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Chapter 1 Strange Women

Looking up at the wall clock in the office, it finally turned to half past five in the afternoon. I simply collected my work materials, twisted my neck, fell back, and stretched hard. At the end of this numb and exhausted day, I lit a cigarette while sitting in a chair, and my thoughts seemed to be spreading in the air with the smoke In my lonely days, I became my only soul and body mate. After smoking a cigarette, I stood up to go home.

'Zhang Chi, come to my office' manager Li Jian stood behind me and shouted.

I answered and walked over, thinking that I might have offended him again recently.

I pushed the door in.

"Sit down." He leaned back on the chair and pointed to the sofa, then threw me a pet.

I grinned and said, 'Manager Li, you have become a manager now, and you are still smoking the ten yuan pet. Even I, a flathead, have been smoking the twelve yuan double happiness. We have to keep pace with the times, haven't we?'

'Don't make fun of me, boy, be serious' he frowned. I looked at the no smoking sign on the wall, lit a cigarette and stopped talking. Manager Li also felt his beard and sucked it. An unspeakable silence fell into the empty office. I looked out of the window at the clouds. It seemed that Li Ge and I were the two loneliest people in the world. The only difference was that his salary was twelve thousand a month. I worked very hard for a month. My basic salary plus performance was 4800.

The corners of his mouth were raised again to mock himself.

Ligo first broke the strange silence, 'I said what's going on with you recently, you are listless every day and look like you are dying. For the water station project arranged last week, I specially gave you a chance to show off, and maybe I can promote you to be a team leader. I may be promoted to a higher level after the project is completed, but you gave me an absentee day on the day when the final quality inspection was completed, and the phone was also turned off. What's the matter with you? "

Ligo's face darkened with anger. Squinting my eyes, I remembered that the night I was dragged to the bar by Zhou Yan, a like-minded fox friend and dog friend. I felt sorry for myself, but I could only smile and say, "Hey hey, I really drank fragments that night, and finally asked Didi driver to help me back." Li Zu, a heavy smoker, lit another cigarette. In my image, Li Ge, 40 years old, seems to have never smoked other cigarettes and always loves Jiaozi. At least he has not seen her in this company for three years.

The office fell silent again. I don't know when it began to rain outside.

"Do you have an umbrella?"


"Well, I won't investigate last time. I've also shouldered the miner's problem for you. The HR Department didn't investigate it deeply.

I also know that Li Ge's wife, He Mei, is the director of the personnel department of the company, but she is quite honest in handling people. Generally, they will do business, and will not play favoritism for anyone. I was surprised this time.

"Brother Li, thank you. If you have a chance, please have dinner with my sister He." I smiled at him.

"Well, I don't know about you yet. Once the salary is paid and the rent is paid, I have to eat instant noodles every day for a few days. I can't even afford a ham sausage. I don't know it will be a long time when you invite me to dinner." For the first time ever, Brother Li, who is not very fond of joking, made a joke on me.

"Besides, the company will have a big project next week. Our quality inspection department must attach great importance to it this time. I want you to take charge of this work. There must be no mistakes. Don't give me any more trouble. All right, pack up and get out. It's raining harder and harder outside."

"OK, I promise to take a new look next week, live up to the trust of the organization, overfulfil the target, win the title of production model, and......"

"Come on, don't let me put this stinking poverty behind me, listen to your words and fart like that." Rigo picked up his sign and turned around to leave.

"By the way, tomorrow night, go to my home for dinner. My daughter's 13th birthday. Come early. No one will wait for you later."

Li Ge may be a typical man with a sharp tongue and a weak heart. After three years of working in Sien, Li Ge has helped me for many times. If he hadn't helped me in the company, I would have been driven back to my hometown.

Take an umbrella to the station in front of the company and wait for the No. 2 bus. When bored, I found that there was only one Hong Shuangxi in the bag. I felt in my pocket and found that the lighter was still in Ligo's office, so I had to do it. I didn't expect God to see how miserable I was. If he wanted to make me miserable a little more thoroughly, he would deprive me of even the last trace of fun. If there is smoke but no fire, you will lose yourself. If there is fire but no smoke, it is winter.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and my umbrella seems unable to block the downpour. The dripping rain splashes my trousers and shakes in the cold wind.

