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Chapter 1 Military Exercises

War is the foundation for the survival and development of Tianfeng people.


The return of the expeditionary force made the citizens of Qingye City jump up one after another.

These returning soldiers, black clothes, iron armour, tall horses, holding crescent spears, with blood stained red cherry on their heads, look solemn, with a faint sense of death. It is obvious that they have just retired from the bloody battlefield.

Their armor is not new, some of them are worn out, their spears still have cracks, and their teams are not very neat. However, their spirit is high and their fighting spirit is high. They are truly battle warriors who have been tempered in the battlefield.

At this moment, although the cavalry team was dusty, its face could not hide the complacency and pride when it returned from victory.

After many hard battles and brilliant victories, in addition to the noble honor and bounty, perhaps the most desirable thing is the cheering of the parents and fellow villagers when they welcome the hero back.

The crowd gathered on both sides of the Tiantian Avenue and looked forward to it.

They consciously made way for the cavalry to pass through, and then kept shouting to the team, "Which unit are you from?"

"Thousands of cavalry guards of the Tiger and Leopard Battalion of the Dragon Fang Army," shouted the leading officer.

"It's the soldiers of the Dragon Fang Army. The first army of Storm." The crowd around responded in a low voice.

The voice reached the officer's ears, and his face was filled with a proud smile.

If the Storm Corps is the strongest force in the whole Tianfeng Empire, then the Dragon Fang Army is the strongest force in the Storm Corps. As a member of the Dragon Fang Army, this officer has too many reasons to be proud of.

Another person shouted, "What's the flag of the Tiger and Leopard Camp?"

The officer replied, "The Iron Wind Flag."

There was a lot of discussion: "Which flag is the Iron Wind Flag? There are two towns and six flags under the Dragon Fang Army. I know Iron Blood Town, Red Blood Town, Ghost Wind Flag, Fierce Wind Flag, Fire Wind Flag, Spirit Wind Flag, Hong Wind Flag and Blood Wind Flag. Why haven't I heard of Iron Wind Flag?"

"Even if it is, I have never heard of it." The crowd echoed.

The officer's face was slightly flattered: "Although our army won the war in the mountains, the Hongfeng Banner suffered heavy losses. Now the Hongfeng Banner has been reorganized into an iron one."

"You are the soldiers of the former Hongfeng Banner? Do you know my dog? He is a soldier in Hongfeng Banner!" Some villagers began to shout.

For a while, many people in the Qingye city began to ask the returning soldiers about their relatives' whereabouts.

"Have you met my husband, please?" This was the soft voice of the young wife who was staying at home alone.

"Excuse me, do you know my father?" This is the innocent voice of the weak children with innocent faces.

"My son is also in your flag. Who can tell me his whereabouts?" The white haired old man asked anxiously, leaning on crutches and holding the soldiers' hands..

"My brother is in the Tiger and Leopard Camp! Brother, brother, I'm Dashan, where are you!?" That was a confused young man who was anxious to find his brother or younger brother.

They are so eager to hear the voice of their loved ones.

Some lucky ones met their relatives and friends. They embraced each other warmly. I never tire of asking each other again and again. The husband and wife were reunited, and the father and son recognized each other. They were so excited that they cried and laughed.

However, there are always some voices that will never return to their side.

Then, there were low sobs spreading in the crowd like a plague.

The officer on the horse began to be silent. He sighed slightly, then raised his whip and shouted: "Villagers! I was ordered by the town governor, Nanwu, to go back to Qingye City to repair, and at the same time, recruit soldiers and gather rations in case of another war. So I can't delay here more. Please forgive me! During the repair, I will let my officers and soldiers go home for some time, so please make way for us to return to the city. "

Then he signaled the troops to step up and hurry into the city. This time I came back with a major task, so it's really not suitable to delay more, nor to hold a matchmaking meeting.

Therefore, those who recognize their relatives must return to the team. Those who do not find their relatives must also be restrained. They shouted, raised the whip and fell down heavily. After raising the smoke and dust all over the sky, thousands of cavalry officers and men marched along the main road towards the middle of Qingyang City at high speed.

Looking at the dust and smoke disappearing in the distance, someone finally sobbed: "So it was back for conscription. Is this battle still unfinished? How many children will die this time?"

