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Chapter 1 Preface is written before work

I have never believed in fate, let alone coincidence.

But fate and coincidence always like to hit me in the face. Every time it hurts, it makes me feel lucky.

As a primary school student, I was so ignorant that everyone thought that I would show my true colors at the beginning of the primary school, be listed as a poor student, and be left in the cold. Unfortunately, my fate made me meet the nine-year compulsory education. I escaped a disaster and went to school nearby. It was a bit strange that everything went well.

In junior high school, I still muddle along for three years. Everyone was waiting for my joke, but it was a coincidence that I slipped away. I was one point higher than the mark and went to a key high school in the city.

I began to change in high school. I had my own ideas. I like to read books and begin to envy Laozi's inaction and Zhuangzi's indifference. But in fact, I did not inherit the sophistry of Chuang Tzu and became a keyboard man in a new era.

I was still one point higher than the other, and now everyone has nothing to say. After all, who will compete with dog gambling? You've gambled away your luck. Wait for the rest of your life!

Perhaps it is true that my luck and destiny choices run counter to mine. I haven't even passed CET-4 three times.

Everyone's eyes lit up again, and they felt as if it had come true. They began to laugh at whether I could get my graduation certificate.

Pianpian, Pianpian, goodbye Pianpian.

How come the fourth time passed?

Hee hee!

Naked test four times, you can always get one!

There seems to be no big test after that. Like a pig, I passed the three years of college without a clue. The fourth year is coming, and I'm almost tired of playing. I feel a little bored. What can I do?

Take a chance to study, and then open your eyes?

I really did, but this time I won't be so reckless.

After all, I had to do it before, but now that I am an adult, I have two choices.

I understand that this luck can not do the mountain of postgraduate entrance examination. Give up early, let's go to work!

This Monday, my roommate and I went for an interview. After the last pass, you can join the company. Do you want to ask me if I'm nervous?

Really not nervous!

If you can go up, you can't go down!

I follow the inaction of Lao Zhuang and ignore everything.

If I hadn't been recorded, I thought I wouldn't have a big fluctuation. But the roommate beside him was recorded.

I remember that when the three fools had a big trouble in Bollywood, the two fools found that Lancer was the first, and said a very philosophical sentence: "I felt so bad when I saw that my friend was better than me."

I am very ups and downs, the waves in my heart can not be suppressed. Not only for failing to record, but also for blaming myself for not being calm enough.

not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses.

It's really hard to do it!


Unfortunately, the ups and downs of her mood are just like that after intense sports, no matter how turbulent, she will finally return to calm. Although not so fast, I still played lol happily that night.

I always say that fate is unbelievable, and coincidence is too absurd. Down to earth is the most important. (However, I may not be able to keep my feet on the ground, can I?)

Fate has come to look after me. A phone call was made to recruit people.

I should face his question calmly, but what he asked is what I know. Although it is a small company, the project and prospect of the work are not bad. Don't let him slip away from the most important opportunity!

I finally decided to join the company, and I was the only one in charge of operation and maintenance. I have to do everything myself, from the initial environment deployment to the product launch.

The pressure is not small, but I think I can withstand it. (This matter has withstood. I should have no problem with the whole process of operation and maintenance. I can also take the time to learn something by myself. The most important thing is Java development. If I don't understand anything about learning Java, just ask them directly. There are many more teachers in vain!)

Everything is settled, and we will go to work next Monday!

(There is not much time to play!)

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