I shrank back, and suddenly a Mercedes Benz big G rushed out of the corner, causing water spray. I unconsciously stepped back, but I bumped into the billboard behind, and the water spray did not escape. Not surprisingly, I gave a splash of water, and I immediately shouted at the car like an angry lion, "Sick, driving so fast in rainy days." I rubbed my head, It seems that I have a bag in my trance, and it really hurts.

The car stopped in front of me, and a graceful figure rushed down from the co driver. She didn't close the door but left without an umbrella. She quarreled with the middle-aged man driving in the cold storm. It rained so hard that I didn't fully hear what they were arguing about, Just vaguely heard that beautiful woman yelled, "Don't worry about me, you can marry whoever you like, and it doesn't matter to me", and then slammed the door with a thump.

The woman didn't walk to the station until the bus was far away from my sight. Sadly, the station was open and there was no canopy to cover the rain. In this weather, I was the only unlucky man waiting for the last bus because of talking and this beautiful unreal woman in the station. Seeing that she was soaked by the rain, I waved to her and shouted, "The rain is too heavy, come here quickly." However, she seemed not to hear it. She was still in the rainstorm, and did not want to lean on me. Without even looking at me, I felt ignored.

But the rain was so heavy that I walked to her in a nameless rage.

My small umbrella, which can only hold one person, was blocked between two people, but we were still half washed by rain.

"Thank you" she said without expression. At this time, I carefully looked at her beautiful side face, cool and noble. She held her hands, and I realized that she might be really cold. With an umbrella in one hand, I took off my coat and gave it to her, but she seemed ungrateful, hesitated and said, "No, you can wear it, I'm not cold", but I still put my coat on her.

She covered her face and said nothing. I just noticed that her eyes were full of blood, and she should have cried in hysteria just now. Unconsciously, I took out a package of paper from my pocket and handed it to her.

"Wipe it," she said coldly.

"God's sneeze is too big" I felt embarrassed after saying this cold joke.

"Yes," she replied to me out of politeness. I realized that she might not be in the mood for joking.

After a long silence, I put the last cigarette on my ear in my mouth and used to touch my pocket, although I knew I had no fire. She looked at me and took out an exquisite Dupont lighter from the bag. I was surprised that few women would put a lighter in the bag. She is a special case. I held an umbrella in one hand and a cigarette in the other. She leaned over to me and helped me light the cigarette with her hand against the wind. Only then did I realize that it was not good to smoke so close to a woman, and my right hand shrank away from me, which made me get more rain.

She seemed to see my uneasiness and said, "It's OK. You can smoke closer."

When I was thinking about taking a smoke, I found that the smoke had been completely soaked by the rain, and it was a sense of loss. There was no dustbin nearby, so I had to put it in my pocket.

The sound of a car came from the rain and fog in the distance of "Didi", and the strong light penetrated the rain and fog. Finally, I waited for the last bus.

After getting on the bus, she leaned against the window and was silent. I first broke the silence and asked, "Who is that man?" Her calm expression finally showed a trace of pain. Then I found that her eyes seemed to be full of tears. I realized that this might be her scar.

"Sorry, I was totally curious and embarrassed," I said hurriedly.

She was still so silent. It suddenly occurred to me that she was the lover of the middle-aged man. This idea surprised me. Is she really the kind of gold digger who has become the lover of the rich? I can't believe it. I felt a sense of loss. But soon, I was relieved that she and I just met by chance. How can we say it sadly.

"What's your name?"

"Chen Xi" I quickly repeated several times in my heart. I was looking forward to her asking my name, but unfortunately she didn't ask me until I arrived. Another burst of melancholy

"Here I am, take your coat and umbrella. Go back and cook a bowl of ginger soup for yourself, so as not to catch a cold." I said before getting off the bus.

"Wait, what's your name?"

Zhang Chi

"Leave your phone number with me so that I can return your things." The flame in my heart burned again. She still asked, and I called her mobile phone.

"Call me if you have something to do with me" I said this sentence, thinking what can I do for you. Maybe we won't see each other again.

I pretended to be smart and didn't turn back when I got off. Until the car started, I turned to look at the lonely and cool face leaning against the window. The image in my mind was fixed in that second. The black and blue car was integrated with the rain and fog, and disappeared in the night city

I bought instant noodles and a bag of Shuangxi at the convenience store and walked to the rental house. Suddenly, I saw the light in my house was on. I was surprised who was in my house. Could it be her? I hasten to walk

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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