For a while, the villagers who welcomed them back fell back to the bottom of their original excitement. Even the people who had seen their loved ones had to raise a sense of fear for their loved ones.

Seeing Qingye City in the distance, the officer on the horse finally slowed down his pace, and the hussars following him also slowed down.

The officer's name is Mu Xue. At this moment, Mu Xue waved his hand to the air and shouted, "Qi Tianyou!"

Among the cavalry behind him, a brave cavalry general rushed out, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, and a solemn and resolute face like a knife. "Arrive!", the cavalry will come to Mu Xue's side like a whirlwind.

The horse whip pointed to the front, and Mu Xue said, "See? We are going home."

Qi Tianyou didn't have any expression on his black face: "I don't have a home."

Mu Xue nodded: "Well, that's why I asked you to come here. After entering the Qingyang City, you should go to the recruit training camp immediately. This time, we are not the only ones who come back to recruit soldiers. So we should start quickly. I want you to pick out three thousand of the best recruits to take away from me at the first time. I can warn you, Qi Tianyou, that any soldier who has entered our iron wind flag cannot have cowards. I know you have good eyesight, but I still say that. As long as you bring me a coward, I will remember you. Three thousand soldiers, I think you can let me whip you. "

Qi Tianyou nodded, his black face didn't have any superfluous expression, just waved, and a sentry followed him to the recruit training camp.

Mu Xue looked at Qi Tianyou's faraway figure quietly, and shouted without looking back: "Other brothers at the sentry, when they get home, they will have a three-day holiday first. Everyone take the reward and have a good time."

Thousands of officers and soldiers at the same time issued a mountain like roar.


Tianfeng Empire, located to the east of Guanlan Continent, is a landlocked country.

To the east of the wind, it is a waterstop country near the sea, and to the south, it is a rainbow country. To the north of Tianfeng is Mecca, a large grain producing country, known as Guanlan Granary.

Mecca, the Three Kingdoms of Zhishui and Tianfeng, are located on the same fertile plain, so they are also called the Three Kingdoms of Abundance.

To the west of Tianfeng is a holy corridor leading to the central region. It is also the only place where Tianfeng can go abroad without passing other countries. Therefore, in order not to be stopped by other countries' strategies, Tianfeng was forced to deploy heavy troops along the holy corridor.

Different from Tianfeng, the three countries around Tianfeng have their own natural dangers. The water stop has a triple heaven to guard the gate, while the Jinghong Kingdom has the Hanfeng Pass, the first grand pass in the east, and the Tianshan Mountain to guard the gate, and Mecca has the Hailang River with fast flowing water as the natural barrier.

Tianfeng people live on the plain and have no danger to defend. In this world where wars happen every day, the only thing they can rely on is their brave folk customs and powerful army.

Therefore, Tianfeng people believe that attack is always the best defense.

Relying on the unique resource advantage of the rich grassland, Tianfeng people have the most powerful cavalry in Guanlan continent. They come and go like the wind, gallop like electricity, roar and smash, and help the barrier vertically and horizontally. They become the most powerful trump force in Tianfeng country.

Therefore, it is the lofty ideal of every Tianfeng athlete to become a cavalry general in the country of Tianfeng.

They are eager to make contributions to the enemy in the battlefield and become famous all over the world.

In the history of Guanlan, there has never been an empire as powerful and belligerent as the wind in the sky. The soldiers of Tianfeng are brave and tenacious. They regard fighting as the whole of life, yearn for honor, and pursue killing.

When Qi Tianyou came to the small earth bag not far from the training camp with his powerful cavalry, looking forward from here, we could see a massive simulated confrontation in the training camp.

Armed with spears, the newly recruited soldiers with armor are conducting an offensive and defensive drill against each other under the command of their instructors. The two sides are distinguished by red and blue cloth strips, and their youthful faces are filled with their desire for battle. When the charge horn sounded, the red soldiers angrily launched their first assault on the blue side. The blue side formed a circle to fight. The instructor behind kept yelling: "Pay attention to both sides of you, don't miss. Learn to keep your formation in motion..."

The two groups of soldiers come and go. They attack and defend each other. It's good to fight, but it always feels like something is missing.

If you look carefully, you can finally find that the weapons in the hands of these recruits are all bladeless.

