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Chapter 1 Coincidence

When I came back after a while of work, the clock turned to 4:00 p.m., and the sound of the refrigerator in the rental house starting and the old washing machine turning echoed like a duet, which made this small space crowded and noisy. Compared with the impetuosity and noise outside the window, and the tranquility of taking tranquility out of the noise, it was a precious experience, and I was happy and contented. Suddenly, I felt that it was time to pick up my pen and tell the story that had haunted me for many days. At the moment when the pen and ink fell on the paper, I almost burst into tears as if I was going to meet someone who had been separated for a long time.

My thoughts are lingering in my mind, like a cool wind blowing across everyone's face in the park. In the setting sun, the grass and trees are faint. In the early summer afternoon, the air is not only filled with a faint fragrance, but also a bit tired and confused. Every day at this time, the second sister, the nanny, always takes Xinbao, who is more than two years old, to the park to play for a while. Xinbao has long eyelashes, big eyes, round face, and a bright smile, much like a doll coming from a painting. There are not many people in the park. Occasionally, people who are familiar with each other can't help saying hello. They are willing to praise and tease Xinbao. Xinbao smiles in return. The second sister always leads with a high air and says, "Call grandma, call grandpa!" She then obediently agrees with her. However, she was soon attracted by the things beside her. She threw off her "lady"'s coat, left her hands and ran to the playground in the center of the park. She was busy shouting "Slow down! Slow down!" Actually, most of the fitness equipment here is for adults, and only one slide is suitable for children. Xinbao took the trouble to climb up and down again and again, and soon his face was red and sweating. The second sister beside the guard immediately stopped and took her to a bench in the shade to rest.

Wipe off sweat and drink water. After a short silence, she rolled down again and turned around the chair. Then she wandered aimlessly along the path. The second sister followed her and stared at her every move. At this time, a small old woman stood on the bench beside her, walked towards Xinbao with a smile on her face, and murmured. Because Xinbao is cute, the second sister has been used to this situation, and even proud of it. It seems that she has made a lot of contributions, so she doesn't mind. But when she gradually approached, she found that the plain dressed woman had tears in her eyes. The squeeze of the smile made the wrinkles on her face like a paper fan that had not been opened, folding the essence of the years. She almost knelt on the ground, and the rough and fleshy hand holding Xinbao trembled. "Small change! Small change!" Her stiff and affectionate call seemed to use her life power to make the word clearer. The second sister was so frightened that she quickly took her heart to her bosom. "Small change! Small, small..." The woman pointed at the second sister and cried anxiously to an uncle behind her. The second sister noticed that uncle was still in a state of dumbfounded. At this time, he bent down and tried to help the old woman up, but the woman pushed him to stop the second sister. At this time, she could not speak, her face was purple like eggplant, and sweat and tears made her like water. The uncle looked at the frightened second sister and seemed to wake up from a dream. He explained incoherently: "Here she is -" He pointed to his head, "injured. We lost a child called Xiao Huan," his voice was a bit hoarse, "Don't be angry, don't be afraid, she didn't mean anything." The uncle raised his feet and lost his head to help the woman who was sitting on the ground at this time. Fortunately, there were not many people to visit, so the second sister ran away. To her surprise, although she did not notice Xinbao's expression, she did not seem to be frightened as she feared. She was very quiet all the time.

On the way home, the old couple's every move was always replayed in front of her eyes, which made her palpitate. "Madman! It must be madman! You must observe carefully next time you go out, and never meet again." She kept turning back as she walked, fearing that they would follow her all the way. She turned back to her community after several turns.

At nearly six o'clock, when the door lock rang, Xinbao put down his toy and ran to Maiziqian who came home from work. The call of "Mom! Mom!" was as clear as the singing of birds, which made her happy and closed the door to all fatigue and troubles. She wears ponytails, has a natural beauty without makeup, and has bright eyes. The wind and frost in the field make her skin slightly dull, but it also creates her strong physique, resolute, optimistic, and informal personality. Although she is not as torrential as mountains and rivers, she is also as energetic and free as sunshine and rain.

