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Chapter 1 The Town Wicked Lord (I) How can there be no wrong path

Villain Master

(1) How can there be no wrong way

His head hurt very much. When he woke up from his dream, such a headache began to haunt him. It was like there were two little people arguing endlessly. He even felt that the two little people in his head had started to fight, making a mess in his brain!

This strange dream! The dream world is inexpressibly long and strange. But when I woke up, many details were vague. I only vaguely remembered that I had seen my own mediocrity for decades. I had married and had children, and started a small business. My life was not good or bad, and the waves were not surprising. Later, I worked in a shopping mall, and gradually felt that my omnipotent young man had become a greasy middle-aged uncle by the years. Many things in his dreams can not be verified. Many of the endings in his dreams are not clear about the cause and effect relationship. He thinks that it is an absurd dream, but the headache after waking up makes him so sad. Even some memories are confused. Finally, several ultimate philosophical questions pop up in his mind, such as who I am, where I come from, and so on.

Looking up, I saw the calendar board, March 26, 1993.

As he massaged his temples, he recalled his past.

Yun Qi, 19 years old, with ordinary appearance and average size, only one pair of eyes flashed some aura, but was blocked by a pair of glasses. He was a bad teenager in everyone's eyes. Because his parents were busy with work, he grew up in the country grandma's home when he was young. When it was time to go to school, his parents picked him up in the city, but missed the best time to get close to his parents. This is something Yunqi and his parents didn't understand. Why did Yunqi, who was originally smart and cute, become more and more rebellious, and how did the relationship between his parents and his son become more and more estranged, especially after Yunqi had a younger brother.

Yun Qi in primary school was a very smart student. He studied well and always ranked top. He even won the first place in every exam without writing homework. At the beginning of middle school, he was successful, and his academic performance was also good. Later, he was not sure what the reason was. He was tired of school, and always played truant with some bear children who had no hope of entering school.

Both parents were too busy to pay much attention to him. Even his continuous truancy was not noticed. One day, the school teacher found them, and they didn't know that their son had not been to school for a long time. After being deeply grieved, Yunqi paid no attention to the violent beating and scolding, and remained so until he completely abandoned school.

My father is the director of a factory in the county, and hundreds of people under his command depend on him for their livelihood. In this painful era, life is difficult. My father, a college student from the valley, was promoted because he knows technology. Because of his strong mathematical ability, he can read the drawings and quote. His technical ability is also the top in this small county. So he can do the work that others can't do, and can support this large group of people, which almost reaches his limit and consumes almost all his energy. But in a very short time, he can figure out how much it will cost to convert the things on the drawing into real objects, but he can't figure out the distance between him and his son.

Mother is the department manager of a company in the county. When other departments are losing money, only her department is making profits. Many honors fall on her. Mother is just an ordinary person with ordinary talent. She doesn't have the brains like her father. She just supports herself by working hard. She is aware of the alienation between her son and her but has no time to make up for it, She is also bad at making up for it. Sometimes she will cry secretly, but she is often interrupted by more work.

Yun Qi lives in such a family background. He has been educated for many times without success. He has been herded sheep. Fortunately, his family is not short of money, so he can live. Like his parents, his home is a hotel. Every time when his parents' work and rest time are staggered, he saves the time to face their frowns. Seeing his parents start to pay more attention to the education of his younger brother, he feels that he is farther away from the family, The outside world more attracted him to indulge.

But one day suddenly he was tired of such a life. He felt that he had had enough fun. He wanted to do something to prove that he could not remember the reason or why. He just didn't want to go on living, but he had no direction.

When I went to the dance hall to kill time, I suddenly noticed the accompanist in the dance hall.

He likes music. How many young people don't like music? However, in this era, few people regard music as a profession, but they want to learn it, either for the sake of doing it or simply for liking it. But it's a question of who should learn what to learn. Fortunately, his life in the society during this period also taught him to take some measures. He circuitously went to the music teacher in his school.

At the beginning, in the school, the music teacher discovered his singing ability by chance. Then for a while. The teacher taught him something about music. He also appointed him as the head of the music department of the school. During this period, he had a good relationship with the teacher. Even when he left the school to live in the society, he often talked with the teacher or asked him to practice singing. But he didn't trust the teacher, which was only based on his intuition. He felt that the teacher had some problems. They can chat together occasionally, which is also an alternative teacher-student relationship. So he wanted to know through this teacher what kind of people in the music field in this city are worth learning and learning from.

When chatting with the music teacher, he pretended to ask such questions carelessly. While chatting, the music teacher bragged about the figures in the music industry in the county and commented on them one by one. One of them, Teacher Tian, attracted Yunqi's attention.

The music teacher said that Mr. Tian was from an ordinary family and had a little background under his father's influence, but he didn't like music very much. Later, in order to make a living, he began to learn erhu and accordion with his father. Then he received his father's shift and went to the cultural center in the city to work as a clerk. In the cultural center, I came into contact with the piano. In order to gain a firm foothold in the cultural center and to have more skills, he practiced three times in winter and nine times in summer. After several years of hard practice, without the guidance of teachers, he managed to practice the piano to a certain level.

