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Chapter 1 This is Marvel

"Amin, I choose my own hero, the dog head man, and I will surely lead you to victory." Accurately find the dog head and lock it down.

"C hammers, you are a loser, you forget the fear dominated by the hands of primary school students." Amin matched the position of adc, looked at the opposite lineup, the last order was a big tree, the fight was blind, the middle order was Yasuo, adc was Kasha, and the auxiliary was a robot. Our side chose Shangdan Desert Death, and played wild excavator. Zhongdan was a card, and Bulong was an assistant. It seems that if you want to win the game, you still need to carry yourself. Your output is not enough, and the other side has big meat and trees, so you should choose this hero.

Let's hunt people in the dark! Wayne is the belief of all adc players.

At the beginning of the game, Li Kuang quickly bought equipment and set out on the road.

"Amin, hold on, I can develop without pressure when facing a big tree. I will win when I leave the mountain in twenty minutes," Li Kuang said confidently.

"Woolen, have you forgotten your 0/10 record of the kobold? It depends on me whether this one can win or not. Just give your meat to resist the harm from the opposite side."

"Can it be my fault? Nuo Shou has always restrained the dog's head."

Because the big tree can't suppress the development of the dog head, Li Kuang plays very easily and develops very well. The passivity of Q skill soul drawing and bashing has already stacked 500 layers, and he also has three phases of power.

After 20 minutes of development with Tiehanhan Dashu on the road, Li Kuang was full of confidence when watching the passivity of the 500 floor.

Finally, I was going out of the mountain. Looking at the small map, I found that my teammates were near the enemy's highland.

What happened?

Open TAB to check the record. The record of Shangdan Goutou is 0/1/0, the record of Daye Excavator is 4/0/5, the record of Zhongdan Card is 2/0/10, the record of Weien is 10/1/2, and the record of Bloem is 0/3/11. Goutou died once because Li Kuangyueta forced Dashu to kill him, and Dashu was forced to fight back.

Pull the mouse over the camera and see that the teammate has pushed the opposite highland tower away.

"I will go. Are you so strong, Amin?" Li Kuang ob in the spring water, and four teammates in the opposite highland.

"That's right. When you leave the mountain, the day lily is cold." Amin manipulates Wein to kill Yasuo, mocking.

"Gun, it seems that there is no need to ask me that the desert god of death is out of the mountain, and the expert is lonely." He picked up the happy water on the table, took a deep drink, and made a happy groan. Cool!

Open wegame and watch the record. Although there are many wins, they have won ten consecutive games.


The dog's head in the spring wears the skin of Starry Gate, which Li Kuang paid tens of yuan with his teeth. The leopard head charger is Li Kuang's motto. It can spend money for the dog head man, which shows Li Kuang's love for this hero.

The computer desk suddenly shook violently, and the light bulb hanging overhead was flickering.

What about the horizontal trough (* 'へ *)? Is it an earthquake? But there is a ghost earthquake in the Great Plains!

The coke on the table fell on the insert row, and a blue and white arc appeared on the insert row, and went into the screen along the line. The computer screen flashed a blue light, and then returned to normal.

The desert god of death in the spring frowned and stared straight at the screen.

The light bulb that kept shaking finally fell off and hit Li Kuang's skull, making him lose consciousness when his eyes became dark.

With the explosion of the local base, the blue medal engraved with victory appears in the center of the screen.

"Li Kuang, start." Amin's voice came from the headset hanging on the table.

"Li Kuang, are you there?"

"What about Li?"

"Where did you go?"


In the dark universe, a channel composed of colorful light keeps rotating.

Sleepy Li Kuang floats inside and rotates with the light. The exit of this passage is far away, and I don't know where to go.

Every time Li Kuang rotates with the passage, a light will melt into his body, and virtual shadows will appear on his body. At the beginning, he can't see clearly. The light will melt into the body, and the virtual shadows will also be consolidated.

Finally, the dog head wearing the Star Gate appeared on Li Kuang's body, and the two began to blend with each other. Finally, the dog head fully integrated into Li Kuang's body.