The second sister took the bulging plastic bag and went into the kitchen. "Is Xinbao good?" Mai Ziqian asked softly, touching Xinbao's forehead. "Good!" Xinbao replied solemnly, stroking his mother's face with his hand. The second sister poured out the dishes and told her and Xinbao about the whole day's life, but she only missed meeting the "madman". Although Mai Ziqian assured her a hundred times and repeatedly reminded her that she didn't need to repeat it every day, she promised that she would go her own way the next day. It seemed that only in this way could she show that she didn't idle around with her salary. Moreover, such a fat heart was the best example of her meticulous care day after day. Mai Ziqian gradually understood the boredom and loneliness of the second sister's accompanying the children all day, so he stopped.

After dinner, Xinbao took a bath and fell asleep in the sound of his mother's reading. Mai Ziqian turned on the computer to check email, read news, keep a diary, read books, and then turned off the lights to rest. The day ended at the entrance of the dream.

But the second sister in the other room was tossing and turning. The woman's clumsy behavior, eager eyes, and trembling voice were all really in front of her. Outdated cheap clothes and weather beaten faces are the same as those of rural people in their hometown. "Peasant!" Although she has lived in the city for more than two years, her earthy identity once overwhelmed her. When she first came to Mai Ziqian, she was afraid that she would look down upon her because of the indelible local flavor; She is ashamed of herself in front of others and always observes and listens quietly for fear of being laughed at once. But soon she found that Mai Ziqian was not only a magnanimous, kind-hearted and amiable girl, but also most other people in the city were enthusiastic and generous. People who became familiar with her gradually would ask her how to buy food and vegetables to distinguish between good and bad. Some of these women of the same age have retired, but most of their salaries are not as high as their own. The second sister's daughter has married, and the son who had an unplanned extra birth is studying at university, so he will naturally stay in the city to work after graduation. After several years of hearsay, the second sister learned that it is impossible to find a city person who is "rooted in Miao Hong" as an inherent rural person without enough capital, and houses, cars and betrothal gifts are essential. Expect to work part-time in the town while taking care of the family's farmland and honest husband? Of course not. It's Amitabha Buddha that his income can support friendship, the Spring Festival, his son's tuition and living expenses. His food and accommodation are here. The extra pocket money given by Mai Ziqian is more than enough for his daily expenses. Anyway, she doesn't care how much he spends on the children. The salary given by Bowen has been saved intact, It is quite a fortune for her. Thinking of this, a sweet wave dragged her to sleep.

On Saturday morning, Zhang Bowen, who was carrying large bags and small bags, arrived just after the second sister had finished breakfast. Wearing a white T-shirt, blue jeans and light sneakers, he looks tall, upright, brave and handsome, and his thin face exudes thin sweat. He called "Second Sister" in a low voice. Second Sister waved her hand, took the bag and opened it, some of which were stuffed into the refrigerator; Some are put into the kitchen; Some are on the table. Obviously Mai Ziqian and Xinbao have not got up yet, and the second sister with shoulder bag is going to go home today. As the wheat harvest is approaching, she will go back to see how her family is preparing. Besides, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Although her parents in law in their 70s can take care of themselves, they should also help to dismantle, wash and sew. The second sister's diligence and filial piety are well known among relatives, which is why Bowen Ma came to her.

But she hesitated when she came to the door. It seemed that she remembered something and turned back. She pulled up Bowen, who had just sat on the sofa, and crept into her room. Before closing the door, she even looked out twice. Zhang Bowen was caught in the clouds by her mysterious behavior that she had never had before.

"What's the matter, Second Sister?"

"Well, I think I should tell you when I think about it." The second sister paused for a moment. "The afternoon before yesterday, I took Xinbao to the park and met an old lady who had problems here." She pointed her head and continued. "She grabbed Xinbao's hand and shouted, 'Little ring? Little change? Little bad?' Her accent was not clear to me. She was wearing a red hat and was accompanied by a stupid uncle, which was easy to recognize. When you take Xinbao out to play, don't touch her. "

"Is Xinbao frightened? Does Qianqian know this? No matter what happens in the future, you should tell me at the first time, OK, Second Sister?"

