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Chapter 1 Do as you see fit


Gu Chen feels that his whole body is sweating. He opens his eyes with difficulty. Everything in front of him shocks him.

There are two old wooden beds in the narrow room, one horizontal and one vertical. There is also an old pine cabinet in the corner. The cabinet is full of sundries.

On the ridge above, a huge spider web crosses the sky, and a terrible spider is leisurely basking in the dazzling sun.

His back was wet, and his mat was soaked with sweat. Gu Chen sat up suddenly, gasping for breath.

Isn't this the old house?

Didn't it collapse years ago!

Gu Chen looked at everything in front of him in disbelief and said to himself: Is he born again?

The mat, the old house, the hot weather, everything is so real.

Just then, the door creaked and a familiar figure came in.

"Dad..." Seeing his father, who is more than ten years younger and has no dementia, Gu Chen immediately felt mixed feelings and choked up.

"Eh... What's wrong with you, Gu Chen? Why are you still crying?"

Seeing Gu Chen's appearance, Gu Anming took one step and two steps to the bedside, touched Gu Chen's forehead and said strangely,

"No fever?"

"It's OK, Dad. It's just too hot, and I fell asleep. By the way, Dad, what year is this?" Gu Chen wiped the tears out of his eyes with his hand, took his father's hand and pretended to be calm.

Hearing this, Gu Anming was stunned, and then laughed and scolded: "You pretend to be a kid, right? Just two days after the college entrance examination, you forgot?"

Hearing this, Gu Chen felt very happy. It was not too late.

Since he was still at home after the college entrance examination, he did not go to Guangdong Province to work in his last life.

The thing he regretted most in his last life was that he went to Guangdong Province to work instead of resuming his college entrance examination.

In the following ten years of working life, he kept moving from place to place and changing jobs, which can be said to be a life of no fixed residence and wandering.

During this period, he worked as a factory worker, a salesperson, a deliveryman, driving a truck, distributing leaflets, and even moving bricks to deceive people. Finally, at the suggestion of my sister, I used some money I earned for several years to attend the IT training of Beida Qingniao. With my own efforts, my life slowly improved.

Later, he married a virtuous wife and had a lovely son. Although he was carrying a car loan and a house loan, he felt that he had no regrets in life.

However, as his father suddenly fell ill, life suddenly fell into a dilemma, which made Gu Chen have to lament that life is really too difficult.

After a drink with a friend, he woke up and went back to the two days after the college entrance examination in 2004.

When he thought of his rebirth, Gu Chen immediately became worried about the orphans and widows left by the world.

Oh, my God! Why let oneself be reborn? Isn't this nonsense?

Fortunately, there is a younger sister who is more capable than himself. Gu Chen is in a better mood.


Gu Chen sighed, but he didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Gu Chen, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Gu Chen was obviously in a wrong mood sitting on the bed, Gu Anming worried and asked, "Are you angry with your grandmother? Don't you want to go to Guangdong Province?"

Hearing this, Gu Chen makes up his mind secretly. Since he has to live again, he can't go to work this time.

The reason why his family let Gu Chen work in Guangdong Province is that he failed in the college entrance examination and asked him to go out early to earn money.

Of course, the most important thing is Grandma Gu Chen's idea. Anyway, Gu Chen didn't pass the exam, so he might as well go out to work to earn money to subsidize his family.

For his father Gu Anming, he is very similar to Su Daqiang in the TV series of later generations. His weakness is a bit pathetic.

In other families in the village, the eldest is the leader, but in caring for the family, it is Grandma Gu Chen who is the leader, and the eldest is often bullied by the second and third.

Here, I have to say that Grandma Gu Chen's character is not only snobbish but also powerful, but she dotes on Gu Chen's brother-in-law Gu Anjie. In addition, she likes Gu Anmin, an aunt who married to the county. Who told her husband to eat public food.

As for the Gu Chen family, they were not well received by their grandmother since childhood. It can be said that they could not get along well with most of their farm work.

As for Gu Anjie, he wandered around all day and was loved by the old lady.

Because of this situation, Gu Chen's mother, Wei Linghui, often quarreled with her grandmother. So Wei Linghui went to the south to work in the last two years. She was too lazy to accept this anger.

Looking at his father in front of him, Gu Chen remembered the typical doormat that he said on the Internet later.

Now that he is reborn, Gu Chen will definitely not go out to work.

Looking at Gu Anming, Gu Chen puts away his emotion and says firmly in his eyes, "Right dad, I just don't want to work."

Looking at Gu Chen's eyes, Gu Anming suddenly feels that Gu Chen is a little different.

However, Gu Anming still asked, "Don't you want to work? Do you still want to go to college?"

Gu Chen shook his head and said directly, "Dad, I don't want to go to college now, I want to go back to school for a year. I want to be admitted to a good university. Isn't that what you and Mom have always expected?"

"What? You want to repeat it?"

Gu Anming was shocked when he heard that Gu Chen had never thought of re reading before. You should know that Gu Chen had no opinion about going out to work before. This sudden change is really strange.

"With your grades, can you get one copy of the exam even if you go back to school for one year? If it is three copies, then the tuition will be more than 10000 yuan?"

Hearing the words, Gu Chen was a little unconvinced: "Dad, how do you know I can't do it? You should know that when I was in senior one, I was still in the top ten in my class?"

In fact, Gu Chen's foundation is very good. He was admitted to No. 1 Middle School with the fourth highest score in the middle school entrance exam, but his grade plummeted because of reading novels in the second year of senior high school. In addition, the college entrance examination did not play well, and the estimated score after the examination was not even three books.

Hearing Gu Chen mention this, Gu Anming was also angry and said: "You are good enough to say your original grades! If you study hard in high school, a key university will not be stable. Now, not only the teachers have been disappointed with you for a long time, but also your mother and I. How many times have you promised to study hard before! Now I want to read again. What did I do? "

Hearing this, Gu Chen also knew that his image in his parents' eyes had been completely destroyed before, that is, the mud could not help the wall.

Of course, this is a fact. Gu Chen can't refute it for a moment, nor can he change his parents' views.

But now Gu Chen can't go to work for anything. Although Gu Chen can live well and achieve financial freedom by virtue of his rebirth, even if he works for a second time, this is not what Gu Chen wants.

Gu Chen has always lacked a good college life.

After thinking about it, the only way now is to play the fool.

"Dad, I really regret it. You can trust me once. I will study hard this year, and I will definitely do what I say."

Looking at his father, Gu Chen said without hesitation, "Anyway, I won't go to work. I just want to go back to school for one year. If you don't give me tuition, I will earn it myself. You and Mom will see to it?"

Hearing this, Gu Amming was shocked, and could not believe that this was said by his son, who was as weak as himself.

"You...... Tell your mother and your grandmother yourself! I'm too lazy to take care of it!" Gu Anming was also a little angry and shook hands directly.

Gu Chen laughed at this and said, "Mom will definitely agree with this. As for Grandma, what can I tell her? My tuition and living expenses are not earned by my mom. What did she give me?"

"Little bastard, how can you say that about your grandma? No big or small." Hearing this, Gu Ammington was angry and wanted to call.

Gu Chen suddenly dodges, grabs the clothes at the head of the bed and runs out.

"Dad, I went to Grandma's house and came back in a few days. Grandma wants me to work at home, but I won't do it!"

Gu Anming hasn't responded yet, Gu Chen suddenly runs out of sight, leaving him standing under the eaves with a silent face, wondering how Gu Chen feels different from before.

After a long time, he sighed: "This temper is more and more similar to his mother."

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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