When Li Kuang opened his eyes again, he found that he was lying in the hospital.

Next to two beds lie two foreigners. Which hospital is this? What's wrong with me? I'm in the hospital.

A beautiful nurse with blonde hair and blue eyes came in from the door. She found Li Kuang woke up and walked to him.

"You are in good condition. You can leave the hospital."


What are you talking about?

At this time, a mechanical voice came into Li Kuang's mind.

The system is activated to synchronize data.

Host: Li Kuang.

Age: 25 years old.

The hero has been bound to: Desert Death (cannot be changed).

Main talent: conqueror, triumph, tenacity, perseverance.

Sub talent: wind of recovery, overgrowth.

Summoner skill: flash (CD: 12 hours), transmit (CD: 24 hours).

Equipment: None.

Grade: Grade 1.

Skill point: 1 point.

Soul Drain Bash Passive: 0 layer, stack layers by killing enemies. (Kill one person and add 1 layer)

Gold coins: 500, 24 gold coins a day.

Languages are synchronized.

"You can leave the hospital." The beautiful nurse saw that Li Kuang was in a daze, and said with an emphasis.

"Thank you for the beautiful nurse." Generally speaking, young women use beautiful women and young men use handsome men. Li Kuang has formed a habit.

When I sat up from the bed, I noticed that the skin was still yellow. I used to be fat and had a small stomach, but now my body is very strong. When I touch my abdomen, I obviously feel there are eight abdominal muscles.

The beautiful nurse smiled happily and said with a smile in her eyes: "Thank you, you are also very handsome."

what? Very handsome? If it were true, it would not always be a single dog. The more beautiful a woman is, the more she will cheat people!

There is a mirror on the wall beside the door, in which Li Kuang's reflection is reflected.

"Does this mirror have the effect of beautifying the face?" turned to the nurse and asked.

The nurse covered her mouth and laughed and said, "Handsome, you are really humorous."

Slowly turn his head and look at himself in the mirror. He looks the same as before, but he looks much more handsome.

"The person who sent you has already paid your medical expenses." The beautiful nurse wrote a line of words on the work record book and tore it off. She put it into Li Kuang's pocket and said, "My name is Kelly Branson. You can ask me when you are free." Kelly winked at Li Kuang and went out.

Li Kuang didn't care about the beauty. Looking at the words in his mind, Li Kuang was very ordinary. After all, the old users of the starting point for more than ten years have become familiar with traversing and the system.

The most important thing now is to understand the current situation.

Out of the hospital, I looked up at the sky. There was a sun in the sky, surrounded by tall buildings, which was very prosperous. It seems that this is still the earth, but I don't know whether it is the earth of the original world.

It's noon and it's time for dinner. I felt in my pocket and found 100 yuan in it. There was a Xiaomi mobile phone. After I opened it, there was no signal.

There is a huge screen playing news in the opposite building. The news host is a beautiful lady.

As soon as the picture turns, there is the news of Robert Downey Jr. on the screen. Why do you recognize Downey at a glance? Because he is the actor of Iron Man in Marvel, and Li Kuang is a fan of Marvel movies. Every time a new movie is released, he can't wait to watch it.

A line of red characters appeared on the screen, shocked! Tony Stark has been in love with the new Hollywood film for several years!


Li Kuang is surprised, Tony Stark? It's Marvel World!

The danger level here can be said to be very high, so we must stabilize the development and not wave here.

Feel your stomach, but without US dollars, you just don't know whether RMB can circulate in the United States of the world?

The United States is a multi-ethnic country. There are white, black and yellow people, and among the yellow people there are overseas Chinese.

Walk and inquire, cross the street and alley, and come to an antique shop.

The signboard of the antique shop is written in English and Chinese, and its name is Liji Antique Shop.

I'm still my own family. I'm really lucky.

It was noon, and two antique wooden doors were wide open. The inside was very bright. There were eight wooden frames more than two people high in order in the room. They were filled with pottery and bronze, which looked very old.

Li Kuang knocked on the door and shouted, "Is there anyone?"

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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