in the middle at a speed, and take four positions with your foot on the middle door. It's hard to get two elbows together!"

The thirteen year old boy is like a dragon, and his steps are swift and light. Under the supervision of a master on the side, he practices Miao people's martial arts by singing martial arts verses.


"Believe!... They will be your companions in the future. You should not only be their leaders, but also be their brothers!"

The vague face seemed very kind, and he put his hand on the boy's head and rubbed it.


Four or five young people of similar age, speaking in unison and straight.

"... call me the leader!"




The body started up like a reflex, eyes opened angrily, and then slowly collapsed against the bulkhead.

Lin Dong is familiar with the surrounding environment.

In fact, he had already known that he was wearing it before. His brain was so confused that he could not bear it before he ran out of the cabin and sang a passage of "Sea Swallow" against the stormy waves... Squeeze!

According to the routine, he has integrated his memory at this moment, and is not surprised that he has become a Thai Chinese. He also knows that because he volunteered to join the active service, "he" finished six months of preferential military service before he went to college.

As a Thai, in addition to the mandatory two-year active service, he will continue to serve as a reserve for 23 years after he is discharged from active service. However, this reserve service is just a transition. Otherwise, his father has disappeared for so many years, and the Land Defense Department of the Army Department will not remain inactive.


"Now is 2012?... Alas!..."

Lin Dong murmured and then sighed, as if saying goodbye to some past.

He came from eight years later, but the "past" was full of mediocrity and helplessness after various social beatings... In short, for those who have passed through, everything "before" is unsatisfactory.

But now he is very rich.

Although his father still left some "troubles", he will certainly have a wonderful life in the future.


In the early morning of January 20, 2012, the fishing boat finally sailed into Bangkok Port.


The white Toyota Elfa's electric sliding door is slowly opening.


Lin Dong shouted and got into the car first.

He used Chinese. His pronunciation was so standard that his uncle Lu Cheng'an couldn't help looking back.


Lu Yinghao, who got on the bus later, gave a friendly cry when he saw that his father was driving to pick him up.

"... just come back!"

Lu Cheng'an's tone is casual, but the details can still detect the meaning of care.

Lin Dong himself and his parents are "pure" Chinese, different from today's more than nine million Chinese in Thailand, eight million of whom are Chaoshan people. Lin Dong's ancestral home is in northern China. As for his uncle Lu Cheng'an, it seems too "ordinary". His father and grandfather have mixed blood with the local people, and his ancestral home is more popular.


Six people got off the fishing boat. Except for Lin Dong and Lu Yinghao, the other four got on the back car.

"Letter! How can you speak Mandarin so well now?"

On the way, Lu Cheng'an suddenly remembered this and asked in heavily accented Mandarin.

I have lived in Thailand for a long time, especially when I was born here. Even if I am Chinese, my first habit of speaking must be Thai. Of course, my family can also speak Chinese, but my pronunciation is a bit out of tune, unlike Lin Donggang.

"Yes! I also feel strange!"

Lu Yinghao speaks Thai.

"Am I not standard before?"

Lin Dong also asked in Thai.

"Dismantle! (Yes)..."

The two father and son spoke with one voice, which was very positive.

"... I will always say it later!"

Lin Dong smiled and leaned back into the soft seat.


At the moment, the vehicles have entered Bangkok, and Shatun Street, which belongs to the central business area, is extremely busy and bustling. Skyscrapers are one after another, pedestrians and tourists are even more bustling, and various outdoor background lighting and neon lights are competing to shine, making the largest city in Thailand in Lin Dong's eyes even more dim and shining.

He has never been to Thailand "before", but the "memory" in his mind at this moment has fully matched the scene in front of him.

Soon, the car stopped in front of the lobby of a building.

"... sell and buy! (See you tomorrow)"

After getting off the bus, Lin Dong waved to the two cars, turned and walked in.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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