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Chapter 1

In Tongcheng in August, the heat dissipated after the rain, and the artificial lake outside the window occasionally showed layers of ripples. At this time, a pair of water birds swam leisurely, and then disappeared in the Tingting lotus leaves.

A bell suddenly rings, recalling the mind of the person watching the scenery.

Caller ID is the woman's legal adviser - Qiao Yuan, the leading negotiator of Mingyuan Law Firm.

"Hello, is that lawyer Qiao?" Ji Ning opened her mobile phone and looked out of the window into the house.

Simple decoration, the two meter double bed has not been tidied up.

"Miss Ji, the documents you want have been sorted out. Shall I send them to you now?"

"You go directly to the coffee shop near Lishi Group, and I will be there in about an hour."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Ning casually threw her mobile phone onto the bed, and then let herself fall down, lying on the bed with her hands like surrender. She stared at the ceiling without blinking for a long time, and then turned her head to look at the mobile phone beside her.

It's OK. Just follow the plan step by step. Can't you follow the plan? Ji Ning muttered to himself.

It was inconvenient for people to wait for a long time. She opened the wardrobe, thought about selecting a black suit again and again, drew a light makeup, and slightly lengthened the eyeliner with a pen at the end of the eye, which seemed charming and gentle. Holding the prepared handbag, I took a special look in the mirror before going out of the room. I was in good condition. The light lipstick was moist and moving. The psychological construction of many days has achieved good results.

Seeing Ji Ning going out, the housekeeper went up and asked, "Is your wife going out? Do you want me to call Xiao Qin and drive you?"

"Uncle Li, I will go out for a while. I can drive out alone. By the way, I won't come back for dinner tonight. You don't need to prepare my meals."

The villa area is a certain distance from the urban area, so Ji Ning found light rain outside the car when he got off. It often rains in Tongcheng in summer, and sometimes he can see a rainbow while it rains.

Ji Ning walked for five minutes with an umbrella to the coffee shop she had arranged. When she closed the umbrella at the door, she looked up and saw the building with more than 20 floors opposite. It was only ten years since it was built. It was Li's big money that invited domestic well-known architect He Jialuo to design it. It has a modern sense and has become a popular building in Tongcheng, attracting many citizens and tourists to punch cards. Ji Ning's husband works in it now, but she seldom goes in.

Qiao Yuan saw an elegant and calm lady slowly coming to the corner, with a smile in her eyes but not too close. Then he heard her say in a cold voice: "Sorry, I'm late."

Qiao Yuan immediately stood up and reached out his hand. He shook Ji Ning gently and quickly separated: "I arrived first. There are still five minutes to the appointed time."

"Drink something first, and we'll talk while drinking." Ji Ning called the waiter, but only ordered a cup of lemon tea. She didn't like the taste of coffee.

The longest drink of lawyer Qiao is coffee, but he doesn't choose it. He just values its refreshing effect, so he only ordered a cup of ordinary frozen coffee.

Qiao Yuan took out a document bag from the black office bag beside him, which contained the materials he had prepared.

"Miss Ji, take a look first. This is the divorce agreement. There are two copies in total. The division of property is drawn up according to your instructions. See if there is anything else that needs to be modified."

The data files are arranged in great detail in a certain order.

Qiao Yuanyuan took a sip of the coffee delivered by the waiter. It is worthy of being the top five coffee shops in Tongcheng. Even ordinary coffee is made with a soft taste and a slightly sweet taste.

He watched the other party carefully. Ji Ning took the document bag with a long, thin, round finger tip and a silver bracelet on her wrist. She was opening the document attentively at the moment, as if she didn't mind her eyes.

Qiao Yuan and Ji Ning have cooperated for three years, which is of course economic. So when he received the news that Ji Ning was going to divorce, he was stunned. Even though he knew that his employer was married at a young age, he did not expect that it was Li Yun. When I think of the crisis of Li three years ago, the reason for marriage is self-evident.

The Li family has been rooted in Tongcheng for a hundred years and has operated for decades. It is one of the best families in the city and even in the province. However, Li Yun's ranking first has little to do with his family, because he had already ranked first before he was revealed to be one of the heirs of the Li Family Group. After all, his first big screen won him the Best New Artist Award, and the second one directly put him on the throne of movie king.

Copyright: Tea Flavor

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