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Chapter 1 Head Package

Gao Xing looks down and sees that his feet are not touching the ground!

What happened? Is the soul out of the body? Are you dead? Was killed by a broken clock? What a loser!

It's better to die than to face the uncertain tomorrow alone!

Grandma, I'm sorry! I promised you that I would take care of myself, but now I can't do it!

How can I explain when I see her? He said that he was unlucky and was killed by the broken clock at home. He reported to her decades in advance?

Gao Xingzheng was daydreaming, when suddenly an ethereal female voice sounded in his ear: "Host, you are not dead!"

I'm not dead? Who's talking? Who is the host?

"Gao Xing, you are the host of this system!"

host? System? Alien civilization black technology? Gao Xing was stunned. Thinking of the plot in the novel, did he encounter the legendary magic "system"?

"That's understandable! Congratulations on being the host of this system!" The ethereal female voice sounded again.

Only then did Gao Xing realize that he didn't speak, just thought so, but he seemed to know all the systems.

It's very surreal!

"I'm not dead? What kind of... system are you? Are you kidding me?" Gao Xing said aloud. He thought it was more real to communicate with each other in language.

"This system will not joke!"

Gao Xing became interested and asked, "System, what functions do you have?"

"Let the host have more time!"

"Where is this?"

"System space!"

It was foggy all around, and I could not see how far away it was, but I felt a deep and ethereal feeling.

Gao Xing doesn't understand what's the use of spending time squatting in this bathhouse? Meditate and meditate, practice and soar? I don't understand it. I haven't seen any secret script anywhere?

"The system can map the host's environment, virtual restore in the system space, help the host improve various capabilities, or drill to solve problems. The knowledge and skills mastered by the host can be used in the outside world, but the host's actions in the system space have no impact on the outside world."

Two rows of striking figures suddenly appear in the void. The upper line displays 99 words, and the lower line displays 0:58:23. The last digit keeps bouncing, like counting seconds.

"During the host's stay in the system space, the external time remains static. The system initially gives the host 100 points, and the host consumes one point every hour of stay in the system space. When the points are consumed, the host cannot enter the system space."

"What if I run out of points?"

"The system will reward corresponding points for the host's ability to improve knowledge, skills, physical fitness and other aspects."

"The conditions are not too strict... Are there any criteria for bonus points?"

"The system will judge by itself, and the host does not need to know!"

Oh, it's a high cooling system!

"Then what?"

"What then?" asked the ethereal female voice. As he wished, his voice became a little high and cold.

"In addition to what was just said, what other functions?"

"No!" the ethereal female voice replied simply, adding: "The system will be upgraded when appropriate, and the function will be more powerful!"

"Upgrade? When? What conditions are there? What functions are there?" Gao Xing asked a series of questions at one breath.

"Then the host will know!"

The function is so single and cold, which is much worse than those black technologies in the novel!

What kind of broken system? Gao Xing rolls her eyes!

"Host, please pay attention to your attitude! Otherwise, the system will consider removing your host identity!" The voice of the ethereal female voice was a little angry.

well! Emotional, but also threatening people! This system is very smart!

It's free anyway. It's better to have a system than not. Take it easy!

"I'm sorry! Pay attention in the future! Hey hey~~" Gao Xing salivated and said: "Well, the system, you are so smart, you must know that I will drop out of school because of poverty, or give me some money?"

"Time is money!"

But what I lack now is money! Time can't be used as money!

Gao Xing thought for a moment and continued to discuss with the system: "I'm only 18 years old, and I still have more time... Can you get some time to change into money?"

"No way! If the host cannot even solve the current difficulties, the system does not rule out the possibility of leaving the host!"

Threaten me again? Well, I can't talk anymore this day!

Anyway, there is plenty of time, and it is not too late to study slowly in the future. Gao Xing is afraid that he will get confused here and offend the system, so he plans to leave first.

As soon as I thought about it, I felt a flash in front of me, and found myself lying on the floor of my home, with the broken clock lying beside my head.

The clock is still ticking away. Gao Xing got up and put the clock back, glared at it and looked around. Everything was the same!

Er, it's a little different. There's a bag on the head

In 2009, in an old courtyard near Shichahai in Huaxia, Beijing, Gao Xing was hit on the head by the old clock on the cabinet while looking for something at home.

Gao Xing was an abandoned baby. Grandma picked him up from the hospital garbage can.

Grandma Gao has been single all the time. She rented an old courtyard in Ya'er Alley on the Houhai Sea. She made a living selling pancakes and cleaning the hospital, which made Gao Xing big.

Six months ago, Grandma Gao found lung cancer and diagnosed it as stage IV non-small cell lung cancer. There was no effective treatment. Grandma Gao gave Gao Xing the small 100000 savings in advance, and told him not to waste money on himself and save it for school.

