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Chapter 1 The Gospel of Single Dogs!

"Zhi --"

Riding the "Bardo All Terrain Electric Vehicle" in the remote mountains and forests, Xianglong held the hand brake.

The wide and thick tires like a millstone carved a deep ditch on the wet and soft soil after the spring rain.

"Superman takeout, mission must be achieved!" Confirmed the correct positioning, and shouted slogans to Long according to the company's regulations.

The slogan of "Superman take away, mission must be achieved" is not blown out. The first battle to become famous is to let the soldiers on the front line who block the [monster] army eat steaming old hotpot in the trenches!

The time is just right, neither early nor late. Xiang quickly takes out a packed lunch box from the trunk and looks around.

Tall ancient trees and jagged rocks.

Although it is just the beginning of spring, the mountain city is located in the southwest with a warm climate, which is still lush and green.

Only, no one was there.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang......"

The sound of chewing came from behind a towering tree. Xiang Long suddenly realized that he could not spare his mouth!

Holding the lunch box in both hands, Xiang Long walked around to the back of the towering tree and said, "Superman takeaway, mission will be achieved! Please..."

Behind the towering trees, a disheveled man collapsed on the ground, glaring at the big eyes and refusing to close his eyes!

A two meter long black haired monster with four claws and white fur is lying on the man and eating it!

Hearing the voice of the dragon, the monster raised its head violently!

The long and narrow blade face is evil, and the big red eyes are watery as if they would bleed at any time!

It stared at the dragon viciously, threatening to "snore" in its throat

The demon wolf!

Xiang Long can't help taking a breath of air. Before the "evolution craze", this was Geleshan Forest Park. Although it has long been inaccessible, it is still in the main urban area, so it should be safe to reason——

Why is there a demon wolf?

Sorry to disturb you!

Xiang Long didn't hesitate to turn around and run away. He is not a hero. He is just a high school student who works hard to deliver food

"Hoo -"

A gust of fishy wind swept from behind and turned back towards the dragon. The big red eyes were in front of me!


Xianglong's back hit the tree heavily, making him see stars!

The demon wolf's long sharp claws, like awls, penetrated his chest deeply and nailed him to the tree trunk!

The blood flowed freely along the lines of the pectoral muscles, and finally it mysteriously intersected to the heart of Xianglong!

At the same time, Xiang Long's mind suddenly heard a voice that had kept him waiting for 18 years:

"Ding Dong! Your system is online, please check it!"

System! You finally come! At this moment, Xiang Long couldn't help crying: If you don't come here, I will wear it again

"Ding Dong! [Arranged Marriage System], the gospel of single dogs! Now let's start to arrange random arranged marriages for the host!"

Xiang Long's mind was caught off guard by a big lottery turntable, which automatically turned before he could see it clearly.

Soon the lottery turntable stopped rotating automatically, and disappeared unexpectedly without waiting to see the dragon clearly.

I, Nima, bully honest people, right! Xiang Long was stunned: has even the system been operated in the dark these days?

And what the hell is the arranged marriage system?

When is this time? I will be eaten by the demon wolf soon. It's better to give me a pet system!

"Ding Dong! Your wife is online, please check!"

I'm special... I don't want a wife! I want grandpa! Xiang Long's whole life is bad, but the next second when he is pressed by the demon wolf on the tree trunk and rubbed against it, he will see that it is raining petals in the sky!

Pink peach petals are flying all over the sky, the faint fragrance is floating, and the ethereal fairy sound comes from the clouds

Is it such a big row of noodles?

Xiang Long was shocked. He couldn't believe that he saw a gorgeous beauty falling from the sky!

All the words describing beautiful women seem so pale and powerless in front of this gorgeous beauty!

Even the demon wolf was stunned, as if fascinated by her beauty, and fell on the dragon like a stone sculpture.

The gorgeous beauty turned a blind eye to the demon wolf, and a pair of seductive eyes just stared at Xiang Long.

"Sleeping... trough..."

Rao Shi was nailed to the tree trunk by the demon wolf's claws, and he couldn't help exclaiming to the dragons.

The wife from heaven is as beautiful as a picture,

I wanted to sing a poem and praise it.

However, Xiang Long has no culture,

A sentence was sent to her from the trough.

At this moment, however, he was reminded in his mind: "Your spirit - 1, - 1, - 1, - 1, - 1, your life - 1, your spirit - 1, - 1, - 1, - 1, - 1, your life - 1..."

What the hell is this?

"Ding Dong! Your property panel has been opened, please check it!"

Name: Xiang Long

Grade: Grade 5

Spouse: Hu Xian'er

Allocable points: 0

Life: 62/100

Spirit: 83/100

Strength: 85

Speed: 100

Basic Fist Technique: 80/100 (beginner)

The numbers behind life and spirit are flashing and decreasing.

