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Chapter 1 Port Juveniles

"This has been said for decades, Roger! Although many things happened when I was young, let's write it off now! Use the only weapon you know [the weapon that destroys the world] plus my strength, as well as the perfect plan I spent years to formulate, so that I can dominate the world immediately and become my arm! Roger!"

"I'm not interested in [domination], Ski! If I can't do what I want, then there's no fun in being a pirate! No matter what pressure, Golden Lion, I refuse!"

"In other words, you let me kill you here. That's the answer!"

"It means to crush all of you!"


In the first half of the Great Route, Flanders, the port city located here, is famous for its developed shipping trade. Because it is Spring Island, the temperature is appropriate, and the ports built around the whole island constantly handle a large number of freight and passenger ships. Every day, the port will handle a large number of goods, including seafood, grain, furs, porcelain, precious metals, minerals, raw coal, daily necessities and anything you can think of. The porters carefully moved the wooden boxes and sacks. The port tax official recorded the types and quantities of each piece of goods and the taxes receivable in detail, and watched them in a hurry while counting the goods and picking up a pen to write records. They could not see the nature of their vampires, but there was a funny and cute way to worry about mistakes.

In contrast, at night, when ordinary people want to turn off their lights to sleep, there are also some "tax officials". But unlike the tax officials of the Navy, these tax officials seem not to care much about what the goods are. They just stand on the side of the dock and watch the workers move. After moving, they nod to the ship owner and go to the next ship to continue the process. These are so-called black merchants, the smuggling industry controlled by local gangs. In a port city with developed maritime trade, it is abnormal that there is no smuggling.

Across the port and extending into the island, there are extensive large warehouses, mixed with slightly disordered settlements. Most of these settlements are harbor workers, gang members, fishermen and their families. Because there is no unified planning, most of the roofs of the huts in the same residential area are connected, and the middle part shares a wall made of wood boards instead of discarded ships, which effectively reduces the construction burden.

On the streets of shantytowns, only some children aged 3 or 4 are playing. When they are older, they help their families do some work such as repairing fishing nets. At the age of 13 or 4, most of the boys will become a new generation of port workers, and a few will join gangs. Most girls get married early, run their families, and do odd jobs to subsidize their families. If their families can't keep up, they will go to the other side of the island or the town in the center of the island to work as street girls. Until their families can keep up, they will return to their own shantytowns. No one will look down on them because of this. Everything they do for their families will be respected.

In the deepest part of the island, the highland in the central area is totally different from the former two. It is a city composed of rich people's area, citizen's area and market.

The highest place is the manor of the rich. Here live the owners of the port warehouses and long-distance ships, the leaders of the gangs, and the families of the local navy and government officials.

On the periphery are small family owned merchants and local residents who are engaged in other decent jobs. Of course, most of them work for the rich in the central area or are industry managers of gangs. It can be said that people in Flanders are a part of this port city, creating a lot of wealth every day. It is also because of this that Flanders can enjoy great fame in the paradise.

Mr. Luciano Cassio is a famous person in this city. He owns a manor in the rich area of Flanders. His five ocean freighters are berthed in the port. There are also two large warehouses, 10 medium-sized warehouses and 23 small warehouses belonging to him on the shore. Today, a party is being held at Luciano's manor. Mr. Luciano is hosting a birthday party for his 13-year-old son Luciano Carlo. The banquet didn't start until evening, but the old housekeeper of the manor began to prepare early in the morning.

[Arrange the servants to purchase fresh food materials, especially the water, water and meat that the young master likes to eat. They ordered from the Water City a week ago, and should be delivered today. And the most important birthday cake. I heard that the best birthday cake in the world is produced on the New World Cake Island, but it is the territory of Big Mom, a big pirate. I can't buy it, and I don't know how the little master knows it. He always talks about strange pirate things, such as the strongest man, who died late. Forget it, as long as he doesn't become a pirate, Let him go]

Thinking of this, the old housekeeper shook his head and sighed.

In the deep of the manor, Mr. Luciano Cassio, who is fat and has a "Mediterranean" on his head, sits in his study with a picture frame in his hand. The picture in the frame is in the ward of a hospital. On the sickbed lies a beautiful woman with bright golden hair, holding a newborn baby in his arms, Standing beside the bed was a tall, handsome man with dark hair, whose brown pupils were brimming with happiness, and put his hand gently on the woman's shoulder.

"Mafia, it has been 13 years. Carlo has grown up. Although he always tells his servants some strange stories about pirates and runs to the dock every day, he is also a responsible man. He is as smart as you and has inherited my physique. In the future, Luciano's family will have a qualified successor. Don't worry, I will take good care of Carlo."

Mr. Cassio said to himself. If the young servants in the manor see this scene, they will be surprised by Mr. Cassio's experience over the years. What kind of tragic experience can make the tall, handsome and beautiful man in the photo become such a fat, middle-aged man with a Mediterranean face!

As time went by, the sunset made the port of Flanders a layer of gold, the busy port gradually stopped, and the shantytowns also blew smoke. Luancino Carlo, who inherited his mother's appearance and seemed somewhat delicate, waved away the harbor children who pestered him to tell stories about pirates, walked across the dock, jumped onto his own boat, and jumped along the mast a few times to the beam of the sail.

"Ah, the human body in this world is too strong. I can easily jump on the mast after training when I was only 13 years old. Those strong people in the cartoon don't know how strong they are."

Our main character, Carlo, said. Suddenly Carol noticed a black spot on the horizon in the distance.

"There are ships coming at this time, and the port will be closed soon. If there are smugglers, it will be too early again."

Carlo frowned as the black spot drew closer.

"It's not right. The ship is too bad. And the sign like a lion on the bow is a pirate ship, isn't it? It was met by the navy? The lion's head looks familiar."

It didn't take long for the workers and gang members at the port to notice the strange ship that was approaching. The workers pulled the ship into the port with hooks. Some people took out telephone worms to report this strange event to their superiors.

In Luciano Manor, Mr. Cassio came to the lobby and watched the servants hurry to set the table. This will be the main banquet hall. Mr. Cassio called the housekeeper and asked, "Where has the master gone? The guests will arrive soon. Has he not returned yet?"

The old housekeeper replied, "Sir, the young master has not returned yet. I have sent someone to the port to find him. I should stay in those old places. Don't worry, it won't be late."

Mr. Cassio nodded and said nothing. He was used to his son's behavior of running around. Nothing as long as you don't leave Flanders.

At this time, a man in a black coat walked into the banquet hall. The housekeeper saw the man, said to Mr. Cassio and left first. The man came to Mr. Cassio after the housekeeper left, and said to Mr. Cassio: "Boss, there is something wrong with the port, and a strange ship has appeared."

Mr. Cassio frowned and looked at the man who did not speak. The man understood that the boss was dissatisfied that he had not told him the reason why he needed to tell himself. Then he said, "Other people will also pass. It is said that Captain Longtao of the Navy found something and thought that the ship was related to the New World some time ago."

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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