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Chapter 1 The Beginning of Giant

At dusk, there are two bicycles on the road.

"Shixuan, have you been promoted again!"

"Ho ho, Lin Yi, you can work hard." Shi Xuan chuckles and nods.

Lin Yi shook his head on the bike and said, "I don't need to think about it. I'm going to senior three soon. My parents have arranged a series of tutoring for me. It's difficult to go to the Internet cafe (black bar)."

"Yes! I will be in the third year of senior high school soon, so I need to make more preparations." Shi Xuan also lost his smile and said with a little seriousness.

"Have you decided which school you are going to take?"

"If I have the chance, I would certainly like to go to those two schools! I am not like you. I can't read books and play games."

"Go away, go away, go away!" Lin Yi has no good breath. He naturally knows what Shi Xuan said about the two. However, as the other said, people are more popular than people. He pays no less than the other in both games and learning. But he is not as bad as the other, of course.

They talked and laughed all the way. Suddenly, a rapid whistle sounded behind them. Shixuan and Lin looked back at each other at the same time, and saw a big truck coming.

At the same time, they were still there. Shi Xuan was the first to react. He turned over and kicked Lin heavily, kicking the other side away. Then he wanted to run away, but it was too late because of the delay.

"Bang!!!" There was great pain behind Shixuan, and people were already "flying" in the air.

"Are you going to die?" Shixuan just thought of this before he lost consciousness..

On the other side, Lin Yi, who was rescued, ran crazily: "Shixuan, Shixuan!"

There was sadness, remorse and fear in the roar.


"Oh, my head hurts!" Shixuan woke up with his head covered and turned to sit up.

"Wait, I was hit by a truck on my back. Why is my head aching? And where is this?"

The stone pavilion looks around and is full of desolate scenes.

"Ding, the contract detector wakes up, synchronizes the world language, and releases the task:

Main Task 1: Survival - 800 points will be awarded if you survive the pursuit of the Scale free Giant.

Mainline Task 2: Unknown

Regional Task 1: Hunt giants, and obtain 100 points when hunting giants below 7 meters, 200 points when hunting giants between 7 meters and 10 meters, 500 points when hunting giants at 15 meters, 800 points when hunting strange creatures, 2000 points when hunting nine intelligent giants, and 1000 points when hunting ancestral giants. Participating in killing will be rewarded partially according to their contributions.

The duration of the mission is three months. "

"Who is talking?" The voice suddenly sounded in his head, making Shi Xuan cry out in surprise and fear.

To his surprise, there seemed to be other human beings, and to his horror, the sound did not seem to come from his ears.

However, after waiting for a long time, no sound came again.

At this time, Shi Xuan frowned at his watch. It was a gift from his grandfather when he was in high school. He had worn it for nearly two years. Although he usually paid attention to maintenance, it was also worn.

Now they are all gone. Although they are not renewed, they are clean.

Shi Xuantu slightly touched the surface of the watch with a feeling, and a faint white light suddenly appeared on it and gradually condensed into words.

Contractor: Shi Xuan

Power: 1 (1 for normal human)

Speed: 1.5

Physical strength: 1

Intelligence: 2

Spirit: 3

Occupation: None

Power: None

Lineage: None

Skill: None

Skill: None

Vitality: 10/10

Energy value: 30/30

Combat power evaluation: poor.

Novice gift bag to be received!

Executing task

Mainline Task 1

Looking at the data in front of him, Shi Xuan finally confirmed that he was involved in an unknown extraordinary event.

He may have died after the accident.

Thinking of this, he could not help but feel a little bitter. He did not know what would happen to his parents when they knew it.

"Bang, bang." The huge footstep sound came, which was so clear and loud in the silent world. Shi Xuan suddenly woke up from his sadness.

Shi Xuan tried to look back: "Giant!"

Several giants are rushing towards Shixuan.

Shixuan was shocked and could not think of anything else. His strong desire for survival made him run away from here quickly.

At this time, Shi Xuan remembered his task and immediately knew that he should come to the world of attacking giants.

