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Chapter 1 Where is this

"Nannilari, born with Polo in heaven, he goes deep... Pray for the protection of the mountain god, and my son will wake up soon..."

Ye Chuan, who is still asleep, vaguely hears such an awkward and strange passage, which is not very true.

Ye Chuan only felt that he was struggling to sleep, and his mind seemed to be filled with a mass of paste. He was still stirring with a stick.

Then I had a long, long dream. At the end of the dream, a person who looked exactly like him collided with him. There was no pain. The person disappeared after the collision, as if he had melted into his own body.

"Hoo -"

Suddenly, Ye Chuan sat up. The sweat on his forehead and his pale face proved that it was not easy for him.

Then there was a tearing sensation in his brain. After holding his head for a long time, he calmed down.

There was no time to sort out the things in my mind. What I saw was a completely strange environment. A simple wooden house can be described as a house with four walls.

Even himself was almost lying on the ground.

I reached out and touched around. There was only a thin straw mat under my buttocks, which was slightly wet. I didn't know whether it was my sweat or moisture.

As a result of the action of sitting up, the white clothes covered on the body slipped off. The clothes are totally unfamiliar and probably act as quilts.

In the narrow house, only a window door was opened on the left side, and through the sun, we could see the not tall gray wall outside.

Turning around, I saw a woman with some vicissitudes, her hands folded in front of her chest, kneeling on a mat woven with straw cores.

There was a small green seedling standing in front of him. Ye Chuan vaguely recalled that the woman had said the word "God of mountains" earlier.

The woman's eyes were closed and her face was sad. More than half of her black hair was white. Behind her was a low wooden table with some simple utensils on it.

In a few blink of an eye, Ye Chuan has looked through the room and sighed in his heart.

At this point, he finally confirmed that he was the only disciple of the Fumen Sect of the Hidden Sect in the 21st century - he had passed through.

He is the only one and the last disciple in the Fumen family. He has passed through the Fumen family and obviously cannot continue to pass on the Fumen family. He is the last one.

I can't help thinking of Shifu's dying life, which will carry forward the Fumen family.

The owner of the body he passed through has another word in common with him, which is called Chuanxia. The strange name in ancient times only has a first name but no surname.

Her mother's name was Yinhe, and her father, Eni. His father is the 'servant' of the local high-ranking master, and he is an affiliated farmer responsible for farming.

There are hundreds of servants like his father under the Lord. The Lord is not a native, but came from a distant place a long time ago.

In addition, Ye Chuan has no idea what is here and where, whether it is ancient China or a different world, and what the world is like.

Because the original owner of the body was not aware of it himself, he could not know it. Now Ye Chuan pinched his eyebrows in agony.

Just according to these characteristics around me, I guess what the world is like in my heart.

Just thinking of this, footsteps sounded outside. It was the morning when the door was pushed open, and a thin, shirtless man with strong muscles appeared at the door.

The sun poured from behind on his not tall back, and dark shadows appeared on the ground.

A face full of wrinkles, but also with many beads of sweat, wrinkled eyebrows reveal the hardships and hard work.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the woman immediately drew back her spirit from her prayers, stood up, walked forward anxiously, and called, "Lord Ani, can you get medicine from the Temple to save our children?"

Before the middle-aged man could speak, his eyes were wet and his lips trembled without saying a word. Then he bowed his head with a sigh and shook his head.

It was as if the sky had fallen when I heard the bad news. For a moment, the woman was out of her wits. Her body was shaking and she was about to fall, and the man A Ni grabbed her.

"I will pray to the God of the mountains again, and will only pity us." The woman's words were filled with tears, so she continued to pray.

But life gave the couple a huge surprise. At the left side, Ye Chuan slowly climbed up with his hands supporting the straw mat and put on the clothes that were covered on his body at random.

In the shocked eyes of the couple, they stood in front of them and said, "Father, mother..."

Even though he has inherited his memory, Yechuan's indigenous language is still very stiff.

Just said two syllables of parents, I didn't know how to continue, and finally I had to pull out a smile.

"Chuan Xia, my child..." Mother Yinhe was already sobbing. After being surprised, she directly hugged Ye Chuan, and then murmured something like thanking the mountain god.

Ye Chuan's heart calmed down when he was held in her arms, and he could feel her deep maternal love for her.

She patted her hands on the back of the woman twice, and whispered: "It's all right, it's all right, Chuan worries you, mother." The aboriginal language also spoke more smoothly.