But Gao Xing can't do it!

He consulted the doctor quietly, learned that there was a targeted drug that might inhibit the development of the disease, and bought it back. He lied to his grandmother that it was a very cheap common drug.

This medicine is very expensive, but you can apply for free medicine after six months. But when her savings ran out, Grandma Gao didn't make it to take free medicine.

After Gao Xing received the admission notice from Yanda, the old lady felt relieved and died.

With the help of neighbors, Gao Xing had only about 2000 yuan left in his family after taking care of his grandmother's affairs.

How can we live in the future? Even college tuition is not enough now.

After rubbing dinner at Uncle Lin's next door, Gao Xing wandered out of Ya'er Alley and wandered along Houhaibei to figure out how to solve the problem of money.

I thought I was lucky enough to find a black technology system that can change my fate. Who knows that this broken system not only doesn't help, but also threatens me. If you can't solve the immediate difficulties, even this broken system will give up!

The cicadas on the willow trees beside the lake are hotter than others at the top of their voices, which makes people upset and confused.

"I'm just a high school student who just graduated. I can't do anything. Where can I get money? Robbing the bank? God, do you want to kill me? Alas, I'm too difficult!"

Gao Xing grumbled in the air, felt the bag on his head, and suddenly remembered a song that suited the occasion. He couldn't help humming: "The bags on his head are big and small, some are knocked by people, some are self seeking... These marks make me grow taller..."

"Oh, how can you forget this? It's better to rely on yourself than on the sky!" Gao Xing looked up at the sky and walked quickly to a bar not far away.

Houhai is the place where Gao Xing used to urinate when he was young. He is not very familiar with it, including the bar he is going to.

Song Ge, the owner of the bar, used to be a very powerful singer. He liked Gao Xing very much. He not only taught him to play guitar and sing songs, but also often took him to eat, drink and play. Well, the kind that children can participate in!

Brother Song said that when he finished the college entrance examination, he could come to the bar to play guitar and sing in the summer vacation to earn some pocket money.

Just after seven o'clock, there were no guests in the bar, and only a few waiters were lazily cleaning.

"Ah, Gao Xing, I haven't seen you for several months, and you've grown taller again! I heard that you passed the Yanda exam? How awesome!" A pretty girl was cleaning the table. Seeing Gao Xing, she welcomed him warmly.

"Lucky!" Gao Xing forced a smile.

Before that, he would definitely put honey on his mouth and praise Xiaoyue for her beauty, but today he is really in no mood.

"Sister Xiaoyue, Brother Song is not here?"

"The boss is not here... No, Brother Song is not here. He gave the bar plate to someone else, and the boss is here!"

Gao Xingshun looked at Xiao Yue and saw a young woman sitting at a table beside the bar stage. She asked, "Is that the new boss?"

Xiaoyue nodded. She had worked in the bar for three years. Knowing Gao Xing's many things, she asked him quietly, "Do you want to talk about singing with the boss?"

Gao Xing said "Hmm". Xiaoyue bit her lip and said slowly, "The boss is very fierce, and he feels bad..."

Gao Xing is not good at dealing with strange women. Seeing Xiaoyue's timid appearance, she is also afraid.

I have been forced into this position. What can I do?

Gao Xing took a deep breath and walked towards the girl.

The girl looks less than thirty. Her facial features are exquisite and three-dimensional. She is very beautiful and has temperament.

She sat and Gao Xing stood, but when she looked up, Gao Xing felt that they had changed their positions and felt that they were looked down by her. And her eyes were very bright, as if she could see her heart at a glance.

Gao Xing subconsciously wanted to avoid the girl's eyes, but immediately thought that this might be his only chance!

He strained his neck and looked at her with a signature sunny smile.

"You said that you learned the guitar from Lao Zhao for two years and played and sang very well?" The girl asked lightly, and then without waiting for Gao Xing to answer, she waved her hand gracefully and said, "What's your best?"

"Nothing can stop you from yearning for freedom..." Gao Xing sang while playing the guitar, and took time to glance at the girl to see her reaction.

Seeing her indifferent manner and a slight sarcasm hanging around her mouth, Gao Xing "clucked" and pulled herself up.

Brother Song said that his level was not much worse than those of the resident singers, and he could go on stage. Today, he played well, but the beauty boss's expression was clearly disgusted! Is that too demanding?

Xu Aojun's requirements are really high!

She has worked as a manager in North America for many years. What level of singer has she never met? She plans to build the bar into the most classy one in Houhai, and she certainly has requirements for performing singers.

Although this little guy looks sunny and handsome, his singing skill is only KTV level. His guitar level is even worse, which is far from his own standard. It can't make it, how can it get on the stage?

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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