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Chapter 1 Sturdy, Dog Egg

There is a place called Lijia Village on the other side of the mountain and the sea. It is said that there was a man named Li Niu who went out in Lijia Village a long time ago. According to the villagers, this man has achieved great fame in the Jianghu. He is a great Xia who punishes evil, promotes good, and helps justice.

Lijia Village is surrounded by mountains and isolated from the rest of the world. Only the villagers of Lijia Village have lived here for generations.

It was summer when the sun was blazing high, and the air was filled with scorching heat. A donkey cart drove all the way from the path at the entrance of the village to Lijia Village, and a cloud of dust came up behind. When the dust settled, the three characters of Lijia Village hung on the dilapidated memorial archway at the entrance of the village.

After the donkey cart went in, the sound of gongs and drums came from the village, accompanied by someone shouting, "The village head is back! The village head is back!"

All this had nothing to do with the boy lying on the wall. In the village, a dark skinned, tall boy was sneaking under the window next to the wall, licking his finger and poking it at the window paper. This was the first time for the boy to do such a thing. He didn't poke the window paper. He bent his head and licked his finger and poked it at the window again, He put his eyes in front of the poked hole.

Seen from the cave, the scenes in the house were all blurry. I vaguely saw a woman adding water to the bucket. The boy pouted his buttocks outside and scratched his buttocks twice from time to time to dispel the itch.

Finally, the scene that the boy expected happened. The woman in the room went to the bucket and gently untied the belt with her hand, and the clothes outside fell to the ground. The boy leaning against the window straightened his neck and forced his eyes to look inside, trying to see the scene inside.

The woman in the room showed her clothes inside, with her back facing the window. As the clothes slid down, her back slowly showed. The boy's eyes outside the window turn left and right to see the scene inside. Just as the boy was adjusting his movements, a boy dressed in coarse linen and barefoot behind him shouted to the boy lying on the window: "Li Zhuangshi, the village head is back!"

The boy jumped at the same place, and the woman in the room quickly put on her clothes again when she heard the voice outside. The boy outside the window quickly turned back and ran away. Seeing the boy who called him had a big snot on his face, he hit him when he ran past him without breathing. The snot on the boy's face immediately stuck on his face.

When the door opened, a woman with pockmarks on her face and thick lips ran out of the room, although her face was not beautiful. The woman looked at the figure of the boy who ran away and shouted: "Li Zhuangshi, you dare to watch my mother take a bath and see my mother catch you and not peel your skin." As the boy ran away, the woman angrily returned to the house.

The boy with a runny nose smiled at this scene, touched his snot with his sleeve and ran towards the dark boy.

The dark boy, named Li Zhuangshi, is an orphan of Lijia Village. He was brought back from outside by the village head 16 years ago. Li Zhuangshi asked the village head where he picked him up. The village head said he found him from the mountain. He was named Li Zhuangshi because he cried so loudly when he picked it up that half of the village could hear the cry at midnight. Li Zhuangshi, as his name suggests, is indeed very strong. Although he is only 16 years old, he is tall, dark, and powerful as an adult.

Just now, Li Zhuangshi lost the bet with someone. He was willing to accept the bet and went to watch Widow Wang's bath in the village. In fact, Li Zhuangshi didn't see anything and was interrupted by his sworn friend Li Goudan. The boy with a runny nose was Li Goudan, Li Zhuangshi's sworn friend. Li Goudan was two years younger than Li Zhuangshi, and he was thin, so when he was young, he was often bullied by the youth from the same village. Li Zhuangshi fought for him several times, Once they came and went, they became familiar with each other.

Under the big locust tree at the entrance of the village, Li Zhuangshi leaned against the tree to see if Widow Wang was chasing her. After running so far in such a hot day, Li Zhuangshi's sweat soaked his clothes, so he simply took them off and put them on his shoulders to expose his upper body. Li Zhuangshi's skin was dark and his muscles bulged slightly when he was young.

Li Zhuangshi took his clothes to fan for a sense of coolness. Then Li Goudan ran up behind him, touched his nose and said, "Brother Zhuangshi, the village head is back."

After hearing this, Li Zhuangshi said, "No, I have to go out to hide. If the village head knows that I am watching Widow Wang's bath, he will peel my skin."