Without the fear of death threat, the soldiers fought hard, but they didn't have the spirit of killing each other. The formation is very good, but it is really going to the battlefield. I don't know how many people can remember this formation.

Looking at everything in front of him, Qi Tianyou's face showed a sneering smile: "It seems that someone knows the news of our coming and has prepared a big gift for us in advance."

A cavalry beside him also laughed: "Qi Shao, what should I do?"

"What should we do?" Qi Tianyou raised his eyebrows and said, "It's useless to watch the drill. I think we should use our guns and knives to test these new soldiers' eggs. Real gold is not afraid of fire. Let's refine them today. Let's see if it's our hundred veterans who have fought many battles on the battlefield or our nearly ten thousand new recruits who are awesome. By the way, let them know what really matters if they really go to the battlefield. Ho ho, there are few opportunities to feel the battlefield atmosphere in advance. "

"That is, every time we go to the battlefield, the fastest and most dead are new soldiers." A cavalry behind us also smiled.

Qi Tianyou looked at them for the first time, and a bright star flashed in his eyes: "He shouted:" Order: all the staff to spread out, one in ten steps, five in a group, and wave charge. Task: hit them all. Remember, you can't kill, but you can hurt people. If necessary, use a horse to hit you. Remember his face, and I will take it. If a recruit kills him, he is incompetent and will die for nothing! "

"Yes!" a hundred cavalry soldiers shouted at the same time.

"Take off your helmet, change your armor, discard your spear and use your knife... blow the charge horn!"

When the loud and clear charge horn sounded, the recruits in the training camp stopped their movements in surprise and looked outside the camp.

Dust and smoke billowed in the distance, and a fierce and vigorous cavalry had already shouted and killed them. The shining sabers in their hands cut through the sky, forming a brilliant silver wave, like a tornado in the sky, rough and violent, and a huge whirlpool ice flow on the flat ground.

When the leading cavalry rushed into the gate of the training camp, they cut down the flag in front of the camp with one stroke, and then pointed their swords to the sky and shouted, "Kill!"

Swallow thousands of miles and be enthusiastic.

In the face of this sudden attack, all the soldiers were almost stunned, and the confusion and confusion spread to the whole army like a tide in the next moment.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" Finally, he shouted quickly.

But what followed with the voice was not the group of new soldiers who were practicing, but the enemy cavalry who were rushing forward.

Qi Tianyou's cavalry had an absolute advantage from the moment they rushed into the camp gate tent. They were very experienced and knew that their own people were few. In addition, the other side was not the real enemy, so they did not really rush to kill. Instead, they used small formations to punch the new formation to pieces. At the same time, they created a lot of smoke and dust, making it impossible for the other side to immediately determine the number of people coming.

They abandoned their spears and replaced them with sabres. The sabres were sharp and long. When they cut down, they opened a big hole in each other's body. However, due to their efforts and caution, they seemed to be splashed with blood. In fact, they were slightly injured, but the bloody effect was even stronger than using spears. This makes the panic of training camp more and more strong.

"Cavalry! Cavalry!" someone shouted.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. They don't seem to have many people. Listen to my orders, form a formation and fight together!" Some experienced instructors also saw the problem.

"We need real weapons!" more people began to shout.

No weapons, no fighting spirit, no relatively strong leadership, no matter how many people, they are just a group of lambs.

At this moment, the recruits who have never experienced a big battle finally showed their true side:

Some people began to cry for their father and their mother; Others laid down their weapons and surrendered immediately; More people are in chaos, armed with weapons, but do not know what to do. Some people fought hard, but without the support of their teammates, they could not survive alone. The so-called newly trained elite soldiers became a mob in a blink of an eye.

Someone started to run away.

This loss of fighting spirit spread rapidly among the crowd like a plague, making more and more soldiers start to run outside the camp.

Qi Tianyou looked at the scene coldly and just smiled.

"Target, red tent, launch an attack with all your strength." Qi Tianyou ordered.

The red tent is where the training camp commander is located. Occupying there means controlling the entire command center. On the battlefield, there are many examples where the army occupies an absolute advantage, but the loss of command center leads to ineffective military command and loss of battle situation.

However, for the training camp, occupying the red tent is more symbolic - since it is impossible to win by killing the enemy and dispersing, it is only necessary to seize the command center.

