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Chapter 1 Rescue Mr. Lin

BJ time: August 15, 2019, an ordinary Thursday

BJ's red eye flight departing from CA975 landed at Changyi Airport half an hour late at 7:00

Singapore Airlines SQ317 departing from London landed at Changi Airport half an hour earlier at 7:00

As soon as they got off the plane, they couldn't help taking off their black windbreaker in August when Singapore was sweltering

Blue and white loose striped shirt, ripped jeans, small white shoes, backpack, long hair hidden in a baseball cap

The figure of a man without chest, crotch and buttocks, with a height of 173cm, has a small piece of fresh meat on his back

It's still early. Her best friend hasn't arrived yet. She is sitting on the sofa of Starbucks at the airport to kill time

Suddenly, a tall, thin figure came over

Put on the black windbreaker on the sofa

Through his mask, he asked for help in English

"Brother, do me a favor. I'm not a bad guy."

She's a little nervous

But his eyes made her believe him

She helped him straighten the collar of his windbreaker, took off his hat and put it on his head

At the moment when his hair fell, he found that she was not a brother, but a girl

It's embarrassing

Good cover up!

A few young people who looked like reporters walked past silently.

"Are you Chinese?" she asked him.

"Thank you for helping me out. Hello, I'm Lin Shen." He thought she would be familiar with the name.

"Hello, Mr. Lin. Why are they following you?" She was curious.

He hesitated for a few seconds, thinking how to answer her question.

"Oh, I don't want to know, you don't mind." She thinks she has a lot of things.

"Ha, I don't mind. In fact, they are debt collectors. You just helped the bad guys..." He teased her.

"Are you Chinese, too? I thought you were a boy just now..." He looked at her apologetically.

"Can boys help bad people?" she teased.

"My name is Yu Zhu, Bamboo's Bamboo, BJ girl. I come back to BJ after visiting here to find friends for a few days during the summer vacation in England."

It turned out that she had just returned from abroad, and he looked at the child in front of him, "The bamboo of bamboo, is it because you are called 'bamboo' that you grow so thin, or because you are thin that you are called 'bamboo'..." I don't know why, he, who has always been cold, now has no scruple to tease the child like an old friend.

"I regret saving Mr. Lin!" She made a face.

"Will your friends come to pick up the plane? It's not safe for children to travel alone. Do you want me to escort them?" He said casually.

"My girlfriend will arrive soon. You are a debt dodger. It's not safe to follow you! Do I want to lend you my hat and windbreaker..."

She was joking with him like this. In her eyes, the person named Lin Shen in front of her was just Mr. Lin, without any other identity or aura. In his eyes, she is just a child, simple, transparent, unaffected, happy and amiable.

"My girlfriend and her boyfriend are here. That's the one waving." She picked up her backpack and was ready to say goodbye to him.

"I'll take you there." He pulled up her luggage and followed her.

"This is my best friend Cici, and this is her handsome husband Chen Ran. They are both exchange students who came to Singapore to study and now live here. I have stayed at their home these days."

"This is Mr. Lin, whom I just rescued and came to Singapore to avoid debts..."

Yu Zhu introduced to both sides.

"Everyone, Mr. Lin, what kind of debt dodger? Don't you really know him?" Sissy stared round in surprise.

"No, I also owe you money. I'm so surprised to see me"! Lin Shen winked at Sisi, suggesting that she should not expose it.

"Well, should Mr. Lin take our car to avoid the debt collectors? Although the car is small, it is safe." Chen Ran is very enthusiastic.

"Mr. Lin, we all study architecture. We draw drawings at ordinary times and visit the construction site at weekends. It's simple like a child. You'd better come with us to help the child identify whether I am a close friend or not. Don't be cheated by bad people." Cici intended to pull Lin into the car.

"You call her Ge Ge? Everyone?" Lin Shen asked.

"Her name is Yu Zhu. She is as thin as a bamboo pole since she was young. She only grows tall but does not grow flesh. We split the characters into two 'ones' and kept calling her all the time." Sisi told Lin Shen.

Lin Shen coughed and snickered, "Everyone, do you agree to take a ride?"

"I'm also a guest. I don't have the right to speak. The owner has the final say! Besides, only people who are familiar with me can call me 'everyone'!" Everyone ignored others and jumped onto the car with a backpack.

"Then I'll get on the bus, everyone." Lin Shen stepped onto Chen Ran's bus and sat beside them.

"Mr. Lin, is your place safe? It won't be trampled better by debt collectors, will it?" Sisi asked Linshen.

"Fortunately, it was a good friend who arranged a private apartment for me, which was unexpected to outsiders." Lin Shen explained.

"You have also had a hard time. Everything is exposed, and there is almost no room for yourself." Chen Ran said while driving.

"It's not that there is no space at all. I can enjoy Mr. Lin's own space in front of everyone." Lin Shen chuckled.

"Hey, how can I feel that all three of you know each other and are acting for me..." All of you winked at them.

Lin Shen, Cixi and Chen Ran couldn't help laughing.

When the car drove to the opposite side of the apartment building near Chinatown, Chen Ran told Lin Shen that this was their residence and asked whether Lin Shen wanted to go up and sit down. Lin Shen declined the invitation, either because he was afraid of revealing the beauty of the moment through chatting or because he didn't prepare a gift in a hurry.

Chen Ran is not at ease and leaves Lin Shen as a taxi. He asks Lin Shen about the address of his private house near Sentosa and insists on seeing him off.

Sisi takes everyone out of the car, and Lin Shen gets up to help lift the trolley case out of the car.

"Everyone, thank you for your rescue today. It's nice to meet you. I'll go back to BJ in three days. When will you play? Can we still meet?" Lin Shen looked at everyone, but didn't know what to say

"Come here, I will add a WeChat account with Mr. Lin. I am now the agent of everyone. If you want to meet me, you need to make an appointment with me!" Cici immediately took out her mobile phone and clicked on the WeChat QR code.

"Hey, hey, hey, someone dares to speak to me under the banner of male gods and WeChat!" Chen Ran looked at Sisi with teeth clenched.

"Don't be black, don't think too much. Chen Ran is my god, and Lin Shen is my idol, just my idol." Sissy holds her mobile phone.

"What kind of idol?! Wake up, his creditors have come to Du, Chen Ran is so handsome, and you are also flirting!" Everyone said disgustedly.

"You don't understand children. You are so foolish to draw pictures. After the ninth five-year plan, you will live to be 60 years old, but you don't know Lin Shen!" Sisi took off her sunglasses and put them on each bridge of her nose.

Seeing that the topic was getting more and more open, Lin Shen immediately jumped on the bus and prepared to leave. Everyone and Sisi waved goodbye to Lin Shen.

Copyright: Start Girls Network

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