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Chapter 1 Hard Wings

A 6-pass junior school plane flew by, and Li Zhan followed it to a far place. He watched it slowly climb to a higher altitude, and soon it became a little bit until it was slightly invisible.

Overlooking the flat airfield, the main runway, taxiway, forced landing lane, parallel roads, and then more distant neat trees without leaves.

The sky is clear, the sun is just right, and there are few clouds.

The wind direction is 170 degrees, and the wind speed is 3 meters per second.

The atmospheric pressure of the site is 760 mm Hg.

The temperature is 12 ℃.

Good flight day.

Along the taxiway in front of the arched hangar, Li Zhan was dressed for battle, holding a flying helmet in his right hand, and striding forward with his head held high, but his heart was filled with anxiety and loss. He stopped at No. 3 shed. Two new students pose for photos at the bow position of No. 37 J-Jiao 7.

"Senior Brother!"

When the student who was photographed gave a thumbs up and saw Li Zhan, he was surprised. He hurriedly dragged the student who was playing with the camera, ran over together and stood at attention to salute.

Li Zhan saluted back, and his eyes moved from the No. 37 fuselage to the two new students who were excited and flushed, "What are you doing?"

"Take a picture with the Eagle and send it home!" said the new student A excitedly.

New student B stared at Li Zhan's shoulder and looked at his red epaulet. His eyes were full of envy and said, "Senior Brother, before leaving, take a picture with Zhanying!"

Looking at these two bright smiling faces, Li Zhan's heart stopped for no reason.

Isn't that what I was a year ago?

"Good." Li Zhan promised to come down and stand in front of the 37th aircraft.

The camera stopped. He took the last group photo with the accompanying plane 37 in the northern winter.

"Treat her well."

The new student nodded excitedly, "Yes! Senior Brother!"

Seeing little attention from their eyes, Li Zhan said solemnly, "She has served for 15 years and trained 101 pilots, including seven martyrs. Remember, she is a hero."

The two new students stood in awe and stared at No.37 Battle Eagle.

Slowly raised his hand to salute the war hawk. Li Zhanqiang held back his sour nose and said softly, "Take care, old man."

Looking at Li Zhan's receding figure, two new students coincidentally saluted him from afar.

New student B asked, "Do you know him?"

"You have seen his picture hung on the honor wall in the honor room of the base," said the new student A in a deep voice.


The two aircraft formation of J-7 raced past. Although it did not exceed the speed of sound, the sharp roar generated by WP-7B jet engine at full load still made people feel uncomfortable.

Novice goes to heaven, while old birds are having the last carnival.

After two years of preparation and two years of flight academy, I graduated and came to this training base. After flying for a whole year, my wings finally hardened. To go, inevitably sad, reluctant. Winter morning, the sun is still very comfortable, but the mood is not up.

How hard it was to walk all the way. In retrospect, the corners of my mouth did not rise. After rounds of elimination, I should be happy to finally get the "permit to fly". In the same group of cadets recruited for flying, many of them were dismissed in the middle of the flight. For various reasons, they were transferred to the ground service specialty. Only a small part of them can reach the end. So it's hard.

It was just yesterday's abnormality that made Li Zhan lose his mood, and some of them were uneasy.

In the same period, the trainees left the training base yesterday and went to various combat forces. In a few months, they will become fighter pilots who can fly the Eagle independently. But there was no name for him. The political commissar of the base asked him to gather in the briefing room today.

He didn't know what had happened.

At the same time, the political commissar office in the base office building is in a hot mood. Political Commissar Chen of the base stood behind his desk with his hands behind his back, and his face was ugly. He faced the well seated Air Force Colonel with a gentle face and a smile. The repression of the atmosphere originated from Political Commissar Chen.

"Chief of Staff Fang! I'm embarrassed by your appearance!" Political Commissar Chen glared at the air force colonel. "You two divisions are so awesome. What kind of soldiers you can't recruit, you have to come to me to find people!"

He got angry again when he said that. He picked up the document on the desk and threw it. He said, "Except Li Zhan, you can pick whatever is in it. I promise I will go through the formalities for you without saying anything!"

The second division staff officer, Chang Chenghe, smiled and pressed his hand, saying, "Elder martial brother Chen, don't worry. Sit down. Sit down first."

It turned out that the two were brothers and sisters in a college. Political Commissar Chen was one year higher than Fang Chenghe. Both of them were studying at Peking University in their preparatory school. Even the experience of the two men in the first 15 years was similar. Later, Political Commissar Chen was transferred from a military post to a political post.

Fang Chenghe said, "Elder martial brother, let me be honest with you. Before I came here, the leader of the division asked for this soldier by name. The rest of you can easily say that I must take away this Li Zhan."

"Pockmarked Fang, I also want to tell you the truth, this soldier has been booked by Beikong, and other soldiers' cadres live next to you. Everything should be told first, and you should not be too barbaric in Guangkong!" Political Commissar Chen angrily pointed at Fang Chenghe, who had pockmarks on his face.

