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Chapter 1 Am I the Young Master?

"I will pay a visit to the young master next month."

Under the dark night sky, in the dilapidated farmyard, only Duan Yi's bean sized oil lamp glowed, and Duan Yi could roughly see the full picture of the woman in front of him.

About 20 years old, with melon seed face, willow leaf eyebrow, cherry mouth, snow-white skin, and a pearl flower in her dark and thick hair, she is really a beautiful woman.

Looking at the whole body, the black tights are close to the body, showing the slim and moving figure without any difference. There are also bursts of fragrance, which is attractive and mouth watering.

Of course, the premise is to ignore the dark red sword in the beauty's right hand.

Duan Yi's eyes looked as if he had inadvertently swept over the long sword that looked like a real guy, and his thin lips pursed. He did not immediately respond to the woman who claimed to be Yuejiao Nu, but recalled the memory he had just digested in his mind.

He was born in the seventh year of Yuanfeng in Daxia. His current household registration is from Lin'an County, Weizhou, north of Xiachao River, or rather from Yuxi Village, Datong Town, outside Lin'an County. He is fourteen years old and unmarried.

His father is a scholar, a very elegant and handsome middle-aged man. Duan Yi learned his literacy skills from Duan's father, but Duan's father died early, five years after his death.

Her mother is gentle, virtuous and strong. Although she is not very beautiful, she is also great. After Duan's father died, she brought Duan Yi up with her sick body. She also died last month.

According to Duan Yi's memory, since he was sensible, he has lived with Duan's father and mother. He has never seen any relatives around him. For no reason, a chivalrous woman with a bloody sword jumped out and respectfully called him "Little Lord". Could it be a fairy dance?

However, he thought that his pocket was empty now, and he ate three consecutive meals of clear soup with wild vegetables. What did people want from him? Therefore, this suspicion, which is not very reliable, has been dispelled.

"Elder sister, do you have anything to eat? If you don't have anything to eat, you can have money."

Duan Yi decided that no matter what the other party's purpose was, or even the malicious attempt, as long as he was given a bite to eat, he would do anything except sell his ass.

Duan Yi is determined not to say such things to a woman he just met without dignity. After all, he is proud to be a passer-by.

"Well, my subordinates rushed out of the encirclement desperately and threw off the pursuers several times, without money."

Beauty, that is, Yuejiao Nu first groped her body, then blushed. She dared not look at Duan Yi. Nuo Nuo replied that her soft appearance was extremely cute.

However, Duan Yi did not respond at all. In addition to disappointment, he was more impatient and indifferent. In front of life, all beauties are like clouds. No matter how beautiful they are, they can't fill their stomachs.

Of course, because of the long sword in the hand of the beautiful woman, she didn't dare to show it clearly. She could only hold the lamp in one hand and point to her withered belly,

"I don't have the strength to talk now. If you really need me, you can get me something to eat."

Seeing Duan Yi's pale face and light head, it seems that he will faint at the next moment. Yuejiao Nu seems to realize something. She bows to Duan Yi and jumps out of the distance with a whoosh, which is really scary at night.

Of course, Duan Yi was also shocked. Let me wipe it. Is this beautiful woman a rabbit? She jumped so happily?

The beauty has disappeared, and the four sides are quiet. Duan Yi slowly closes the wooden door that can hardly protect him, walks to the center of the hospital, adjusts his position, sits on a small wooden stool facing the door, and holds his chin to think about his situation.

One is a passer-by, and one is a former Internet writer. He specializes in martial arts. He has no life skills. As for the high-end technology of making guns and guns, and developing glass and soap, he knows nothing, which makes Duan Yi frustrated.

The memory of Duan Yi is even more complete. He was a little boy, and his widowed mother grew up with him. In addition to reading books, he used his strength to help his family do some work. He has no viability at all.

No, it's not accurate to say that knowledge is power. Duan Yi is also a literate scholar. Although his literary talent is not good, it's not a problem to write a letter and help people settle accounts.

Duan Yi feels more secure when he thinks about it. At least if the suddenly appeared beauty finally finds the wrong person, he will not starve to death. This is great news.

And if the beauty is lucky and doesn't find the wrong person, won't he?

Young Lord, this is obviously not a simple role. Maybe he will go back and ask him to inherit hundreds of millions of property. Sure enough, God treats the passers kindly.

However, Duan Yi ignores the fact that the beautiful woman's sword is stained with blood to break out of the encirclement.