Zhang Bowen's nervousness made Second Sister a little uneasy.

"No, Xinbao is still smiling. I didn't dare tell Ziqian."

"OK, I see. Be careful on the way."

At this time, the second sister was relieved. It was very painful for her to hide. Now she can go home easily. If there are no special circumstances, Bowen and Ziqian try to let her have a rest on Saturday and Sunday, and she can do some housework; Or go shopping; Or go home every few weeks to have a look. In short, give this puzzled family of three some time to spend alone.

Shortly after the second sister left, Mai Ziqian came out with a yawn, disheveled hair and bleary eyes. Zhang Bowen greeted him with a smile.

"Coming?" Mai Ziqian said hello while binding her hair with a leather band.

"Here we are, it's still early, so we should sleep more." Zhang Bowen's love always can't help revealing.

"Xinbao didn't make any noise at night and slept well. Did the second sister leave?"


Mai Ziqian enters the bathroom and Zhang Bowen enters the bedroom. When Xinbao heard the news, he rolled over and saw the blog in front of him. He rubbed his eyes and cried sweetly, "Dad!" "Oh, my daughter!" At this time, the blog was crisp from head to foot and couldn't help holding the child in his arms. Xinbao put his left hand around his father's neck and rested his head on his thick shoulder.

After breakfast, Zhang Bowen took Xinbao to a kindergarten with strong professionalism and rich program content to have classes, creating opportunities to contact and communicate with more children of the same age. Xinbao is naturally overjoyed. Two hours later, he will still be reluctant to leave.

Mai Ziqian usually stays at home at this time. She doesn't like shopping together, parties and outings as other girls do. The company's complicated things make her always in a full state of smart mind and nervous tension. During her break, she chooses to be quiet, relaxed and free, tidy up her clothes, browse the web, learn to recharge, and write some articles when inspiration comes to earn some extra money. Occasionally, on a whim, she will make a delicious dish according to the online method. Of course, a few friends also meet and chat, But she often chose the place at her home. Four years after graduation, she still knows little about the city. In addition to several relatively busy streets when she was looking for a job, she is only interested in a few historical attractions. She often has a sense of drift away from home and loneliness, so she quickly bought a house, so that she and her children have roots, have dependence, and have a home where happiness, happiness and all emotions can be placed. Of course, the reason why she has all these things can not be separated from the support of Bowen. He not only paid the second sister's salary, but also looked around. He moved most of the things in the same way. He was a careful, considerate and warm man, but it was all temporary. Maybe everything will change completely one day.

More than eleven o'clock, the father and daughter came back contentedly. Xin Baoxing rushed to her mother. In order to encourage her to express her courage, Ziqian asked her about the kindergarten every time. She pouted her lips, used both hands and feet, and told her mother intermittently, "Who put his hat on the wrong side, who fell down while playing ball, who put mud in his mouth when making a boat..." Ziqian always laughs with her. Looking at the warm picture, the blogger who is preparing lunch is full of happiness. If four years ago, he went into the kitchen for only one purpose: to find food. It is unimaginable to tie up an apron, hold a spoon to weigh the pot, cook and then wash the dishes. After a long time of learning, exploring, thinking and trying, he finally has the good qualities necessary for a practical man. It is his pride, his happiness and his ideal to make a delicious, nutritious and healthy meal for his beloved wife and daughter. He is satisfied with the status quo in both work and life, and is afraid of any change. Unless he wants to go in the direction, he cannot control Ziqian's thoughts, let alone force her to decide his fate.

In the afternoon, the three left at the same time. Bowen first sent Ziqian to the gym (the fitness card issued by Bowen), and then took Xinbao to the swimming pool.

At night, Bowen was lying by the bed reading a story book to Xinbao. When the child fell asleep, he got up and left the room.

