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Chapter 1 My family really has 10 billion yuan

"Ah ah, unlucky, unlucky, I overslept. I must have changed the broken clock today." The young man ran all the way, constantly shuttling in the crowd, and soon arrived at the destination. Aunt laid the grocery store, and hurried in.

"Sorry, I'm late." The young man pushed the door and walked in. He looked at the proprietress who was sitting at the door and said sincerely.

"Buckle ten knives," said the landlady without lifting her head.

The boy wondered where he was and thought. "Ten small knives, that's my five day wage."

"What are you still waiting for? Hurry to work, and then buckle nine knives. My move is to make you lazy all day? How dare you be late now..." The landlady stood up and pointed at Qiongren's nose and shouted.

"When did I slacken off?" The boy murmured.

"Qiongren, you have learned your skills. If I hadn't looked at you as an orphan and pitied you, you could have such a good job. Now that your wings are hard, you dare to talk back to me, and this month's salary has been deducted. I want you to improve your memory today. I gave you all this. You still want to rebel." The landlady said angrily.

"The proprietress, do you pity me? Yes. But the salary of the merchants nearby is ten dollars a month. I'm only six dollars. I thank you. At that time, I was willing to use me. I've been working hard to repay you for so long. From a small stall to a shop, I'm the only one who buys, replenishes and delivers goods. I'm your employee, not your slave. I don't want to do it for a long time. You sow. " The boy said angrily.

"Why don't you quit? You frighten me with this. You dare to scold me, and I will kill you." As she said, the boss lady with a big lump of fat rushed out with a big kitchen knife. Qiongren turned around and ran away.

After running far away, Qiongren suddenly thought. "I haven't paid my wages last month." But when he turned back, he didn't dare. That fierce fat woman. You can only admit that you are unlucky.

Feel the only three knives left. You must find your next job within twenty days, or you will have to live on the streets.

"At any rate, Qiongren also has a house in Beidu. How can I make such a miserable life? It's really a shame for the passers-by. Why my golden finger hasn't been paid yet? It's been 15 years, a whole 15 years." Qiongren looked up at the sky.

What a high spirited person he used to be, he can be said to be a gifted child. The former child Wang, a group of little fans and friends. Three years and three years, three years and three years, why hasn't my golden finger arrived yet. The little fan sister and his partner who once looked up to him have become great heroes, leaving him as a poor person who has eaten the last meal.

"Ah ah ah," Qiongren shouted in the street. The people around him were shocked and looked at him angrily.

"Isn't this our old boss, Qiu Ren?" A teenager came out of the crowd.

"You are..." Qiu Ren looked at the boy very familiar, but he couldn't remember.

"It's normal that you didn't remember me when you were once high up. Now let's introduce Zhao Zi, the former follower behind you, and now the second type hero of the Wine God Temple. Xuanyu ranked 1263356 in the wealth list." Zhao Zi said proudly.

"It's actually the Wine Temple, which is the second super power in Xuanyu's wealth list."

"Yes, yes, and he is also a type II hero. He is so handsome."

"If only I could marry such a hero," exclaimed the girls beside me excitedly.

How could Qiongren not know that Zhao Zi was here to step on himself. He turned around without expression and left.

"Wait a minute, boss Qiongren, it was not easy to meet him. Today, I'm going to be the host. Please go to the God of Food Pavilion to get together." Zhao Zi took Qiongren's arm and said.

"Wow, God of Food Pavilion, I also seem to go." The girl on the side said with a silly face.

"No, I still have something to do." Qiongren shook his head and said.

"Do you really think you are still the boss? You who refused the invitation from the gods are a worm in my eyes. If it were not for Zhishi and Dadi to protect you, I would have died. Garbage." Zhao Zi said viciously in Qiongren's ear.

Qiongren clenched his fist.

"Why are you angry? Now I'm a type two hero admired by thousands of people. You're just a penniless garbage. Today I'm happy and won't argue with you. Go, Miss, I'll invite you to the God of Food Pavilion." Zhao Zi turned and walked to the girls beside him. Laugh.

"Young Master Zhao, you are a great hero. You can look up to him when you talk to someone like that." The girls leaned on Zhao Zi and looked at Qiongren contemptuously.

"Don't do that. Ten years ago, he was the only thing I could look forward to," said Zhao Zi.

"Don't make us happy, Young Master Zhao. Aren't you, sisters?"

"That's right. How can you look up to such rubbish?"

"Ha ha ha." Zhao Zi laughed and left with the girls.

"Zhao Zi." Qiongren was unwilling to see Zhao Zi leaving with the girl in his arms.

Back home.

"Ah, ah, ah, why, why, my father didn't let me go, why, why?" Qiongren was furious and smashed all the things he could see at home. He couldn't stand it anymore. Because of the original choice, all the former followers had become the existence he needed to look up to. Qiongren was not reconciled.

Looking at the debris in the room, Qiu Ren calmed down and squatted down to pick up.

Unexpectedly, Qiongren picked up a letter and looked at the words on it and thought hard. "Unfortunate letter. What is this? Whatever, now that I have been so unlucky, what can I be in such bad luck?"

My dear grandson Qi Qiong Ren.

"In my memory, my father said that my grandpa died before I was born. It must be that grandpa wanted a grandson and had a name in advance. Yes, it must be." Qiongren nodded and smiled.

When you open this letter, you will get 10 billion dollars left by your grandfather.

"Ten billion dollars, or 800 billion yuan, is the richest man in the world. Is it a lie?" Qiongren rubbed his eyes and took the trouble to count the zeros on the letter. After counting back and forth several times, he jumped up in an instant.

Although this sum of money is extremely rich, Grandpa doesn't want you to know it at all.

"No one can stop me from owning the 10 billion yuan," said Qiongren firmly, his eyes burning.

Maybe you are strange? It starts from your grandpa's life. In fact, your grandfather and I are the second generation rich. The first thing to wake up is to spend money. Because the money in the family simply cannot be spent. But one day your father, your great grandfather, died. A girl appeared in front of me, claiming to be a god. Said your great grandfather sacrificed all the money to God. Of course, grandpa refused. Your grandpa's misfortune began here. This guy who claimed to be a god stole all of your great grandfather's money. Your grandpa has never seen a big scene before. If he dares to rob your grandpa's money, I will find a group of people to bind the god. Take the money back.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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