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Chapter 1 Release the Girl's Hand

A ray of bright sunshine shines on a young face through the window, and a head of black short hair is more black and bright under the sunshine. A layer of sweat on the forehead and small nose is crystal clear. A pair of slightly closed eyes occasionally jump mischievously. A pair of white and tender hands are placed under a red face, squeezing the whole face into deformation. The nine day suspended river hanging around the mouth should be cut off for occasional nonsense.

"The barbecue is delicious, hehe"

"Ling~~~" A piercing bell rings.

"Well, after students go back, we will consolidate the knowledge we learned today and review the knowledge we will learn tomorrow." The teacher on the platform looked at Tianxiang who was sleeping, shook his head and said, "Class is over."

When the teacher walked out of the classroom, the students cheered and began to pick up their textbooks. Some books greeted their partners and rushed out of the classroom.

"Xiangzi... Hey, wake up and school is over." Seeing no response, Carl shook his head, packed up the books, and looked at Tianxiang who was still sleeping, and rolled his eyes.

He walked to Tianxiang and patted his shoulder, but there was no response, so he had to lie down in Tianxiang's ear and whisper, "School is over, we can go home for dinner." Then he quickly dodged to one side.

The next second, he saw Tianxiang standing up straightly, and subconsciously looked around and muttered, "School is going to be over soon, and I haven't slept enough yet." He reached out and grabbed his head, stretched out a big stretch, wiped his mouth, hugged Karl and said, "Time for play!"

Karl looked down at his head but insisted on holding his Tianxiang and worried, "How can you go to class and sleep again? If Aunt Phoenix knows about you, it will be a disaster."

When Tianxiang heard the word "phoenix", his body suddenly shook, and his miserable past came to his mind.

Stand on tiptoe, tighten Carl's neck with his arm, and yell viciously, "You dare to tell my beautiful girl, I will kill you now."

Karl broke Tianxiang's arm, rubbed his neck and said, "How could I betray you? We are brothers. Last time I was tricked out by Aunt Phoenix. Don't blame me."

"Hey, hey... I'm joking with you. I'm leaving." I put my arms around Carl's neck again and walked out, saying, "I'm used to it anyway, hey, hey... but last time my beauty really killed me..."

"What a big sun." Walking out of the teaching building, Tianxiang looked at the sun that was already setting westward. "Carl, it's too early to go home now."

Seeing that Carl didn't speak, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Carl, let's go to Brian's old man's orchard to steal fruit."

Karl didn't look at Tianxiang and answered firmly, "No"

Remembering that last time Tianxiang took himself to steal fruit, he was found shouting in the orchard and left himself alone.

I was caught, and my father gave me a lesson when I came home. What's worse, I had the cheek to say that I ran slowly the next day, and I was angry when I thought of it.

"Where can I catch fish in Old Man Cui's fish pond?"

"No," Karl shook his head firmly. Although he stole fish last time, he returned to Tianxiang's home to taste delicious grilled fish.

But I always feel sorry for Uncle Cui and the Tianhu who makes delicious grilled fish.

Seeing that Tianxiang had to look again, Carl immediately interrupted Tianxiang, "Can't you honestly go home and study? Otherwise, you can go home with me and we can study together."

Tianxiang looked down at Carl with a disdainful look. "I seriously despise you. Our task now is not to study, but to have fun. We play in a muddle, and play in a lawless way. Otherwise, when we grow up, we will not have the chance to play, you know?" Then he took Carl and ran out of the campus.

"Hey, slow down, where are you taking me?" Carl was dragged by Tianxiang, but he had no choice but to run with him.

"Hey hey... go steal the crystal fruit of your dream lover."

"Tianxiang, you bastard"

"Ha ha... I'm not an asshole. I'm super... super big asshole."

On the rugged tree lined path, Carl chased Tianxiang, who was jumping up and down in the forest like a monkey, and scolded, "This damn thin monkey."

I was thinking about how to stop Tianxiang from going to Ruth's house to steal fruit. I heard Tianxiang in front yelling, "Carl, hurry up, there seems to be a fight ahead."

Karl hurried to Tianxiang's side, took a breath and looked up. There was nothing but a winding path. He asked strangely, "Why didn't I see anything?"

"Bullshit! Of course you can't see it. I smell it with my nose. My nose is the best in our town."

After that, he sniffed and said, "These smells are a little familiar? Hmm... who?... I can't remember."

Karl rolled his eyes and pointed at Tianxiang's head. "You are a pig's head."

Suddenly, a flash of intelligence in his head said, "Since there is a fight ahead, let's go back." Then he pulled Tianxiang back.

"Why do you want to go back? Why don't you watch the free action blockbusters? It's live broadcast. Let's find a front row seat to watch it." Then Tianxiang went to the nearby trees.

Carl was just about to say something when he saw that Tianxiang had disappeared. It was too late to stop him, so he had to keep up.

Tianxiang squatted on a big tree and looked at the people in the open space and said happily to Carl below, "Carl, you are the lover of your dream. It seems that those people will fight her! Hehe......"

"What?" Karl listened, like a monkey climbing a tree, and came down to Tianxiang in twos and threes, looking worried ahead.

There were nine boys in the size of a basketball court around a girl with long red hair, and some of them had blood on their faces.

Carl squinted at the people on the open ground, pointed to one of the chubby boys and said, "That's Fat Jack, can't it? I'm going to help Ruth." Then he would jump down.

When Tianxiang saw this, he grabbed Karl and said, "What are you worried about? Look at what you are saying first."

"I should have bullied a female classmate for Jack some time ago, but Ruth taught me a lesson. It seems that Jack is coming to avenge this time! Tianxiang, you have not awakened, stay here and wait for me." After saying that, he broke free from Tianxiang's hand, jumped down from the tree, and ran quickly towards the far open ground.

"Hey..." Looking at Karl who had gone, Tianxiang sighed, looked at some people in the open, touched his chin and said to himself, "Even if I don't wake up, I can still deal with Jack."

Suddenly I felt that there was something wrong. After thinking about it for a long time, I suddenly patted my head, "No! Carl, do you think I'm a brother?"

After a second thought, I might suffer if I followed Carl so quickly. I frowned and wondered how I could help Carl. "Yes, ha ha... I'm just a genius, so I'll do it." After saying that, I smiled grimly and jumped down the tree and ran to the open ground.

When Carl ran to the open space, he saw Ruth's hands were being held by two boys in the opposite direction. The other boys stood not far away and looked at Ruth with a bad smile.

Jack Fatty is standing in front of Ruth, waving his fist to hit Ruth, while Ruth is closing her eyes and waiting for the moment when his fist comes to her body.

Karl pointed to Fat Jack and shouted, "Stop! Let go of the girl's hand." He kicked the two men who were holding Ruth away as fast as he could.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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