Undoubtedly, it was the hardest thing for him to get caught in the middle. On the other hand, because the training base is in the north, although it is directly under the Air Force Headquarters, it usually needs the care of the military region where it is located. Of course, it is toward the North Air. You are two thousand kilometers away. Don't say you are a latecomer. Even if you came first, you have to wait on the side.

Fang Chenghe is confident. He said in a harmonious voice, "Old Chen, if I don't have the confidence, I won't sit here and talk with you for a long time. I must take this soldier away. I can't take him away, and no one can take him away. Of course, unless he has a personal idea. If he is very determined not to go to Guangkong, I will not force him to do so. The Second Division doesn't want a half hearted soldier."

"You speak better than you sing. He is a native of Xixian County where your Second Division Headquarters is stationed. Who doesn't want to serve near home? Ask for his advice? Look at your generous and selfless face." Chen was angry and pointed to Fang Chenghe's nose.

Fang Chenghe looked at the time, stood up and said squarely, "Of course I will investigate and understand all the situations. Brother, I must take people away today."

Political Commissar Chen sighed deeply and turned to look out of the window. After a long silence, he said with emotion, "The roots of the old aviation school are so weak. If you dig some, he will dig some. I can't keep anyone alive. Before Liu madman left, he told Li Zhan that he had great potential to become an excellent teacher. After more than 20 years of transformation into a flight training base, only seven people entered the air force talent pool, and Li Zhan was the seventh. I want to keep him, but I don't have that ability. "

Between words is the loneliness of powerlessness.

Fang Chenghe slowly drew back his smiling face and sighed deeply, "Brother, the times are changing. It is inevitable to reform the current training model, and the determination of the leaders is also great. Instead of letting the top students stay in the rear, it is better to put them in the front to play a greater role. As for the crazy Liu, he is hard to protect himself, so you should ask him not to worry about this."

Political Commissar Chen turned around, gave Fang Chenghe a cold look, and said in a deep voice, "Give me an hour, and I'll talk to him."

"No problem, I'll wait for you to bring the people and the formalities in the guest house." Fang Chenghe said confidently, saluted Political Commissar Chen, and left quickly.

This is the briefing room. Li Zhan sat in his seat for a year and looked at the flight area facing the window. Winter flight suit, black flight jacket style cotton padded jacket slightly bulky but very warm. The white flying helmet was placed on his right thigh, and his right hand pressed it. The red five stars in the middle of the front of the helmet were shining in the sun.

Political Commissar Chen strode in, and Li Zhan stood up and turned to salute.

It was a young man with sharp and angular faces. Under his sword eyebrows were a pair of bright eyes. His tightly closed lips showed that his muscles were in a state of readiness.

In reply, Commissar Chen said, "You have no training task, why do you wear combat clothes?"

"Report! I never enter the briefing room in non combat clothes!" Li Zhan replied.

The briefing room is also the combat readiness duty room, where the pilot's last stop before flying is. Get the task, take their own equipment, or send them by commuter bus to board, or run directly to board, and then take off, roaring to the training airspace or task airspace.

"Just like crazy Liu, they are all fucking stubborn donkeys!"

"Sit down." Political Commissar Chen pointed to Li Zhan, but he stood there with his back hands and looked at Li Zhan. "Do you know why he left you alone?"

Li Zhan was angry and said, "If I knew, I would also become a political commissar."

"The south asked you to roll call," said Political Commissar Chen, "but I still want to hear your opinion."

Li Zhan was stunned, "South? Guangkong?"

"Hmm." Political Commissar Chen said with a slight jaw.

"I read your file. Your hometown is in Nangangxi County, where the elite Second Division of the Guangkong Aviation Corps is stationed. But if you stay in Beikong, you can get in touch with new domestic fighters." Chen Zhengwei said in a deep voice, "The college party committee and the training base party committee thought about it, and finally decided to listen to your opinions."

The college and training base have the right to speak about the whereabouts of students.

Li Zhan understood that, in principle, the students will not be assigned to the place of origin. This provision, like that of other services, has lasted for decades. The leaders are not worried about this, but are reminding Li Zhan that you are a pilot trained in the north. I hope you can take the initiative to stay in the north.

Therefore, there is an obvious signal that the important people in Guangkong are inevitable. Unless the students give their own opinions, the college and the base can refuse Guangkong's request on the ground that "the students will not be assigned back to their original units in principle".

Is a novice worthy of such attention?


Because Li Zhan is the best student in this period!

First to fly alone;

The first takeoff and landing was completed perfectly;

First complete basic air combat training courses;

The graduation assessment scores were 20 points higher than the second place;

The training base has maintained the top performance in the past year;

In the final confrontation assessment, he defeated three teachers successively

Just last week, the training base gave Li Zhanji a third class credit.

It is also rare to get a third class merit with military training before leaving the army.

When Li Zhan was in the flight academy, he had already obtained a third class merit.

There are two third class beginners on the body, which is not an ordinary beginner.

In addition, Li Zhan is the seventh student selected into the talent pool of the Air Force without graduation in the training base for decades.

Who is willing to let such a top man go?