More than one hundred cavalry began to form a dense formation and launched an attack on the red tent. The main point of this battle is to slow down with speed and take the opponent by surprise. If the command center is captured, the task will be completed and the recruitment test will be completed. Otherwise, it will take a long time for the new recruits to relax...

That's 10000 people after all.

Then at that moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the red tent.

When he raised his sword and fell, he immediately knocked down several new soldiers who led the escape, cut off their heads, held them high and shouted: "Those who fled at the moment will be killed! All of us will fight back! Don't forget that we are soldiers!!"

Qi Tianyou's eyes in the distance finally flashed a trace of surprise.

The murderer was a young man with white skin and handsome eyes. He looked like a weak scholar, but his expression was resolute, courageous and confident. At the moment, he was more murderous. At that moment, the young man's eyes collided with those of Qi Tianyou, stirring up a shock of soul.

In the eyes of two people, it seems that only the other exists at the same time.

Qi Tianyou felt a sense of despondency in his heart.

I don't know whether it is the practice of killing deserters that has worked, or whether the sentence "we are also soldiers" has stimulated everyone.

Finally, some soldiers began to carry out organized resistance.

A small group of cadets armed with spears without blades fought against the "enemy". The leader is as strong as a mountain. He wields a sword in his right hand and holds a shield in his left. As an infantry, he fought with a cavalry. Beside him, the spear array composed of dozens of new soldiers firmly blocked the sentinel iron blood elite cavalry on the way to the red tent.

Although their spears are spearless, the cavalry's swords dare not really greet their vital points. At that time, there was some stalemate.

The cavalry's specialty is to cut through and smash, and use the speed advantage to kill the enemy to the maximum extent. What they fear most is to touch the heavy armour infantry, which is called the "battleground fortress".

It was a heavily armored infantry team that stood in their way at this moment. Although their weapons were fake, their armour was genuine.

The leader of the strong man was even more powerful. He took a dagger in his hand and acted as a sledgehammer. When he wielded the dagger, it brought out a thunderous momentum and flashed layers of meteors and emerald lights. The momentum was overwhelming, and he unexpectedly shook a cavalry away from his horse like that. Then there was a spear and wax pole stabbing at the fallen cavalry in turn. If he had not been saved quickly by the people around him, he would have become the first cavalry of the Dragon Fang Army to be stabbed to death by a wax pole, and was stabbed to death by his own people.

Young people who cut down deserters have already started to organize archery teams.

To Qi Changyou's surprise, the arrows in the bow and arrow team composed of about 20 people flashed bright and cold in the sun.

It's a real guy!

"Fang Hu, Fang Bao, take your people with me to disperse the archery team!" Qi Tianyou shouted.

Twenty three cavalry immediately bypassed the battlefield and charged from the left to the red tent.

"Target: right charging cavalry. Set the distance, 50 meters, lock the fire, and let go!" The young man who supervised the battle in the distance shouted!


It is worthy of being veterans of hundreds of battles on the battlefield. Facing the scattered arrow rain, 23 cavalry soldiers at the same time put up their leather shields, covered their horses with their bodies, covered their heads with shields, and blocked most of the vital parts. In the first round of shooting, only one cavalry was shot in the shoulder.

The cavalry just laughed and scolded: "Shit, I was shot by some new soldiers' eggs, which is really shameful." Then he cut off the tail of the arrow, ignored the pain, and continued to rush forward as if the arm was not on his body.

The ferocity of the enemy's cavalry shocked the archers at the same time.

Fear is the worst mentality on the battlefield. It can make all efforts to train into water.

The archers who have lost their fighting spirit will no longer have any chance to shoot the cavalry. The distance of 50 meters will come at once, and the archers will lose their effective range and the protection of infantry. They will be completely exposed in front of the cavalry's iron hooves.

"When people are in the camp, they will die. Archers, give up their bows and change swords!" the young man shouted.

But this time, no one listened to him.

Qi Tianyou rode like a tiger on his own. He raced to the young man and swung his sword to swallow mountains and rivers. The young man fought with a long sword with one hand. He felt as if a big mountain had come over and hit his whole body in the air. Wow, before he landed, a mouthful of blood had gushed out.

The battle is over.


A new book has been published

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