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Chapter 1. Solo

Xiyang No. 4 Experimental Middle School.

Class 9, Senior 3.

"Boys and girls, the last mock exam will be held in the next two days. I hope you will get ready!"

"This mock exam will be based on the difficulty of the college entrance examination in previous years, and when the results come out this time, you can choose whether to apply for Wendaoxian College according to your own results."

"Don't lose heart even if you have bad grades. Geniuses have their own way of life, mediocrity... cough, ordinary people have the happiness of ordinary people, so we don't need to belittle ourselves..."

The fan in the classroom painstakingly swayed, and Guo Fuyou stood on the platform with a beer belly, spitting to arrange the affairs for the next two days.

At this time, sitting on the seat near the window in the last row of the classroom, a handsome boy was pressing his lips tightly and looking out of the window against his forehead, as if thinking about something.

"Suluo, will you sign up?" Lu Sheng, who sits in front, suddenly turns his head and asks.

When his thoughts were interrupted, Solo turned to look at him and said, "Yes, but he will apply to other provincial immortal colleges."

"Enroll in other immortal colleges?"

Lu Sheng was stunned and said: "This is the only immortal college in Lingnan Province. There is still a certain degree of relaxation for people in this province. Your cultural score is still a little short. If you can pass the exam, even if your ancestors have accumulated virtue and your grave is smoking, you want to pass the exam to the immortal college in other provinces? I'm afraid your score will not be enough."

"I want to try."

Su Luo listened quietly, then slowly uttered four words, a short word, obviously did not want to continue talking.

"You are joking about your future!"

Lu Sheng felt angry, and then remembered what had happened to Su Luo in the past six months. His voice softened.

"I know you want to stay away, but now that something has happened, avoiding it is not the way to solve the problem."

Solo did not take over and ended the dialogue unilaterally.

Seeing the hot face sticking to the cold buttocks, Lu Sheng's eyes flashed with anger and turned his head to stop talking.

"Mr. Guo, your son is also in kindergarten now. When he reaches our age, will you let him apply for Daoxian College?"

The classroom was very noisy, but I don't know who suddenly asked loudly. The classroom like a vegetable market suddenly fell silent. Except for Su Luo, everyone else looked at Guo Fuyou behind the podium.

Guo Fuyou, who was sitting on the chair and secretly swiping his mobile phone, was stunned when he heard Yan, his face was a little disappointed, and he said with a sigh: "This is the life of a man. My cultural score was enough to apply for the immortal college, but my family was poor and could not afford food..."

Later, Guo Fuyou turned his voice and said firmly, "If my son wants to take the immortal college entrance exam, I have to support him even if I lose all my money!"

"Pa pa pa pa..."

Hearing Guo Fuyou's impassioned statement, the classroom resounded with thunderous applause.

"What I said by the teacher can't leave me a regret. I want to apply for the immortal college!"

"Me too!"

"I also want to try, lest I regret it!"

The applause dissipated, and the classroom became noisy again, and the topic became gossip from the Daoxian Academy on the Internet.

"Have you heard? He Shaojun, who has just entered the Wendao College for one year, defeated Fang Ge, the sophomore, in just five minutes yesterday..." Someone exclaimed.

"How awesome! It's said that Fang Ge was already the second level of gas refining in the first semester of his sophomore year. He Shaojun dares to challenge Fang Ge. Can he say that he has already been the second level of gas refining?"

"No, I bought the exclusive news. He Shaojun is now the peak of gas refining and the challenge of leapfrog!"

In the classroom, there are bursts of air breathing sounds. This gossip that dares to challenge and win will always attract others' attention.

In the classroom, except that Guo Fuyou did not participate in the discussion, only Solo seemed out of place. He did not pay any attention to the interest of the Taoist Academy, but was immersed in his own world and left behind.

"Time passed quickly, and half a year passed at once."

Su Luo has a big secret in his heart, which is unknown to outsiders.

He is not a person in this world. To be exact, the soul in his body does not belong to this world.

The real Suluo died half a year ago. The man who occupied this body was a man who once dominated the world of fire shadow. He never failed in his life. Until his death, he silently guarded a village named Muye.

Uchibo weasel!

Since he trapped the bag with Yiye Namei, his soul seemed to be pulled by some force, and when he woke up, he had been living in a man named Solo.

It took him a long time to be sure that he was alive again. It was like consciousness attached to other people's bodies, slowly adapting to the world, and then simply understanding the world.

There is something similar to Chakra in the air of this world, called Reiki.

The difference is that Chakra is refined by body, and Reiki is wandering in the air.

It was with the help of this invisible and intangible substance that he realized that the world was different from his own fire shadow world, but it was more vast.

"Unfortunately, I can't bring anything except my memory."

Sulo also tried to refine Chakra, but after countless attempts, he was disappointed and also confirmed that there was no Chakra in this world.

Fortunately, according to the memory, this body's physical skill can play one percent of the past, but no one has made a fuss because of his handsome appearance.

"Jingle bells."

When the bell rang, the campus, which had been depressed, suddenly became cheerful.

At the end of the day's course, without saying hello to anyone, Solo stood up and walked outside the classroom.


As soon as Solo reached the stairs, a girl with a blushing face came after him, holding a heart shaped note folded from pink letterhead in her hand. She quickly put the note into Solo's hand, then turned her head and ran away quickly.

Before the girl got far away, another girl ran over and put the letter paper into Solo's hand. Under the teasing of her peers, she walked away with a red face and looked back at Solo's expression from time to time.

At the peak of the flow of school leavers, passers-by seem to be used to this scene, but still can't help but look at Solo carefully and say:

"But I don't know what those girls think."

"But so? Li Yunfei, you are not afraid of the wind. If you are one tenth as handsome as Su Luo, I will marry you!"

"Then why don't you write a letter directly to express Solo?" the guy named Li Yunfei asked weakly, shrinking his neck.

"There are so many girls who are sexier, more beautiful and richer than me. Solo doesn't like them. I won't waste my time......"

Solo listened to what people were saying about him in silence. His expression did not change at all. He quietly stuffed the letter into his pants pocket, went downstairs and walked outside the school.

"Nobody follows like a bodyguard behind me. I'm really not used to it."

As soon as she left the school gate, Solo noticed the strange look behind her, and couldn't help thinking of the man who looked like a shark, had a cloudy face, and had been living with her all the year round.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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