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Chapter 1 Prerequisites of Nuwa Temple

The history of China has a long history. It is said that the Yellow River, as the birthplace of Chinese civilization, is often flooded.

Later, Dayu managed the flood successfully. Yu Shun, the tribal leader at that time, abdicated the throne to Yu.

Qi, the son of Yu, established the first dynasty in Chinese history - Xia.

After more than 470 years of establishment, the Xia Dynasty died in Xia Jie.

It is said that Jie's evil politics at that time became more and more serious, which made the people miserable.

Later, Tang Daimin attacked Jie and overthrew the tyranny of Xia Jie. Established the Shang Dynasty, with its capital in Bo. All the people are happy and submissive.

In the Pan Geng period, the Shang Dynasty moved its capital to Yin. Since then, the Shang Dynasty has been called the Yin Shang.

The Shang Dynasty lasted for nearly 600 years, and finally reached King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty.

King Zhou has been handsome, intelligent and supernatural since he was young.

It is said that one day, Emperor B took all the civil and military officials to watch the peonies in the imperial garden. When he came to Feiyun Pavilion, a big pillar in it suddenly collapsed. Seeing Feiyun Pavilion topple, Emperor B and all the officials would die and have a place to bury themselves.

The brave and intelligent King Zhou smiled calmly, patted the dust on his body, took two puffs of hot air into his palms, rubbed his hands, and calmly walked to the half length pillar.

Just stretching out one hand, the whole pillar was supported, and then Feiyun Pavilion stopped the trend of collapse.

When Emperor Yi saw that King Zhou was a man of both literature and martial arts, he made him Prince. After the death of Emperor Yi, King Zhou ascended the throne and made Chaoge the capital.

At that time, there were many loyal ministers in the Shang Dynasty, such as Wen Zhong, Huang Feihu, and Bigan, who had enough literature to pacify the country and enough force to settle the country.

The inner emperor, empresses, concubines and concubines were all virtuous and virtuous. The four major princes outside led two hundred small princes, all of whom were subject to commerce. Dongbo Marquis is Jiang Huanchu, in the south is E Chongyu, in the west is Ji Chang, and in the north is Chonghou Tiger.

The whole country is peaceful and peaceful.

In the spring of the seventh year of King Zhou, King Zhou was in the early dynasty. Prime Minister Shang Rong went out of the class and played: "Your Majesty, tomorrow is March 15, the birthday of Nuwa's Empress. Please lead all civil and military officials to visit Nuwa Palace to offer incense!"

King Zhou sat lazily on the throne, squinting his eyes in disapproval, and said, "What merits does Nuwa have? Let me go to her and offer incense to her with all my efforts?" Shang Rong replied, "Nuwa's empress is a great god of virtue in ancient times. At the beginning, the water god Gonggong and the fire god Zhurong fought for the world in Buzhou Mountain. Later, Gonggong was unwilling to fail, and in a rage, she broke the Buzhou Mountain that supports the world.

As a result, the sky inclines and breaks, weak water and natural fire come into the world, and the earth is flooded with water, causing countless deaths and injuries. Empress Nuwa collected the five colored stones and refined them with the heaven and earth tripod. It took nine days and nine nights to mend the sky and save all living beings on the earth.

She is the sage who created the human race and protected all living beings on the earth. The king should go to offer incense to show his respect. "

After hearing this, King Zhou pondered: "Nuwa is the mother of our people after all. Although I am the emperor, I should also offer incense to show respect."

Shang Rong wiped the bead on his forehead and said, "Your Majesty is wise!"

The next day, King Zhou led all the civil and military officials. Go to Nuwa Palace to offer incense. Nuwa Palace is decorated solemnly and magnificently. Cigarettes are curled in golden censers, and the lights on bronze candlesticks are dim.

Suddenly, a fresh breeze blew open the veil covering the statue of Nuwa, revealing the statue of Nuwa inside.

When King Zhou saw the statue of Nu Wa, he lost himself in it for a moment, and became obsessed with it.

He immediately became very poetic and asked people to write in calligraphy. All officials thought that King Zhou wanted to write poems to praise the saint Nuwa.

Unexpectedly, King Zhou wrote on the wall:

Fengluanbao's tent is very beautiful, full of mud and gold makeup.

The music is flying green in the distant mountains, and the dancing sleeves reflect the rosy clouds.

Pear flowers compete for beauty with rain, and peony cage smoke wears beautiful makeup.

But I have to be enchanting to take back Changle Shijun Wang.

At first sight, Shang Rong could not help but change his face. He hurriedly went forward to dissuade him: "You must not!".

King Zhou said calmly, "I just extemporaneously write poems and praise. Don't think too much about it."

All the officials looked at each other, tacitly kept silent and went back to court with King Zhou's chariot.

After congratulating Fu Xi, Yan Di and Xuanyuan, Nu Wa returned to her own Nu Wa Palace. When she saw the poem on the wall, she immediately became angry and said: "You are a coward, and you don't want to cultivate your morality and govern the world. Now you are not afraid of the gods. It's really disgusting to make obscene poems against me! If you don't give him some power, how can you show my saint's magic power!" She asked Yunxia Boy to get the golden gourd.

Then he opened the gourd lid and saw a silver light flying out, showing a flag on the silver light with the words "Demon Recruitment Banner" written on it. With a slight shake, the evil wind soon summoned all the demons in the world and knelt down to listen to the edict.

Nuwa left only three fox demons in the Xuanyuan Tomb and said to them: "The three demons listen to the order, and I think the luck of the Shang Dynasty will be exhausted. The faint monarch is in charge, and all the people in the world will complain.

It is heaven's will that the phoenix will sing in the Qishan Mountain and the Western Zhou Dynasty will bear the son of heaven.

You three demons can hide the demon shape and go to court to confuse King Zhou, so as to help God and King Wu succeed in conquering Zhou. Remember not to harm all living beings, but to provoke the cause and effect. After everything is done, you will be successful. "

After hearing this, the three demons were overjoyed and kowtowed to thank them, so that they could turn into demons and fly.

These three demons are the millennium fox spirit, nine pheasant chicken spirit and jade pipa spirit.

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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