He also saw his father, A Ni, who was already at a loss for joy. He wiped his hands on his body twice, and then walked to the hearth beside him, saying, "I'm going to get Chuan something to eat."

"I'd better come." Mother Yinhe reluctantly let go, her wistful eyes stayed on Chuanxia for a while, and then went to the kitchen.

But after a few steps, I looked back at my son, afraid that he would fall down again, and everything seemed like a dream.

The poor couple, however, deeply knew that they could live if they got caught up in 'dirty things', which was really an eye opener.

The room is so big, and the couple said it was a stove, but it was just a short and narrow space.

On the dark counter, there are some tools Ye Chuan doesn't know what to use.

Only one thing I know is the rice steamer. It is a wooden bucket with big upper part and small lower part, which is tightly bound with canes on both sides, and has ears on both sides for easy handling.

He also used this thing when he was on the mountain. It was a steamer used to steam rice. Soon a fire started under the stove.

Ye Chuan in his previous life was raised by Shifu when he was young. Looking at his busy parents, he was a little strange and confused.

He walked to the low table two steps ago and sat down with a straw mat under his buttocks. After kneeling down, the table was just higher than his belly.

After a while, the food was served, but a bowl of rice and three unknown dishes of green vegetables were fresh and green, and no oil or water could be seen. There was also a small wooden dish with black liquid in it.

After a slight sniffle, Yechuan realized that the stuff in this dish was vinegar.

At hand is a pair of sharpened bamboo chopsticks, also known as chopsticks.

In the couple's eager eyes, Yechuan took up the bowl, put a piece of vegetables in his chopsticks, dipped a little vinegar, and put it into his mouth.

It is much better to accept than expected, and it is not much different from the green vegetables cooked with clear water in the previous life. So far, Ye Chuan has his first meal after crossing.

Seeing Ye Chuan eating, his mother Yinhe hung down her head and quietly wiped her tears. Under the invisible table, A Ni reached out and patted Yinhe's thigh to show comfort.

When the meal was half eaten, Chuan was curious about how the couple refused to eat. But no matter how he persuaded them, they did not eat. They kept trying to make him eat, and they must eat all of them.

"Tomorrow, I'll get a wild animal to mend Chuanxia's body." After dinner, A Ni said with a smile while clearing up the utensils on the table.

After this meal, Ye Chuan became a little familiar and accepted his new name. He began to talk freely with the man called A Ni.

I mainly want to know what the place is now from his mouth, of course, he asked very politely.

In fact, some mistakes, omissions or nonsense are also taken for granted by the couple because they are still confused by 'dirty things'.

"... We used to call it Xiayidi, but after coming from the temple, we were renamed Hokkaido..." A Ni answered his son's question casually.

"Hokkaido......" Ye Chuan murmured quietly. Judging from his little historical knowledge, he already knew.

'Dian' is the honorific title given by the servants such as A Ni to the famous leader of Gaocang. And the samurai, the subordinates of the famous leader, probably play the role of guarding the house? Ye Chuan thought so.

When the sun was high, Ye Chuan estimated that it was almost noon. He told the couple that he had just woken up from a serious illness and planned to go out for a walk.

Naturally, they were very worried and tried to stop them, especially Yinhe.

Holding his hand tightly, he said piteously, "Son, just stay at home and what should you do if you are found by dirty things?"

"It's OK, it's OK, my mother. I believe in the protection of the mountain god..." Ye Chuan learned the way people speak here, and he also made some strange movements in his hands.

After grinding his mouth for a long time, he finally walked out of the house in his mother's reluctant eyes. Of course, the last requirement was that his father must follow him.

Standing on the muddy ground outside the door, Ye Chuan looks up at the washing sky and takes a long breath.

In his second life, it was difficult for him to regard the couple as his parents, but the love they had for Chuanxia made him feel the same.

But at the moment before he passed through, their child Chuan Xia was actually dead and could not escape the 'dirty thing'.

What he needs to do now is to understand the world as much as possible, and help Chuan Xia get rid of his obsession before he died, or to avenge him.

If it was in a previous life, he would have no use for what he learned from the Fumen of the Hidden Sect.

But now in this world with 'dirty things', "Maybe it can be useful." Ye Chuan looked down at the palm of his right hand and smiled.

Ps: Those who don't like the word "I" will disappear

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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