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Chapter 1 Special Birthday Gifts

It's getting dark.

In late April, the evening in Jiangcheng is not hot at noon. The gentle breeze is swirling in the air with the withering cherry blossoms. The residual fragrance of the flowers slowly falls on the street with the attractive aroma of roadside snack stalls, making it beautiful and quiet.


"Wow --"

A crisp slap followed by a heart wrenching cry.

A little boy of about six or seven years old in the arms of a "Big Brother" with an inch, a pig and a watch tattooed on it, was howling loudly and secretly licking his hand to wipe it from the corner of his eyes when people were not looking.

Next to the father and son was the stunned boss who sold stinky tofu. He looked at the father and son who bought snacks across the street, blinked, and looked down at his own hot oil pan. A big gold chain was bubbling in the pan, and then floated up

Emmmm, The scene is a bit awkward.

A young man in a black shirt shook his head, drew his eyes from the bright red five finger print on the left cheek of the bear child, and slowly walked into a milk tea shop called Meng Meng House on the roadside.

The store is not big, but it is well dressed. It can be seen that the shopkeeper has had some thoughts.

The young man tapped on the side of the bar and said, "Boss, a glass of lemon, melancholy, less ice, and sugar, drink here." Then he found a vacant seat and sat down, ready to continue watching the wonderful scene diagonally opposite from afar. Unfortunately, I could see nothing except the back of the busy crowd.

In fact, the location of this milk tea shop is very good, opposite the Second Division, there is also a primary school attached to the teachers' school, and there are several universities nearby. So I'm not worried about the source of tourists. When I am busy, I can also recruit a female student from the second division to help me take a part-time job. Not only does it not need too high salary, but it can also attract customers in disguise.

After a while, the landlady came over with a cup of light blue drink and sat down opposite the young people, looking familiar, as if the young people were regular visitors here.

"Coming? I haven't seen you for half a month. Are you so busy? Your daughter-in-law hasn't come for a while..."

"Yes, I've been busy with my work recently. It will be May Day soon. I will try my best to make more money and take her out for the holidays..." The young man took the drink and sniffed at it. "She's taking a driving test recently, and she's very busy."

"So you left work early today, and came back so early?"

"I asked the leader for a leave this afternoon, and left early. Today is the 21st, her birthday......" The young man fingered the ice with a straw and explained gently.

"Yes, it's another year. Time is really fast. It's only 2016. Last year when you brought me a cake, it was just like yesterday."

"Who said no, she will be a junior soon, so fast......"

"It's very fast, but it's better to hurry up. You can't get married after she graduated?" The landlady smiled, as if with some emotion. "You've been together for almost three years, haven't you? There aren't many boys like you now. I heard from her that you resigned from your job directly and went to Huangzhou from Shencheng to accompany her Gao Fu? Online love shows up, tuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttut

"Does it sound silly..." The young man buried his face behind the cup, unable to see his expression clearly.

"How can you be stupid? It's smart. It's not easy to find a reliable target now, right..." The landlady had to talk again, but turned around to see another customer asking for a list, "You sit down first, I'm busy..."

The young man nodded, continued to flirt with ice cubes with straws, and stared blankly at the blue drink.

He Huanyu, a young man from J Province, worked as an intern in Shencheng during his senior year. His salary was good and he stayed after graduation. Until a year later, I got to know his girlfriend, Lin Hanyu, in the game, which was what the landlady called her.

"What do you want me to do? What do you want..." He Huanyu took out his mobile phone from his pants pocket and clicked on the message. Four words: fifteen minutes. Looking up again, it was the message I sent to her an hour ago, saying that I was off work and when I would pick her up. Looking at the time, it's almost six o'clock. It's time to go. She doesn't like waiting.

After saying hello to the landlady, He Huanyu stood up and rubbed his face, took the cup of lemon and drank it. After the rich fragrance and sweetness, there is endless acerbity.

The milk tea shop is not far from the school. In less than five minutes, He Huanyu arrived at the downstairs of Lin Hanyu's bedroom, leaned against the wall and quietly watched the lovers playing on the "Lover's Slope". West Nine and West Ten are female dormitories. A basketball court and a small slope are separated from the North Gate Canteen. Half an hour before the lights go out, you can always meet passionate lovers here. As time passes, this slope is called the "Lover's Slope". The wall He Huanyu leans against is the place where the boys watch the girls go upstairs. It is also called the "Breaking Wall"

After about ten minutes, Lin Hanyu came out. She glanced at He Huanyu in a daze, and continued to walk forward without stopping. He Huanyu followed her closely. After walking for a few minutes, Lin Hanyu stopped and turned around: "Tell me, what's the matter?" "Are you tired of learning to drive?" He Huanyu asked with a smile instead of answering.

"It's OK. I have something to say, but I still have something to do."

"Nothing else. It's your birthday today. Wait for you to have dinner, see what you want to eat, and go to see a movie by the way."

"I had dinner with my roommate. I didn't have time to watch the movie. Is there anything else?"

He Huanyu took a deep breath and asked slowly, "What's wrong with us? Why is that so? It's been like this for half a year. I've been thinking for a long time and really don't know what's wrong. Can you tell me?"

"You didn't do anything wrong. I just don't like it anymore..."

"Is it that simple?"

"It's that simple."

"Why? Is there always a reason?" He Huanyu's tone was not clear whether he was unwilling or unwilling.

"If you don't like it, you don't like it. What's the reason? Besides, there is no future between us..." Lin Hanyu still can't see his emotion on his face.

"There is no future? Just because of that fortune telling sentence?" He Huanyu raised his head and stared at Lin Hanyu.

"You know, my mother doesn't like you very much..." Lin Hanyu sighed, "and are you really sure that you want to be with me, not with your family?"

"I'm sure... Don't you know? Or have you never loved me in the past two years?"

"I know you spoil me and accommodate me, but what about the future? When we are together, both parents do not agree, which will be very hard......"

"I'm not afraid of hard work..."

"But I'm afraid, we are not young and can't be sentimental any more. I don't want to go on like this. Long pain is better than short pain. I'm afraid that the longer I drag on, the more inseparable... Also, you know, my personality determines that I can't give you what you want. The better you treat me, the more pressure I have... Don't make trouble with your family, go back, don't let me drag you down..."

"Well, I know..." He Huanyu took a deep breath, took the white jade ring from his neck, and passed it to her with a slight tremor


The evening wind at the end of April, after all, is still a little cold.

The campus radio on the playground suddenly rang, playing Xue Zhiqian's new song "Just Right".

If someone is in the lighthouse,

Teasing her hair,

Missing is engraved on walls and tiles.

If feelings struggle,

It's not said to be elegant,

Put down the retrieved hand.

"Your sister, do you want to meet the situation like this?" He Huanyu had no choice but to shake his head

As the wind grew stronger, He Huanyu put down his tied cuffs and buttoned them up. It doesn't seem so cold, but why does my heart ache so much? At present, it seems a little dark, and even the sound of broadcasting seems to be a little distant. He staggered a few steps and finally fell down

The sky is a little dark,

No one saw me when I was sad,

Don't care too much about my marks.


It's dark at last.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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