Li Goudan smiled and wiped his nose. Li Zhuang actually said that, then he led Li Goudan to the ancestral temple of the village.

Next to the ancestral hall of Lijia Village, there is a statue of a handsome man with a sword on his back and eyes looking forward. It is indescribably romantic. On the base of the statue is written "Kuang Fu Justice, Great Xia Li - Li Niu".

At this time, Li Zhuangshi stood under the statue and looked at him admiringly. He had been growing up listening to the story of Li Niu. He also had a dream of being a Great Xia when he was young, yearning for the happy gratitude and revenge in the Jianghu.

When Li Zhuangshi was caught up in the dream of being a Great Xia, he was disturbed by a loud sound of water. He turned around and saw Li Goudan urinating beside the statue. Li Goudan saw Li Zhuangshi and looked at him and smiled, "Brother Zhuang, I can't help it." Angry Li Zhuangshi raised his foot and kicked Li Goudan on his butt, which made him stagger, Li Goudan doesn't care if he smiles and touches his nose.

Li Zhuangshi skillfully climbed to the nearby tree and dropped two wooden swords from the tree. After coming down, he took out one of them and threw it to Li Goudan. The wooden sword was engraved with "Devil Li Goudan", and the handle left by Li Zhuangshi himself was also engraved with "Punish the evil and promote the good Great Xia Li Zhuangshi".

When everything is ready, Li Goudan stands on the left side of the statue, and Li Zhuangshi stands on the right side. Li Zhuangshi spoke first and said: "The bold devil Li Goudan, it's hard for you to kill innocent people. Today I will punish the great Xia Li Zhuangshi for your evil deeds." After saying that, the wooden sword pretended to be pulled out of the scabbard and stabbed the wooden sword forward twice and received it back.

Li Goudan, standing on the left, took a deep sniffle when he saw Li Zhuangshi finished his performance, and pretended to be frightened and said, "It's Li Zhuangshi, a great hero. Does the sky not want me to live?" Then Li Goudan wiped his nose with his sleeve.

When Li Zhuangshi saw Li Goudan finish, he said, "You are a natural person. How can God forgive you? You are doomed to meet me today." After a pause, he pointed his wooden sword at Li Goudan and said, "Look at the sword."

Li Zhuang ran to Li Goudan after he had finished speaking. Li Goudan could not wipe his nose. In order to cooperate with Li Zhuangshi in holding the sword with both hands, he had to show that he could not resist his slow swords.

After several rounds, Li Zhuangshi winked at Li Goudan, and Li Goudan winked back. Li Zhuangshi's long sword stabbed straight, but Li Goudan couldn't stop it. The wooden sword drove straight into the yellow dragon, and Li Goudan quickly raised his arm and clamped Li's sturdy wooden sword under his arm.

Li Zhuangshi saw that Li Goudan was trapped and said, "Devil Li Goudan, today is your death day. You will die with my sword." Then he took the wooden sword out of Li Goudan's armpit. Li Goudan lies on the ground without moving.

Li Zhuangshi's back is facing Li Goudan who is lying on the ground. Li Goudan sees that Li Zhuangshi's back is facing him, and he lies on the ground and wipes his nose with his sleeve. Li Zhuangshi pretended the wooden sword back to the scabbard, looked up and sighed, "How lonely invincible is!"

After saying that, he waited for a while. Li Zhuangshi turned back and pulled Li Goudan off the ground, saying, "Not bad. Today is much better than yesterday."

After getting up, Li Goudan said to Li Zhuang, "Brother Zhuang, I also want to be a giant Xia. When will I be allowed to play a giant Xia?"

After hearing this, Li Zhuangshi laughed and wiped his nose and said, "When you grow up, you will be a great Xia. Now you are too short to be a great Xia."

After listening to this, Li Goudan said happily, "Brother Zhuang, it's a deal. When I grow up, I will be a great Xia."

"Yes, I promise you." Li Zhuangshi said again, "It's late. Your parents are looking for you. Let's go back."

"Good," said Li Goudan

Li Zhuangshi put two wooden swords on the tree. Then he led Li Goudan back, and the afterglow of the sunset stretched the shadows of two people, one tall and the other short.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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