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Chapter 1 Getting Rich

Huaxia Empire, East Guangdong, Jiulong District.

Seven Street, Blue Moon Internet Bar, December 7, 21:15 p.m., in front of machine 25.

A handsome man with a beautiful face, thin figure, white clothes and a black tuxedo coat sat on the chair, staring at the computer screen!

The picture shows a pair of middle-aged men and women dressed formally, as if they were explaining something.

"The first red ball of this double color ball will be shaken soon. What number do you think it will be, Zhang Li?"

"Do I think so?"

Zhang Li smiled: "I think the first red ball should be between No. 1 and No. 10."

"Oh! You look confident. Did you buy this issue?"

"That's not true. It's just that the first red ball in the previous issues is too big. I think it's time for a small one!"

"Really? The first red ball is about to be played, so let all the audience and our two hosts concentrate together and look forward to the number of the ball!"

"Yes! Yes! The ball shaker has started to rotate......"

"Coming... coming... coming out! What number is it?"

"No. 8... It's No. 8!" Zhang Li shouted excitedly, "Look, Liu Dong! I guess right!"

"Yes, you guessed right, but unfortunately you didn't buy it, haha."

"It's OK. After all, I don't know which number will be opened between 1 and 10."

"Ha, too. Do you want to guess the second red ball?"

Zhang Li waved her hand and said, "Let's forget about the second one. It's enough for me to play once. If I can't guess right later, I'll be embarrassed."

"Oh! It's too late. The second red ball has been shaken out. What number is it?...... No. 11!...... No. 11!"

"I wonder if the audience in front of the TV has bought it? Quickly pick up the lottery ticket in your hand and watch it!"

"Yes, don't misread it. Let's see the third red ball is......"

"Number 13!"

"Number 19!"

"Number 21!"

"The last ball is...... No. 30!"

As the computer screen shows a red ball shaking out one after another, Han Jiu's nerves become more and more nervous, his teeth are locked tightly, and he even bites the meat in his mouth without noticing! "

yes! you 're right! Han Jiu won all the lottery tickets!

Just one special number, blue ball, if this special number also wins!

He did not dare to imagine, but the reality forced him to imagine it!

"No. 3... No. 3... can you drive No. 3... can it be No. 3?"

Han Jiu became more and more anxious, and he felt that it was difficult to breathe!

"Here we are... here we are... The double color ball blue special number ball in this issue is... No. 3... No. 3!"

"Reclining trough!"

Han Jiu slapped the keyboard hard!

He got it... all!

According to the exchange rate of more than one billion yuan in this award pool, Han Jiu can get more than six million yuan, or about five million yuan even excluding taxes!

This is more than five million!

"With more than five million yuan, I still want to fart the League of Heroes!"

Han Jiu put the lottery ticket in the pocket of his tuxedo and repeatedly confirmed that it would not fall off. He got up in high spirits, without tying his account, turned off the computer directly, and walked out with his head up in the air.

"The dog day game and the dog day Internet cafe ruined my youth. Fortunately, the labor and capital were lucky and took off directly!"

"Fight the street!"

After walking out of the Internet cafe, Han Jiu rode his dusty little electric donkey and looked at the flashing lights on the road with a sigh in his eyes!

Han Jiu is 21 years old. Maybe this age should be the most energetic time of adolescence, but for Han Jiu, it is not!

He really wants to be famous and win honor for his parents, but his educational background is not high. Han Jiu, who hasn't finished high school, has been wandering around for four years, and now he can be said to be penniless!

He has been to Nanyang, Beidu, and now he has worked in East Guangdong for two years, working as a mobile phone packer, with a monthly salary of less than 3000.

In addition, because Han Jiu is addicted to online games, he often does not go to work, and his salary will be deducted naturally, which leads to a very ordinary life.

Han Jiu always thinks that he is very talented in playing games and wants to become famous in his career!

However, no professional team would want him in his Diamond 1 position. Han Jiu felt that he didn't have time, or because of too much pressure, he couldn't concentrate on scoring.

So he asked for a month's leave from the company, but ended up in an Internet cafe for three months. Instead of improving his rank, he fell to Diamond 5!

During this period, he turned off the function of receiving calls from his mobile phone, and cut off all contact with the outside world except for reporting his parents' safety.

Han Jiu was born in a very ordinary peasant worker family. His parents gave birth to him very late, so now his parents are almost 60 years old.

But so far, he has no achievements, and even can be said to be a waste. One by one, he only knows how to play games every day.

More than ten minutes later, Han Jiu came to the staff dormitory next to his company by riding an electric car, parked the electric car at the parking place, and went to the dormitory No. 6 on the second floor.

Han Jiu, a Tianyao mobile phone manufacturing company, usually has to work overtime until 22:00 at night, so there is no one in the whole dormitory building at this time, including No. 6 dormitory.

Take out the key, open the door and go in.

The dormitory is very small and messy. There are three single beds in total. Besides Han Jiu, two people also live here.

But Han Jiu did find that the articles on the innermost single bed were not his own, and his luggage was also packed in a paper box in a mess behind the door.

Han Jiu understood that he had been dismissed by the company, and no company would ask for the employee who left his post for three months without saying a word.

Although he asked for a month's leave, the personnel department simply didn't agree, and Han Jiu slipped away.


Han Jiu is not a shameless person. He will not ask for his salary after being detained for one month. He will move out after taking a bath.

Although he looks clean, in fact, his whole body is sticky, and there is a smell of sweat, but this smell, if you don't smell it carefully, you can't smell it.

After taking a bath in the toilet, I changed my clothes and dried my hair with a hair dryer

Han Jiu suddenly felt refreshed. He found a black backpack from the cardboard box containing his luggage and put all his own things into the backpack.

One white casual trousers, two white casual trousers, one white shirt, two white shirts, and two sets of warm clothes, one hair dryer, and one mobile phone charger.

This is his entire family after four years of wandering. After all of them were packed into his backpack, Han Jiu closed the door and left.

He didn't take the key on the door, which means he came and left again.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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