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Chapter 1 Come to fight? Come and fight

Westchester, New York, USA

As a student, the most annoying thing may be class. As a student who doesn't like learning, the most annoying thing must be class. As a student who thought he didn't need to go to class again (past tense), the most annoying thing is class.

As a solid children's shoe that has been able to feed and clothe himself, he has every reason to believe that he no longer needs to take such high school courses in pediatrics

Although his college entrance examination results were not very good in his last life, he did not want to go back to the foreign version of high school life.

"Qi, although I know you don't need the knowledge of these courses, are you sure you don't want to go?"

With long wine red hair and tall figure, the beautiful teacher's tone is full of teasing, which is obviously teasing the children

"I don't know what the professor thinks. I have graduated. I am a qualified graduate and an excellent student of mit

Looking at the children who kept reading, but honestly stood up and walked to the classroom, Qin smiled honestly. Professor Heqi, an old man and a young man, were not tired of the small games that two people had been fighting over for years

Then he silently measured the little girl's height, which was about the same as his own. Qin thought, well, 17 years old is also a child

Regardless of the inner activities of the Qin teacher behind him, he walked to the classroom heartlessly and listened to the professor's words,

After all, as a person who has received moral education since childhood, he has never been able to repay his kindness and save his life,

In this world, I was saved from human traffickers by professors. I have been brought up since I was ten years old. I have to be kind and respectful. I just don't forgive others.

Kick open the door of the classroom, and before the bucket on the doorframe fell, a ball of fire came in the face. In the face of the supernatural scene in the daytime, Qishi expressed no panic, and even had time to dig a nostril,


The fireball with the size of a human face was pinched out with one hand. Before the initiator responded, he rushed to a boy with a rebellious face and pressed his head on the desk with the other hand without moving

"Let me go, let me go, I want to fight with you, let me go......"

Qi Shi said he didn't care, and put his attitude into action. He adjusted his posture and trampled clockwise and counterclockwise

"Tut Tut, I said, John, you are not good. Your little flame has not changed. It seems that you miss my love."

Without waiting for John to react, his head bounced up

It doesn't use much power. It's just like playing and crying

The whole process took only one minute. There were other students in the classroom. Seeing Qi's skillful movements, they not only touched their heads, but also remembered the fear of being dominated.

"Brother Qi, you've played all of them. Let John go. He seems to be suffocating."

A slightly green and obviously weak male voice came from the side, followed by a steady look. It was a boy with a lean short hair. He looked calm, but his hands crossed in front of his chest showed that he was not calm

Qi Shi looked at the boy who had the opposite attitude and temperament to the master of his excellent head, and said

"Why, Bobby, you want to help your good base friend, and you also want to enjoy his treatment? Hmm?"

Qi Shixuan gestured with his free hand and saw that the boy's body was obviously shaking.

"Okay, for the sake of someone talking to you"

When he pulls back his hand, John's head is no longer in force balance, the upward mechanical energy is greater than the gravitational potential energy, and the initial speed given by the kinetic energy is large, and the object rises extremely fast

John tried too hard and almost recited it

Qi Shi ignored John's exclusive provocative speech in the double format for the next minute and turned to Qin who entered the classroom

He knew that the main reason why he came back to school this time was that he was on business.

I don't know why. In recent years, there have been more and more supernatural events in the society. At first, they thought they were hearsay, but later, the green events in New York Square made insiders remember,

The world is not very safe

Therefore, the professor decided to change the teaching strategy of the school, so that these gifted children have at least the ability to protect themselves.

Chin walked up to the platform and said, "Well, children, from today on, the school will open a new course". He paused and looked around the children

"Practical training, children, this will be your new start. Protecting yourself is always the most important thing, and this course will teach you how to do this. If you understand, start towards the practical classroom."

As soon as the words were over, the children rushed out. For the few places in the school where children could not get in and out freely, the practical classroom had been watched by the children for a long time. This time, they could go in and see how they could wait

Qi Shi looked at these excited teenagers, and he knew what would happen next. As the only school student who can be allowed to graduate and study abroad in recent years, the only way to go out is to be considered to have enough ability to protect and control themselves

At the beginning, he also took a lot of effort to pass the exam. These children still don't know what they will face

Qi Shi and Qin came to the practice classroom and found that several teachers in the school were almost there. In the first class, the professor was also there

Qi Shi walked forward, bent his knees and squatted in front of the professor, facing his four eyes

"Professor, I'm back."

