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Chapter 1 Preface The Gone Shore

At the moment when she fell into the water, time seemed to freeze. People on the water seemed to stand on the edge of a cliff. She just watched the cliff go away from her.

The water around her is like a pair of hands of hell. It is cold and piercing. She desperately drags her to sink down. Her limbs are tightly held by this inexplicable force, and even her breathing becomes an extravagant hope, accompanied by a desperate chill that explodes from the bottom of her heart. Regret and unwillingness kept growing, which lingered in her mind before she lost consciousness completely.

It seems that a whole century has passed, and it seems that only a second has passed. When she regained consciousness again, she found herself in a dark corridor. The corridor was boundless and there was no end. She wandered along the road in a trance for a whole life. She was born when she was young, fell in love for the first time, was betrayed by her lover, and failed to start her business. All kinds of happy or sad memories constantly emerge from all around, as if to drown her, devour her, and bury her.

But the most strange thing for her was that it was her memory, but in her eyes, it was like other people's stories. The laughter and sadness were just like the bad vulgar plots designed in TV dramas, which could not make her feel anything. She is like a speechless onlooker, the only audience under a lengthy stage play. These memories came to an abrupt end with the last sound of falling water. Everything was like rain and dew falling on the ground, struggling and rolling under the sunshine until it disappeared.

Maybe she shouldn't have saved the child. Suddenly, the idea came to her mind, and she felt ashamed of having such an idea.

In the eyes of most people, it is nothing to do with themselves. Why ask them to save other people's lives when their own lives are dilapidated?

The world never lacks indifference, which is not only the protective color of people's survival, but also the mask that can't be taken off for a long time. People live and die in indifference.

But she doesn't want to be like that. She can't change what others are like, but she doesn't want to be assimilated by this indifference. Perhaps it is because of the earnest teachings of her young mother that she has been a bad person since childhood. She does not know how to refuse and sometimes people should be selfish. She is just a poor child who walked through the thorns and was seriously injured. She has never grown up.

So when everyone around her pretended not to hear the child's cry for help, she stood out like a fool, rushed out, and lost her life.

Is it worth it? She asked her heart again and again. But no matter how many times you ask her, her answer is the same: if you let her choose one more time, she will still plunge into the cold lake as before, regardless of herself and without hesitation, because she knows that what she saves is not only a life, but also her own heart.

What's that? A small light spot suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, which was so bright in the boundless darkness that people could not ignore its existence. The light slowly increased, from the size of a pearl to the size of a goose egg to the size of a football. Finally, when the light was so big that she could not open her eyes and could only subconsciously close them, she felt that the light disappeared.

Slowly opening her eyes, she found herself lying on a bed with a strange ceiling and a strange chandelier in front of her. The room is not big, but it feels very empty. The cold wallpaper calms people's mood. On the left side of the bed is a modest book called "The Long Way Home", which she has read. It is a book about parting.

This is not my home. But before she could think more, a sharp pain swept over her head, tearing her nerves, and a strange memory flashed in her brain, which was all the memories from a child's consciousness to drowning and coma a year ago.

"The end is the same." She seemed to laugh at herself.

"So my name is Gao Xiazhen? I was before that..."

When she began to recall her former self, she suddenly found that she could not remember her former name, as if she had never existed before, or as if she had just had a long dream. When she woke up naturally, she could not remember what happened in the dream. The only thing left was happiness or sadness in her heart, To prove that those stories actually happened somewhere.

Maybe he really died once, or maybe everything is just a dream. But now all this has become insignificant to her. After all, death, like dreams, has no place to go, and is forgotten and no longer exists.

But now life has to go on, whether she is Gao Xiazhen or the person who can't remember her name.

From that memory, I know that she was unconscious from drowning a year ago and has been lying in bed for a full year. This is her parents' home. This room is the room she lived in before she entered the university. It is almost the same as the decoration in her memory.

I wanted to get out of bed immediately to tell my parents that I was awake, but I gave up after taking a look at the time. At this time, her parents should not be off work.

Thinking about work, as an independent social person, she can't stay at home all the time after waking up. She has been selling cosmetics before, but what she really likes is the work of a makeup artist, because she thinks the work of a makeup artist is very artistic. Mmm.. The original childish idea. However, she did take the certificate of makeup artist in private. It can be said that there is no problem for her to work as a makeup artist directly.

I worked in that store for a long time, mainly because the owner of the store treated her very well, knew that her hobbies had always supported her, and asked her to try to make up for customers who came to buy cosmetics. For her, the store was like another home. I don't know if I have been in a coma for one year. How is the boss's shop? Do you still remember yourself.

Thinking of this, she dialed the familiar number

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