At that time, Shi Xuan had seen and was fascinated by the animation of the attacking giant.

Without time to think about the specific story, Shi Xuan quickly opened the white data and clicked on the novice gift package.

"Ding, the contractor will get the novice gift bag.

There are three rewards to choose from for beginners.

Reward 1: acquire a level D skill.

Reward 2: Gain a D+weapon.

Reward 3: Double your own attributes.

The contractor should choose. "

After hearing about the reward, Shi Xuan immediately chose reward three. Reward one and reward two are unknown, but now he will die if he gets skills or weapons that are not what he wants.

He dare not gamble.

A cool feeling spread from the top of his head to his body. For a moment, Shi Xuan felt extremely strong, which was the result of the rapid expansion of strength.

At the same time, a voice came to my ears again.

"Ding, for unknown reasons, the talent of the contract maker is open.

Double pupil (passive): strengthen dynamic vision, strengthen remote vision, have dark vision ability, and have visual memory function. (Active): Everything is under control.

Level: Start "

While running, Shi Xuan was shocked when he heard Yan. He had heavy pupils. The big pupils were covered with small ones. Because the two pupils were similar in size and color, it was hard to detect. If you didn't look closely, you wouldn't see any difference.

In addition to his knowledge, his parents also knew this, but they did not expect to be perceived by this unknown force and called it talent.

Now he can't care too much. After doubling his body attributes, his running speed is obviously much faster. Although it is not really twice as fast as before, at least it is not slower than the giant behind him.

However, this is not a long-term plan after all, because he is running at full speed. Even if his strength is doubled, he will gradually lose strength and slow down. He must find a solution.

When Shixuan's mind turned sharply, he found a dense green forest in the corner of his eyes.

"There is a forest!" Shixuan was delighted and turned to the green forest.

It took Shi Xuan less than two minutes to travel nearly kilometers. At this time, he gradually felt exhausted and could no longer run at full speed as before.

Shixuan dived into the jungle and walked in the densely wooded area, so that the narrower the road, the more obstructing the giant.

In this way, Shi Xuan ran back and forth for a long time before he stopped and gasped deeply.

"In a short time, the giant should not catch up." Shixuan thought, leaning against the forest beside him.

"I didn't expect that I would pass through the attacking giant. I don't know where it is, whether it is inside or outside the Maria City Wall, and when the time line is now. I don't know whether the plot has already started. All these need to be clarified."

Shi Xuan sat still for a long time before slowly opening his watch and re observing his own data.

Contractor: Shi Xuan

Power: 2 (1 for normal human)

Speed: 3

Physical strength: 2

Intelligence: 4

Spirit: 6

Talent: Chong Tong

Occupation: None

Power: None

Lineage: None

Skill: None

Skill: None

Vitality: 20/20

Energy value: 60/60

Combat power evaluation: dregs.

Executing task

Mainline Task 1

"Hmm?" Shi Xuan looked at the panel data, slightly surprised: "It seems that this mysterious power is not an increase in the traditional sense of data layout."

In this regard, Shi Xuan did not pay too much attention, but turned to look at the new talent.

Talent is newly added, so whether it can indicate that talent is not available in general.

What data will be added due to individual differences?

Shaking his head, Shi Xuan could not get the result. After all, he could not find the same kind of people to refer to.

"Use your talent!" said Shi Xuan silently.

Boom, the world in front of him has changed, and he can see the movement frequency of countless mosquitoes, even the slightest grain on their bodies.

In this way, a few seconds later, Shi Xuan could no longer hold on and stopped using his talent.

"It's really amazing." Shi Xuan felt his head, and just a few seconds later, he put a huge load on his brain.

And when Shi Xuan sees the energy value of 18/60, he will consume 10 points of energy in about one second.

That is to say, he can only use six second double pupil talent regardless of the brain load.

"Maybe this will become my most powerful weapon in the future." Shi Xuan thought silently, just a few seconds of visual changes really made him feel in control of everything.

"Bang, bang." The giant's footsteps came again, and Shi Xuan scolded secretly, and immediately got up and ran to the side.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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