Without waiting for Duan Yi to fantasize, a man suddenly jumped over the two meter high earth wall. Duan Yi was so shocked that he fell down on the small wooden stool and squatted down. The oil lamp beside him went out, but instead of shouting, he squatted down on the spot and bravely asked the black shadow,

"Who is Sister Yue?"

The Lin'an County where Duan Yi lives is a small county in Weizhou. It is surrounded by mountains and sparsely populated. In addition, he is still in Yuxi Village outside the county, so the population is even smaller.

In his impression, there was no one who could come over the wall directly except Yuejiaono, who had just met a man who was suspected to know martial arts.

"Don't worry, young master. It's me. Jiaonu caught a hare outside the village and can feed you."

Yuejiao Nu was also a talented person. After walking around, the United Communist Party did not take long to catch a rabbit.

Duan Yi is overjoyed, lights the oil lamp again, and takes Yuejiao Nu to the kitchen of the poor family to open fire.

Yuejiannu was very skillful. She rolled up her sleeves and put the exhausted rabbit into a pot full of boiling water. After a long time, she plucked, peeled, smoked and roasted it

Duan Yi's mouth watered during the process. When he got to the entrance, he ate like a wolf. Yuejiao Nu looked at him with relief, as if his craftsmanship could satisfy the young master.

Not long after, the whole rabbit fell into Duan Yi's belly except for all its bones, and its originally shriveled belly became mellow, with striking contrast.

After eating, Duan Yi takes Yuejiao Nu to the dilapidated room. He is sitting on a wooden couch with quilts to eat while Yuejiao Nu stands in the room, legs close together without gaps, waist slightly bent, as if to salute Duan Yi.

Can't help it. Duan Yi asked her to sit down, but the woman's head is very spindly. Anyway, people can't press their heads if pigs don't drink water. Let her go.

"You said that I was your little master. Tell me the details. You can't have mistaken me, can you?"

Duan Yi is also a chicken thief. Before Yuejiao Nu spoke, he took the lead and pointed out that he had mistaken someone, so that the woman would not find out the truth later and kill him with his sword technique.

"There is no mistake. The half of the longevity lock between the young master's neck is the same as the half of the lock in Jiaonu's hand. When it is combined, it is one. This is the keepsake. It must be that the young master transferred his own longevity lock to the young master."

As Yuejiaono explained, he took out half a silver lock from his arms and, by the oil lamp on the table, approached Duan Yi for a closer look.

Duan Yi looked carefully, and his hands were not slow. At the same time, he took off the long-life lock from his neck, which had been worn from childhood to the big one. A slight comparison showed that the same long-life lock was indeed split by someone.

"My father's name is Duan Yue, and my mother's name is Yan Fangfei. I haven't asked you yet, who is the young palace master in your mouth? My father or my mother?"

After Duan Yi confirmed it, he was much more relaxed. At least Yuejiao Nu didn't find the wrong person, so he didn't have to worry that the other party would become angry and start killing.

"The young palace leader's original name is Yan Fangfei, and indeed, Jiaonu did not find the wrong person. Young lord, where is the young palace leader now?"

Duan Yi told his mother's name, and Yuejiaono was even more sure that he had found the right one, so he was very excited. Before coming to her, he just guessed according to the token, and was not completely sure.

Duan Yi didn't talk too much. He told Yuejiao Nu about his current situation, which meant that you should take me away from this ghost place and go back to inherit the family property.

However, on hearing the news of Duan Yi's mother's death, Yuejiaono was shocked like a bolt from the blue. Her body trembled and her lips trembled. After several adjustments, she did not adjust. Her beautiful big eyes suddenly burst into tears, which made her feel very sad.

Although Duan Yi is a traveler, he blends into his soul and feels the same way.

However, the man is more rational. He seems to realize that the woman in front of him has a strong relationship with his mother and is more interested in exploring. Just when he wants to ask, he sees that Yuejiannu has already knelt down on his one knee,

"Young master, since the young palace master is not here, you are the direct blood relatives of the old palace master. Please kill the rebels and restore the orthodoxy of the Moon Worship Palace. I will go through fire and water if you want."

Duan Yi was stunned by this series of changes. At this time, his face was confused and he didn't know what the beauty was doing.

Don't you want to go back and inherit the family property?

Rebellion? Revenge? Restore orthodoxy? Return Nima to go through fire and water. Is it not a blessing, but a disaster?

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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