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Chapter 1 I came from heaven

It's night! Under the boundless white snow, suddenly... a thunderbolt broke through the sky, and from above the abyss of heaven, a white light flashed on the dead land.

Suddenly, a strong light came out from the far north. For a moment, the whole world was illuminated.

Hidden in the vast white snow mountain, under the hundred meters of ice, an icebound door, flashing a light, suddenly opened.

After the white light, a young man came out. His white vertical hair, slanting upright sword eyebrows, slender and sharp black eyes, sharp edges and corners of the outline, cold and lonely, but arrogant and pressing, alone and independent, exudes the power of being proud of the world.

He is dressed in white, which seems not to be stained with a trace of vulgarity, but also plain. His breath is very calm, like the silent snow in the dark night. It seems ordinary, but it contains mystery.

His name is Yi Xian, a visitor from heaven! It snows in the silent night, and I can't see where the road is.

A light cry broke the silence of darkness!

"Hmm? Is this... Douluo Continent?"

I thought he was talking to himself, but suddenly... a voice came from inside the icebound door.

"Yes! This is Douluo Continent..."

"Douluo Continent... a world with a soulmate as the main body! I don't know whether it is the world in memory.

First, would you like to introduce the current situation? What is the current period? Who is the main character? "

In the vast snow mountain, there is no life! Yi Xian stands on the Wanzhang Glacier, overlooking the vast land.

Back to the icebound door, the bleak cold wind blows, cold and piercing.

"Time and space node, Douluo Continent in the Three Tang Dynasty, a place in the far north! A month later, it will be the time for the appearance of Shrek Seven Monsters."

The cold and heartless words, like a machine without feelings, are introducing Yi Xian to what is going on in Douluo at this moment.

"Tang San......" muttered to himself. Yi Xian looked back and saw that the light of the icebound door had disappeared and the door had been closed again.

The origin of this icebound door is mysterious, and Yi Xian can't understand it. From the past few worlds, it is just a machine without any emotion.

The door closes again. If you want to open it again, you must complete the task assigned by the icebound door. Of course... The end of the task means Yi Xian has to leave the world.

After pondering for a moment, Yi Xian looks through the icebound door, as if he wants to understand the inner thoughts of the door. Is the journey of the heaven and the world for endless slaughter, or for protecting the goodness that should be?

"This time! What gift have you prepared for me?"

Turning around and facing the icebound gate, Yi Xian looks at the ten thousand mile snow mountain. If he guesses correctly, this should be the place in the far north that has not been excavated yet.

The Icebound Gate did not answer Yi Xian's words, but responded to Yi Xian's words in the most simple and clear way.

There was a blood red light shining, and the scarlet moon curtain occupied the starry sky in an instant, and the whole world became dark and scarlet.

A curved moon appeared in the sky and rose slowly. In the darkness, it shone brightly. The moon is scarlet. If you look carefully, there will be drops of blood dripping slowly.

A dark knife suddenly appeared in Yi Xian's hand. The body of the knife was simple and plain, but there was a horrible sense of killing. It was a horrible magic knife, covered with blood.

There was another flash of light, and four soul rings with strong light were floating towards him.

Four soul rings in a row float around him, wandering. With a violent force integrated into his body, he can clearly feel his strength gradually increasing.

"Soul Sect?"

Looking at the four soul rings on his body, Yi Xian fell into a period of meditation.

Soon, the Icebound Gate gave an explanation, saying: "After the collapse of the subjective world, you have experienced two great disasters, and your blood has already been exhausted. From the rest of your blood, you really can only reach the level of Soul Sect."

"Hmm! It's no problem. It's barely acceptable..."

Yi Xian has no objection to the explanation of the Frozen Gate. After all, it's good that he can barely survive the previous wars.


"White soul ring? What do you mean?"

Looking at the four white soul rings on his body, Yi Xian frowned. This is a world that pays attention to soul rings. The Ice Gate gives him four white soul rings. What does it mean?

"This time! Change the rules. The soul ring I gave you is the most common ten year soul ring, but... you can indirectly improve the quality of the soul ring through endless killing and devouring.

The Wulin I provided you is called Bloodthirsty Devil Blade, which is a great weapon. As long as you don't violate the principles and the Soul Ring, you don't need to pay too much attention to it.

After all, with this weapon in hand, even the most aggressive Haotian Hammer is incomparable!

