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Chapter 1 Ice Shooter

[The body is merging...].

[After fusion, you can use all the abilities and memories of this body].

Name: Ashe.

Gender: female.

Age: 17 years old.

Height: 170.

Occupation: Ice shooter.

Strength: Five gold stars.

In a dark and bloody hall.

A woman in a black robe floats in the air, her face is slightly sad, her eyes are slightly closed, and she seems to be sleeping.

The feet are wearing black gold boots, a head of blue long hair scattered around the waist, and the black gown is wrapped with a perfect devil figure, beautiful facial features, and iceberg beauty.

Ashy opened her eyes to see everything in front of her, looked at her hands, and muttered, "I'm not dead, am I?"

A simple book floats over, but it doesn't look thick. The cover of parchment gives off a faint red mist.

Ashe put the book in his hand and asked, "Wanjie Script?"

The Wanjie script is a treasure. It has long been derived from the spirit of tools and can talk with people.

"I collected a trace of your soul power in the war and reshaped your body." The Wanjie script stirred up the pages on both sides like a butterfly, talking to Aixi.

Aixi still remembers that Wanjie script is a psychic treasure. It appeared in the Demon World and took a lot of effort to win it over and become the owner of Wanjie script.

When the Heaven knew it, they sent heavy troops to encircle the Demon World in order to seize the script of the world.

After three days and three nights of fighting, the Devil Kingdom suffered heavy losses. She was the king of the Devil Kingdom. Under the siege of many gods led by the god king, she was beaten to death.

I don't know what happened afterwards.

"I must rebuild the Demon World and kill all the hypocrites in the Heaven!" Ashe clenched his fists and said coldly.

"The main world has been completely occupied by the heaven. If you want to recover your strength, you must enter other derivative planes and absorb scattered soul power."

Ash frowned and said, "Is there no other way?"

Wan Jie's script said decisively, "No."

"Well, let's start." Ai Xi can't wait to recover his strength.

"Remember, when you enter some lower planes, your soul power will be sealed. You can only obtain soul power by completing tasks according to the script.

Enter the world: League of Heroes.

World difficulty: six stars (the lowest difficulty is one star, and the highest difficulty is nine stars.)

World introduction: Freire Kingdom, Dema Empire, Noxas, Flash, Group War, Adventure, Slave.

The main line of the script: Queen of Freire Kingdom.

Synopsis: Kill the Frost Witch Lisandra and become the Queen of Freire Kingdom.

Task information: Aixi's mother is the queen of the Freer Kingdom. The great general, the ice witch Lisanzhuo, launched a mutiny and became the new queen of the Freer Kingdom. In order to eliminate the root causes, Princess Aixi led the army back to the city and was ambushed. Aixi fell off the ice cliff. You need to defeat the ice witch Lisanzhuo and become the new queen.

Task reward: gain soul power.

Penalty for failure: death.

"Valorum World, Open".


The endless ice field, the biting cold wind, mixed with snowflakes, made people feel painful on their faces.

Ashe was walking in the snow in a black robe. The boots under my feet are relatively loose and filled with many snowflakes and ice particles.

"I wear so little in such a cold day, but my legs are still exposed, and I don't prepare more clothes."

Ashy shook his head helplessly. Fortunately, he had a rare cold constitution, so he was not afraid of the cold.

As we walked on, we could see a white city in the distance, which seemed to be made of ice. It looked very magnificent on the icy land.

Ashe asked, "According to the script, can I defeat the ice witch Lisandra and replace her as the queen?"

"Yes!" Wan Jie script said in his mind.

"Where is Lysandra? Kill her directly." As the king of the Demon World, Aixi likes simple violence.

"Well, you only have the strength of gold five-star now, while Lizandra is a diamond five-star, and she has several diamond level strong men around her, some gold level." Wanjie script was sweating.

Ashe learned from the Wanjie script.

The strength of the world from low to high is: bronze, silver, gold, diamonds, masters.

At present, the strongest battle force is known to be the master level strong. As for whether there is still a way up, I don't know.

