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Chapter 1. Companion and Remuneration Equivalence

"Once the door of Winston Hall is closed, it can never be opened again."

"The whispers of the Abyss Devil. Only by following the rules can we escape from here."


The infamous Winston's manor gate was pushed open. When I hesitated to enter, I found that I had already entered the manor.

I didn't know how to close the gate. I tried to grasp the gap between the railings and the gate with my hands, and shook the gate vigorously. I found it was useless.

I squinted. The castle in the center of the manor was the only building in the field of vision. There was only one castle in the huge manor.

The glass window of the old castle is particularly bright when the sun blows, and the reflected halo makes my eyes hurt a little. The leaves are crystal clear and give out a weak light, and the treetops are like a layer of gold.

The rusty railing is a height that people cannot reach, as if to prevent someone from running away from here.

The roses spread on the grass, and the air seemed to be filled with the sweet smell of roses.

I put my luggage beside me and squatted down to pull the grass on the ground. Now I am very worried about how I should introduce myself to the people in the manor.

"Marta Bettenfeld."

The crisp female voice came from my head. I looked up and saw a woman with dark brown hair. Her amber eyes were looking at me. Her hair was combed into a horsetail, but her hair was very curly.

She wore a decent ivory white military uniform and a small white hat on her head. Her eyebrows were heroic, her skirt was not wrinkled, and her hands were still wearing white gloves. There was a feeling of loneliness and inviolability.

Her indifferent expression made me feel embarrassed.

She gives people a feeling of being difficult to approach, just like the peerless and independent snow lotus growing on the polar Tianshan Mountain.

"Er... Hello, I'm Carol Daisy."

I felt uncomfortable and touched my cheek.

I caught a trace of surprise in her eyes.

"Who are you?"

Her voice grew colder. Her right hand reached into her coat pocket, and then the cold muzzle kissed my clean forehead. The cold touch of metal hair did not scare me, and my brain fell into a blank at that moment.

Then the buzzing tinnitus exploded in my mind.

"Carol Daisy."

I swallowed saliva and responded to her. The cold muzzle of the gun poked my forehead, causing a slight tingling sensation. Because I was crouching to see her, she ran against the light in my sight. The dark corner climbed onto her face like a vine, and I could not see her expression clearly.

"Lying, there is no you in the game list."

"Miss Bettenfeld! What the hell are you doing?"

The girl's tender voice sounded.

The girl ran towards me with her hand pressing the straw hat made of dark yellow straw on her head.

She has her grandmother's green eyes. The tenderness of her eyes is like a whirlpool. She can't help falling into her gentle swamp. Her flaxen hair is braided into many small plaits. She wears a dark green dress with straps. She also wears dark blue jeans to facilitate activities.

There are small freckles on her cheeks, which does not affect the overall beauty of her face. On the contrary, it seems that she is somewhat cute because she runs in a hurry.

A faint blush appeared on her face, she gasped gently, and covered her heart with her hand, as if her heart was about to jump out.

"Miss Woods, put away what you call compassion."

Marta Bettenfeld's tone towards Miss Woods was not very friendly.

"She is not a survivor."

"That shouldn't point a gun at someone else, Miss Bettenfeld."

Miss Woods looked at my white face anxiously and said.

Marta Bettenfeld calmly put away his gun.

She took out her handkerchief and gently wiped the gun. Her pretty eyebrows wrinkled up as if I had stained her gun.

"I am your game guide. I will release the message Miss Nightingale wants to convey to you on time."

I tried hard to stand up, but I found my legs were already soft. Miss Woods kindly helped me up, and I replied to Miss Marta Bettenfeld.

I patted the dust on my body with my hand, and a sweet smile opened on Miss Woods' face. Her hand held mine, and I could touch the cocoon on her hand. Her hand was not as delicate as a noble lady, but rather rough.

"Hello, my name is Emma Woods, my profession is gardener, and Miss Bettenfeld's profession is an air force."

When she smiled, she revealed a shallow pear vortex.

As warm as the little sun.

"My name is Carol Daisy. My profession is a prophet. I can predict the message that Miss Nightingale is going to send, as well as simple divination."

When I finished speaking, I found that Miss Bettenfeld, who was cleaning her gun, had left without saying a word.

What a difficult person.

Miss Woods was dazed to see me staring at Miss Bettenfeld's original position.

"Miss Bettenfeld is a very arrogant person."

She seemed to remember something again.

"Oh, by the way, let me take you to meet other people. There are both survivors' dormitories and supervisors' dormitories in the castle. The supervisors are very dangerous. They are monsters. You should avoid them."

Miss Woods is very familiar with herself. I feel relaxed talking with her, and with such kind advice, she is definitely an angel.

I followed Miss Woods through the sea of roses. The smell of flowers was too strong and my nose was itchy, which made me sneeze a few times. I touched my nose and smiled at Miss Woods.

Open the gate of the old castle. The color inside is repressed black. If there is no light, it is like an abyss or bottomless pit. The repressed atmosphere sweeps all people.

I noticed a teenager staring at me and Miss Woods at the top of the stairs.

He wore a dark green hood, most of his short brown hair was covered by the hood, and he had blue eyes. His eyes were dim and his skin was sickly white due to the lack of sunlight all day long.

There are many white bandages on his arms and several white band aids on his face. He is tall and slim. His hands are casually put into his coat pockets, his back is against the wall beside the stairs, but his eyes are looking at us.

"That's Neb Sabeda, a mercenary. Don't ask him for help. He will talk to you about equal pay before he helps you. He has a strange temper."

Miss Woods whispered to me, and I nodded to show that I had remembered her words.

"Last time Miss Emily Dale was in danger, I went to him to help save Miss Emily Dale. He told me that he would pay him an equal amount of money to save her."

Miss Woods grumbled discontentedly.

"Can a companion be equal to a reward?"

Copyright: Yunqi Academy

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