The Bloodthirsty Devil Sabre is an extremely aggressive martial spirit. If you want to deal with those things, you have to grow up

With this bloodthirsty magic knife, even if it is a white soul ring, you can grow up at the fastest speed. Endless devouring is the eternal truth.

In addition... remember the purpose of our trip, and don't forget what we have worked so hard to travel all over the sky for. "

The expressionless words echoed in the vast snow mountains, Yi Xian's back facing the icebound door.

Don't talk much, go straight to the subject! The icebound door seems to remind Yi Xian and remind him.

Yi Xian frowned and said with a slightly impatient expression, "Are you teaching me how to do things? I know what I want to do. I don't need you to remind me

Those things in the darkness seem to have arrived in advance. If nothing happens, they will soon attack the continent.

grow up! Endless phagocytosis? Are you giving me such a knife to make me go on an endless journey of slaughter? "

Icebound Gate: "Isn't the world of blood red suitable for you?

Stepping all over the sky, there is no pure land. The subjective world has already collapsed. What lives in the darkness has reached every corner of the world.

Learn from barbarians to defeat them. What they are good at is exactly what you are good at, so... for a long time, they have no way to deal with you.

You are a smart man. I think you should understand this truth! "

"Oh... you are honest! But... endless slaughter is really just to protect the goodness that should be?"

Icebound Gate: "You can think that the Bloodthirsty Sabre is a lethal weapon. It exists across laws, and only endless slaughter and devouring can you compete with those things.

Those things are inhumane. They are extremely evil and crazy. If you want to defeat them, you must be more ruthless and crazy than them.

Those things in the dark have already started! It's hard to realize your power alone... When necessary, you need a strong helper! "

Yi Xian: "Help? Do I need help?"

Icebound Gate: "The scale is in your own hands, and you can control it yourself! I can't say too much. You are a smart person, and you should know how to do it. I don't need to remind you

This trip starts now... The icebound door will not be opened again in the future until the task is completed. Good luck, executor... "

The words were exhausted, and the icebound door disappeared into the darkness.

Yi Xian has been used to this phenomenon for a long time, and doesn't care about leaving the icebound gate.

Holding the Bloodthirsty Devil Blade, Yi Xian said flatly, "Bloodthirsty Devil Blade? It's such a second name, just call it the Devil Blade..."

The far north is a barren place, also known as the forbidden area of the Soul Master.

Looking at the snow-white land, suddenly a pair of snow-white wings suddenly opened, rose from the ground and went straight through the sky.

The night of the ten thousand mile ice field ushered in the most terrifying hunter ever. The glacier collapsed in an instant, and those small ghosts in the snow were instantly cut by a knife.

The violent force swept over the snow mountain, and the gale passed through, that is, hundreds of soul beasts were killed in a moment, a very brutal blow.

The blood dyed the snow white land red. Suddenly, a strong light suddenly appeared, and the black knife radiated a magical power.

The blood on the ground instantly condensed into a blood mist, that is, the whole world was dyed red in a moment, and the blood mist swirled into the black knife.

The killing continued. On this day, a terrible god of death came to the far north. Where the magic knife passed, there were rivers of blood.

In the endless killing, the snow white land has completely turned into a scarlet sea of blood.

Above the abyss of heaven, the snow-white wings flapped, and the nine heavens rose with the wind, staring at the abyss of heaven. In the constant killing, his fourth soul ring slowly became black.

Immediately stop and walk in a proper amount. With this black soul ring, Yi Xian can clearly feel the change of his own strength.

The attack of the Bloodthirsty Devil Blade is extremely aggressive. With it, Yi Xian can be superior to other heroes at the level of the Soul Clan even if he doesn't use soul skills.

Now there is another black soul ring. He has found that the blood in the magic knife belongs to the killing form in the extreme form.

Now those things in the dark have entered Douluo World first. If you are in the game, you need to be cautious, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

Yi Xian has his own considerations. Now... the most important thing is Tang San.

"Some kind of consciousness in the subjective world seems to be resisting! Looking for fun in the endless slaughter? Only crazy people have such thoughts

Tang San, the son of plane, danger seems to have come... "

Looking up at the starry sky, Yi Xian immediately rose from the ground and left the far north.

It's more than enough to arrive at Shrek College in one month with the present journey!

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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