In each stage, five stars are the strongest, and one star is the weakest. Each difference is very different.

"Well, it's not a good idea to go alone." Ash frowned.

Wanjie script asked tentatively: "Why not find a place to develop first?"

Ash: "How to develop?"

Wanjie script suggested: "It is better to play some wild monsters to enhance strength, obtain some equipment, and establish a team with higher efficiency."

Ashe expected, "Where are the wild monsters?"

Wan Jie's script: "I don't know."

Ash: This is your world. How could you not know

Wanjie script: "I'm just responsible for opening the door to a different world, and I also act according to the rules of this world. I can't provide more help. You can activate more skills and props in the adventure."

Ai Xi said helplessly, "Can we change the derivative world?"

Wanjie Script: "You must achieve the goal of the world, or you cannot change it."

Ash didn't ask much, and turned to leave. "Then go south and try his luck."

To the south is the border between the Freire Kingdom and the Dema Empire. There is a basin in the middle, called the place of exile, which is a paradise for criminals in the mainland of Varoran.

There is no law, no rules, and the strong are respected.

The nobility of the Dema Empire enjoyed doing some unknown things here.

The Wanjie script cannot provide other help. It is still possible to provide a map of the Valoran continent. The place of exile is Aixi's preferred destination.

It is very dangerous for a woman, especially a beautiful woman, to walk alone in this ownerless place.

Ashe hunted some prey on the road. He was familiar with this body by the way. He has a rare cold constitution and can use his ice attribute skills skillfully. Killing wild monsters is as simple as killing chickens.

The highest level of Warcraft in the wild is silver. Most of them are bronze and black iron. You can't see advanced Warcraft at all. You can only encounter them in more dangerous areas.

The fur of low level Warcraft is not worth much. Only the fur of silver level Warcraft is worth some money.

Ashe carried several silver level animal furs to the exile city to exchange some gold coins.

It was not until we reached the edge of the exile that we were watched.

A middle-aged man with a beard, a cheap cigar in his mouth, an old face with a lot of experience, and the excitement of catching prey in his eyes.

"It's like catching a turtle in a jar."

He shouldered a big gun, stepped on the worn leather boots that quickly showed his toes, walked forward, and spit with one hand to comb his hair.

He strode to block the way and looked at Aixi. He smiled maliciously and said, "Little girl, it's dangerous to walk alone in a place of exile."

Seeing someone blocking the way in front, Ashe stopped and used Wanjie script to explore each other's information.

Name: Greifus.

Nickname: Extrajudicial maniac.

Gender: male.

Age: 38 years old.

Height: 175.

Occupation: Rogue.

Strength: Golden Samsung.

"Three stars of gold." Ash was not afraid at all.

In fact, she doesn't know that there are not many diamond level players in this continent. There are only a few diamond level players in the whole Freire Kingdom. Gold level players are already very powerful.

Ashe can know the strength of Greyfus, but Greyfus does not know Ashe's strength.

What strength can a young and beautiful woman like Greifus have?

But Ai Xi has a rare cold constitution. At the golden stage, he has few rivals.

Ash said quietly, "What do you want to do?"

Greifus licked his lower lip and said with a smirk, "It's nothing. I want to play some games with you."

"Not interested." Ash coldly refused.

"Hey hey, I also like the compulsion." Greiface smiled maliciously, and walked forward two steps, and the double barreled gun in his hand was loaded by the way.

Ash nodded. "All right then."

Graves licked his lips excitedly. "You agree?"

Ashe said, "I agree to play the game. It's what I said."

Graves stared, excited and curious: "What interesting games do you have?"

"You kneel down, lick my boots like a dog, and then please me," Ash sneered.

Greifus laughed excitedly and said: "It's wild enough. I like it. Let's show you the strength of golden level strong men."

The red cloak with two holes broken behind him was thrown away, which really felt like a hero and an invincible beggar king.


Ashe's eyes were cold, and the ice dagger was condensed in his hand, ready for the battle!

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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