It can be understood that Xiang Long's life is reduced. After all, the claws of the demon wolf are still stuck in his chest, but what ghost is the spirit reduced?


Is it because of the beauty?

"Are you my destiny husband?"

The peerless beauty came with a light lotus step, but the demon wolf stood between her and Xiang Long, so the peerless beauty stopped.

Show your eyebrows and frown.

Her words and deeds, every move, every smile, every sorrow and joy seemed to be full of infinite magic.

Only a slight frown made Xiang Longdu feel sorry for the beauty.

But the demon wolf's ferocious blade face showed a very human color of guilt!

Guilt to shame!

Pulled out the claw that penetrated the dragon's chest, and it ran wildly for several steps and hit the stone wall!

"Boom --"

With a loud noise, the whole head of the demon wolf was embedded in the stone wall!

With its neck as the center, the hard stone wall extends in all directions with thick cracks crisscrossing!

Its body was stiff for two seconds after holding the forward posture, and then fell down softly.

The blood flows like fresh soybean milk from the cracks in the stone wall around its neck

My god! Is it so magical?

Xiang Long couldn't believe his eyes, and the gorgeous beauty had come to him and held out a jade finger, which lifted his chin frivolously. The faint fragrance made him drunk.

Xiang Long has always believed that he is a real gentleman, but now his body tells him honestly:

No, you are not!

There are beautiful women in the north, unique and independent. One smile charms the city, and another smile charms the country. I would rather not know that it is hard to win a beautiful woman... Maybe what the poet wanted to express at that time was Xiang Long's feelings.

The gorgeous lady squinted her eyes and said, "What a beautiful husband! Unfortunately, Tewen is weaker!"

I'm still growing! I'm still a child! Xiang Long feels that he has been looked down upon, but the system's ruthless prompt lets him know that he is a brother in front of the most beautiful women: "Your spirit - 10, - 10, - 10..."

She is she is she!

It was really because of her that I was deprived of my spirit!

And even ten times more for direct physical contact!

It can't be deducted any more. If it is deducted again, it will be reset! With the rapid decrease of spirit, Xiang Long felt dizzy and dizzy. Fortunately, the gorgeous beauty stopped taking back her soft white hands:

"You are so good, my husband. When I come back next time, my husband will show his majesty! Cluck..."

The most beautiful woman took a meaningful glance at the towering tree, and the autumn waves had already seen through everything.

Smile at her, and she turns around and turns into peach blossoms and flies away with the fragrance!

I may die next time you come back!

The dragon's eyes darkened and opened the attribute panel, only to see that the spirit item had dropped to 20!

And the system friendship prompts that if the spirit falls below 20, you will become delirious

I am really using my life to get rid of the order... Xiang Long slipped and sat on the ground with his back against the tree in a daze.

"Ding Dong! The system has detected that [demon crystal] exists nearby. Is the host sure to absorb the demon crystal immediately?"

Yaojing? Xiang Long, who was dizzy, was very excited at that time: I won't be sleepy if you want to talk about it!

Yaojing is a good thing!

It is said that it is a mysterious energy crystal naturally generated in the head of a monster, and there are mysterious big men in the black market to buy it at a high price


Xiang Long said that he was dizzy and didn't have the strength to pick it up. Unexpectedly, the system could still be sucked and collected!

This service is very considerate!

"Ding Dong! The host confirms that it will absorb demon crystal immediately. It has absorbed one D-level demon crystal and converted into allocatable points——


I, Nima... Xiang Long, is not good at all: no, I still expect this demon crystal to be well-off!

How can it be converted into 10!

"Ding Dong! The system has detected that [Blood Ganoderma] exists nearby. Is the host sure to upgrade the blood Ganoderma immediately?"

Blood Ganoderma lucidum is a wool. Return me to the demon crystal in the stupid system! Xiang Long was worried: "I don't care! You are..."

"Ding Dong! The host authorization system chooses to upgrade the blood glossy ganoderma. It has been upgraded to a hundred year old blood glossy ganoderma and consumes 10 allocatable points. Is the host sure to absorb the hundred year old blood glossy ganoderma immediately?"

The host of Shenteme authorizes... Yaojing! My demon crystal! Xiang Long is going crazy. Now he doesn't even have 10:

"I confirm that..."

"Ding Dong! The host confirms that it will immediately absorb the hundred year old blood glossy ganoderma, and has already absorbed the hundred year old blood glossy ganoderma! The host attribute is improved to --"

Name: Xiang Long

Grade: Grade 8

Spouse: Hu Xian'er

Allocable points: 0

Life: 300/300

Spirit: 100/100

Power: 100

Speed: 100

Basic Fist Technique: 97/100

Xiang Long: "... a hammer!"

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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