The bald old man in the wheelchair heard that he was laughing and put his hand on his solid shoulder and patted,

"It's good to be back. This will always be your home"

The bright smile indicates that the old man is in a happy mood,

"It's just that this class needs your help"

Hearing this, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the teachers around him as if thinking of something, and got the expected answer in their eyes

Nod to the professor and stand up

"Children, Teacher Qin should tell you the main content of this lesson, which may not be very detailed."

A dark female teacher said

"You will hone your talents in actual combat, enhance your mastery of talents, and become more comfortable and more your own"

"And your opponent in the first class is him"

The children looked at the accused and showed their innocent faces

These children are a bit suffocated, because the school's consistent rules do not allow the random use of talent. Most children feel imprisoned, which is a kind of liberation for them

Although in the past few years, all the children who had a little idea with Qishi have been taught a lesson by Qishi, they just think that they didn't use their full strength. If they use their full strength, they can defeat Qishi and break away from the devil

When the female teacher finished speaking, she looked at Qishi and said that she would leave the next thing to Qishi.

Nod your head firmly to show that it's over to me

Go to a group of children and say, "Since the teacher has arranged this way, you must be happy to see it succeed, so use your best, don't be afraid of hurting me."

Considering that some children are afraid of hurting their ability, after all, some children come to school because they are afraid of hurting others

"Don't worry, the teachers are here, nothing will happen, and you can learn to control it only if you use all your strength and understand your own strength"

Watching the children relax, they know that his words have had an effect. It's time

"Come on, who comes first"

Say this truthfully, and the teachers will step back, step behind the children, and stay in a position where they can support at any time without affecting them

The space of this practical classroom is large enough for children to do their best here

"I come first, I come first, I want revenge"

Looking at John who couldn't wait to jump out, Qi Shi said he knew the boy couldn't help it

"Then you are the first. Come on, choose one"

After Qishi finished speaking, he stretched his right hand to the sky at random, and a glowing hole appeared in the air, and several small things crowded out one by one,

John stood opposite Qishi, looked at the scene, and grasped the lighter in his hand. He was no stranger. These small things with metal appearance but real life left deep memories in his mind

Looking at the different deep memories in front of me, I soon found a different one,

"That's it"

Qi Shi looked at John with two colored locusts on his fingers. He knew that John chose the only one he had not seen in the face of others who had educated him many times, but this was also in line with the child's nature. What he had not seen was not necessarily powerful, but what he had seen was definitely not

"Okay, then listen to you"

Wave your hand and let the other kids play nearby. After all, it's boring to stay in a different space

John is being prepared. As a person who can control the fire, he looks down on anyone at school. He used to have conflicts with others at school. Once he met Qishi, he wanted to give the Asian boy a welcome gift,

Qi Shi, as a Chinese who has experienced nine-year compulsory education, if he meets someone who challenges you in a new place and wants to stop having trouble, the best way is to let him remember things once

The one who carried out the task that time was the little scorpion among several small things. That time, John did not get out of bed for a few days, and the scorpion's tail hurt the bear's buttocks more than twice

John is not stupid, or his talent in fighting is really high. He has set his goal, immediately pressed the lighter, controlled a flame the size of a human head, and waited for the opportunity to move,

Kicking Locust, which was not easy to play, did not rush to end the battle. It beat around John in a small distance, stimulating the human child and making him disorderly

Qi Shi looked at the children. He knew that the reason why the professor asked him to stand here was not only to let the children know how weak they were, but also to let them know how weak they were. People who really can protect themselves are never arrogant. Only when they understand their own weaknesses can they realize the strength of others and better avoid danger

Can't play like before

Qishi, who has figured this out, beckons the little thing in John's puzzled eyes and the electronic voice of the little locust. The other hand pulls out a belt from nowhere, which looks like the metal color of the little thing

"Flame boy, this is not the old joke. I want you to attack me with your greatest ability."

Before John could chew the meaning of this sentence,

Qi Shi shakes his hand with the belt


Sensing that the belt is closed, the locust immediately locks its limbs and becomes an insect instrument

With everyone watching, press the front waist buckle with your right hand and slide the insect detector into the slot with your left hand


“Henshin! Change Punch Hopper!”

Masked Knight Fist Locust

In an instant, Qi Shi's person disappeared, and a tan metal soldier who had never seen before stood there

Between body movements, the sound of metal is clear, and the head is crooked,

"Masked knight fist locust, come on, use all your strength"

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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