"Let me tell you something. Following the 44th Division of Chengkong, Beikong will soon refit its new domestic fighter. You should also have heard that J-10. Stay here, you have the opportunity to be the first among your students to fly a new domestic fighter. Don't you always aspire to drive a new domestic fighter to the blue sky?" Chen said in a deep voice.

There is no doubt that this method is effective for Li Zhan. As leaders all know, Li Zhan, a student, has a strong desire for new domestic fighters. Li Zhan was outspoken when he reported his motivation for enlisting in the army when he applied for flying. It was the news of the successful first flight of a new domestic fighter that stimulated him.

Over the past five years, isn't his goal just to fly the legendary "villain" J-10 into the blue sky?

Li Zhan was deeply entangled.

It is very close to home to go to Guangkong Aviation Association, and maybe it can be assigned to the base of the Second Division Division Headquarters, which is only ten kilometers away from home. But in this way, the day when he met the villain would become remote.

He heard some gossip that the Second Division would not be a force that would soon be converted into villains. Often the gossip is more timely and accurate. He had his judgment that a batch of 24 SU-27SKs bought by the former Soviet Union had been given to the Third Division of Wuhu. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, we bought 24 more SU-27SKs from Russia and bought back the technology. This batch of SU-27SKs was given to the Second Division.

Because of this, the Second Division, like the Third Division, can hardly be ranked ahead of the J-10.

If you stay here, it will be very near to see the villain and ride it. Even if the political commissar didn't say anything, Li Zhan could still guess that everything was close. He knew that with his achievements, he would be assigned to the trump army. Obviously, the trump army will be the first to transform the villain.

It is difficult for him to choose between home and the goal that has supported him for five years.

Political Commissar Chen said, "You have to make a decision now. Whether you go or stay, you have to leave the base in the afternoon."

"Commissar, I want to go to Guangkong." Li Zhan made a decision instantly.

This surprised Political Commissar Chen, who didn't look very good.

Li Zhan said, "Commissar, my brother went to college in another province, and my sister married. My parents are not very healthy, and no one takes care of them at home. When I go to Guangkong, I can be closer to home."

Political Commissar Chen was silent.

For a long time, he sighed lightly and said, "Yes, loyalty and filial piety are difficult. It's all right. Although I can understand it, I have to say that your little boy's wings are hard. Go ahead, pack up your things and go to the guest house to find Fang Chenghe. The Chief of Staff of the Second Division, follow him."

Li Zhan grinned. Bai Sensen's teeth were in sharp contrast to his face, which was dark because he received more ultraviolet rays than ordinary people.

I have been away from home for five years, during which time I only visited my relatives once. Li Zhan's guilt for his parents has accumulated over the years, which has made him uneasy.

Finally, he made the decision that the J-10 could not run, but his parents were getting older.

After all, he failed to fly back to the training base.

Li Zhan packed up his luggage and went through the formalities. Political Commissar Chen handed him the transfer order. After all, Political Commissar Chen did not take people to Fang Chenghe personally. He was annoyed when he saw Fang Chenghe.

However, Fang Chenghe just took Li Zhan to the airport and gave him to the staff officer waiting there, and then disappeared. Li Zhan didn't even have time to talk to his future boss.

Boeing - 737 sent them off the land of Northern China with a roar, and landed at Yangcheng International Airport two and a half hours later. He didn't even have time to contact other students to inform them of the changes.

Immediately, Iveco, who had been waiting, picked them up and went to the air force headquarters of the military region. He went through the formalities before leaving work. Then I caught the train and got off after shaking for more than seven hours.

A warrior car picked them up and drove for two hours into the downtown of Xixian County. It was a major who took Li Zhan with him. Sitting on the co pilot, he turned to Li Zhan and said, "Comrade Li Zhan, we will be there in ten minutes."

Li Zhan said subconsciously, "I know."

"You know?" The major was surprised.

Li Zhan was very excited when he was touched by the scene. He had been in control all the time, but when the warrior car passed by his house, he couldn't control it, and tears poured out. He wiped it carelessly, and his voice was choked. "Staff Advisor Zhang, I'm from Xixian County. I just passed my door."

The staff officer of the major named Zhang Wei was stunned. He raised his wrist to look at the time, his eyes darkened, and said apologetically, "You can't go back for the time being because it's only half an hour before you report for duty. If you stay in Xixian County, there will be opportunities in the future. You can apply for going home on Saturday and Sunday."

Li Zhan quickly controlled his emotions and blushed with embarrassment. "Yes, I understand."

Zhang Wei laughed and stopped talking.

He understood the feeling that he could not enter his home. If it were him, his performance would not be better.

"You are lucky. At least you have a chance to serve at your home. According to your local parlance, this is called honor the ancestors." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

Li Zhan was in a slightly better mood. Even if he was divided into the other two regiments, he was much closer to home than Beikong, which was more than 2000 kilometers away.

He is looking forward to staying in Xixian County. Not only is it possible to "go home on weekends", but also he can fly SU-27, which is much better than flying J-8 and J-7.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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