Here, Yunqi saw the tenacity of Teacher Tian's character, so he decided to go to this teacher to learn from him.

Maybe there will be people with higher level of professional background in this small town, but he doesn't want to find others, because he finds that such perseverance and perseverance are just what he lacks.

Yun Qi's decision to make such a decision has no effect on his future. Now he has no way to know. When he told his father about his ideas, his father was very pleased that he had made such a change, so he found the teacher Tian through his relationship, which was regarded as a formal apprenticeship. In this way, Yunqi began a period of music learning.

He was seventeen that year.

What makes Yunqi feel strange is that he is a person who values feelings and traditional ideas in his bones. Maybe it is because he values things he lacks more. In his mind, his childhood and adolescence were regretful and lacking in family affection, which resulted in his mentality? He doesn't know whether it is. In many articles he has read about the beautiful description of human nature, he is always fascinated by it, the attachment of family, the firmness of friendship, and the romance of love, which are all his paradise when wandering in the sky.

The reason for this is that Yun Qi is actually a person who recognizes the idea of being a teacher for one day and a father for life, which makes young people look old. His heart respected his master. His name is Master, because he thinks it is a formal apprenticeship and a traditional relationship between master and apprentice.

His master is only ten years older than him. His honest face and a little short stature are very inconspicuous. After years of life, he is very low-key and calm. He can hardly be found in the crowd. However, in his unit and on the dance stage where he needs to perform, he can not be ignored by the public, and will give off dazzling glory when he is not careful.

Yun Qi is relatively old, so his master arranged him to learn live accompaniment of electronic organ and guitar playing. Because learning other musical instruments is difficult to achieve quick results without basic skills.

Shifu recognizes Yunqi's talent, but he is still strict with him. During his study with Shifu, Yunqi felt that he was also tempering his character. Many frivolous actions and unrealistic ideas in the past are slowly transforming into a more pragmatic style, which is a subtle process. Suddenly one day, Yunqi found that he was not used to playing games and activities with his so-called friends. He thought it was childish and meaningless.

After being drunk, Shifu said something to Yunqi.

Master knew Yun Qi originally. He was a regular visitor in the dance hall, and often mixed with some bad teenagers. He occasionally did something extraordinary. When he played in the dance hall, it was hard not to notice those rebellious teenagers. But I never expected that one day he would intersect with Yun Qi, one of them, and have a master apprentice relationship. For the sake of face, he didn't refuse Yun Qi. He thought that Yun Qi was just a novelty, and he might be tired of leaving in a few days. But he didn't expect that Yun Qi would persist in such boring study and training.

What made him even more surprised was that Yun Qi was totally different from the character he showed outside. He respected and saluted Shifu very respectfully. Although there were occasionally some teenagers who were frivolous, he never indulged in Shifu. Therefore, Master believed that Yun Qi was a good apprentice who deserved to spend some time and energy to lead the teaching, and recognized this kind of master apprentice relationship in his heart.

What is more gratifying is that Yun Qi is very sensitive to music. He can quickly understand the intonation, rhythm and color. He also has the clattering rhyme in the folk saying. Even long music can be quickly remembered and directly hummed with simple scores. This is very useful for music learners. At least, picking up music scores will be much faster than others. (Of course, these words are all under the framework of this kind of wild road, which is different from those who come from the same discipline.)

The other thing is that Yunqi has a good voice. He has a strong understanding of music and songs, which completely covers up his weakness of relatively ordinary timbre and low recognition without being professional. The innumerable Shifu praised Yunqi. Yunqi began to reflect on his previous actions after being a little shy.

A rebellious teenager who wants to be different from the popular youth and wants to be independent. Before he has established his own outlook on life, his behavior is full of childishness and impulse. It is hard to get good results after deviating from the mainstream of society and universal values. After thinking, Yunqi seems to have changed in his realm. He starts to go home on time every day, and often silently helps his parents do some daily chores. In the joyful eyes of his parents, he seems to get more encouragement, and his parents also pay more attention to him.

One day, with Yun Qi's consent, his parents arranged Yun Qi to go to the county literary federation to exercise. Because Yun Qi likes reading books, literature, poetry, and his writing style is also good. Although the poems he wrote privately at school seem very young today, they were widely copied among his classmates at that time. His compositions were always model essays, Even after he dropped out of school, teachers occasionally mentioned Yunqi's composition and felt sorry for him. This time, I got such an opportunity through a friend of my father, although he was just a helper without salary.

While learning music, Yun Qi worked in the Federation of Literary and Art Circles. While his music level improved, he also became familiar with the music industry in the county. Because of his work in the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, he also had many acquaintances in the literary circle of this small town. Before he knew it, Yunqi felt that he was also a little famous person in the city. He was a bit of a scholar when talking and laughing.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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