Bowen handed the peeled apple to Ziqian, who was sitting on the sofa watching the computer, and said softly, "I haven't seen enough in the office. Would you mind not consuming too much of the visual nerve?"

"All right." Mai Ziqian obediently closed the computer, lay down and concentrated on eating the apple.

"Has your supervisor left yet?" Zhang Bowen is very concerned about her.

"No, it's probably a few weeks away. I don't know what the new comer will be like." Mai Ziqian's concern is reasonable. The current director Wei appreciates her and has given her selfless help and support. However, it is unrealistic to take the child to Chengdu branch with her. If we lose our dependence and can't be righted, we have to resign ourselves to fate.

"It's OK, let the wind and waves rise, let's sit on the fishing platform!" Although Zhang Bowen's consolation is weak, he shakes his head like an old gentleman.

Because eating something, Mai Ziqian tried not to laugh out loud. After a while, he asked, "What about you?"

"Very good. In September, the group had an opportunity to study abroad, and the unit reported my name." The mixed look made Mai Ziqian suddenly understand that he was in a state of conflict, neither willing to miss the opportunity nor relieved of them.

"It's OK. Go ahead. There's a second sister. Besides, if you don't go, your mother has another reason to criticize me. I'm useless, but I don't want to be an unforgivable villain."

"Well, let's wait for the announcement. Maybe there is no me." Blog doesn't want to extend this unpleasant topic. He stood up and picked up the apple core Ziqian put on the tea table and put it into the trash can.

At the thought of Bowen's mother's dissatisfaction, Mai Ziqian was also uninterested, so she simply got up and entered the bedroom.

At night, when the weather is cool, Bowen sleeps on the sofa. Through the open door, he can vaguely see the mother and daughter sleeping in the faint light, which makes him feel secure and satisfied. After five days of waiting, he cherished every inch of his time with them.

The next morning, Zhang Bowen continued to take Xinbao to the kindergarten. Mai Ziqian is asked by Zhuang Meiyun to accompany her on a blind date. That is a woman with a large amount of information. The air with her is always fresh and active. Zhuang Meiyun was very satisfied that the blind date was an engineer with an impressive appearance. Every day, she is eager to be one of the pregnant women who are filled with happiness, spoiled by her husband, full of airs and charm.

After a simple lunch, Bowen and his daughter took a deep nap. The first person who woke up was Xin Bao. She patted Bowen's face with her meaty little hand and touched his ears. Bowen deliberately closed his eyes, and Xin Bao smiled and pinched his nose. Bowen suddenly opened his eyes and opened his mouth wide, pretending that a tiger bit people. Xin Bao pushed him with his hand and kept laughing.

"Be quiet, will you?"

"Hush!" Bowen gestured to Xinbao, who covered his mouth with a smile. According to the reputation, Mai Ziqian was curled up on the sofa to rest. Bowen walked over on tiptoe, covered Ziqian with the blanket, changed his clothes, and went out with his treasure in his arms.

When he came to the park, he suddenly remembered the second elder sister's advice: Beware of crazy aunts and clumsy uncles. They not only behaved strangely, but also shouted the words "Xiao Huan", which surprised him now, because he clearly remembered that Ziqian once said that she seemed to call herself Xiao Huan when she was young, and no one would call her Xiao Huan when she grew up. The reason why this sentence seems to be imprinted on his mind is that Qian Qian's life experience and experience are really unusual and even unimaginable. He tried to solve the mystery for her, but she refused. She has never forgiven the person who left her in the wilderness from birth and was almost frozen to death, starved to death, or even bitten to death by animals. Although she didn't mention it again after she had a treasure, there were still complaints, so they always avoided talking about it, including her adoptive parents, the couple who made her grateful and selfish, especially the unfriendly mother.

He was eager to see the old couple in the mouth of the second sister, but he still got nothing from half the park. Xinbao had a good time playing beside the fitness equipment. Bo Wen was afraid of bumping into it, and he stayed there until they left without finding any clues.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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