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Chapter 1 March Vanke

AD.2008, In Afghanistan, the town of Gomila was attacked by a local extremist organization.

As a tough bone that the United States can not gnaw down in the global force deployment, they are also famous in the industry with two brushes.

Naturally, it is not a good reputation. Some extremist organizations work hard for money, and some work for fame. And they show the pathetic original sin of human greed, money, I want, name, I want, even people, they also want.

Greed is their original sin and the driving force for their development step by step until their ambition is not satisfied with the current hegemon.

In a house with a hole in it, Dr. Ethan and a young man were hiding behind the raised bed.

"Maggie, I don't think we can survive here." Ethan said to the young man on one side, his voice was quite reassuring. "If you come from China, you should know a saying that good tigers can't stand wolves."

The young man called March, with his rifle in his hand, frowned. He didn't answer because his head was still confused.

It is very common in this area, but God knows which gun factory imitated AK rifle did not give him a sense of security, and the other pistol he had at his waist is certainly more so.

It is not appropriate to say that they are unarmed, but in the face of extremist organizations that are trampling on lives and looting civilians outside, he feels like a lamb to be slaughtered.

It is worthy of being Marvel Universe, and this is the beginning of the game.

Marcy's mind came up with the idea that he was not a native of the universe. In terms of soul, he was a foreigner, and in popular terms, he was a passer-by. But Marcy's situation was somewhat special. Compared with the illegal crossing, he was relatively legal reincarnation.

Of course, there is not much difference between them. They are all foreign souls, but the difference between March and indigenous people has been greatly reduced.

March was reincarnated into this world. In the past 20 years, his soul has not fully awakened, just like ordinary people. It was not until yesterday that he woke up with some information in his mind that he remembered the fact that he was reincarnated here.

This universe has multiple planes. The Big Bang of the universe produced several infinite protoliths. The name of this multiverse is Manway Multiverse. If you want to live safely in this place, it is suggested to find a remote planet to farm, please stay away from the earth where the universe is not the center.

No, March knows so much now as a foreign settler from other places.

Of course, March remembers some things more or less, for example, he vaguely remembers some information that he specially kept. This is a world line of the Marvel multiverse, and he comes from another end world line. But he doesn't know what the name of the Marvel multiverse really means. After all, he has experienced the mystery in the womb, and his soul has been in dust for 20 years, He is not sure whether he can do the information he knows accurately.

He thought he was great when he remembered such a key message.

As for why he knew this information, he didn't understand it. After waking up yesterday, these things were like flies in his ears, constantly wandering back in his mind to remind him.

It's too far away for an individual to know about the world, the universe, the flood and famine. Why is he in the Middle East?

Forgive him for waking up his soul yesterday and waking up some previous life memories. Now his mind is still a bit confused.

He remembered that he came here to trace the death of his father Ivan.

He is March Vanke, the son of Ivan Vanke, and the grandson of Anton Vanke.

Anton Vanke, the grandfather of March and a former Soviet scientist, was supposed to be decadent after returning from the United States, but unexpectedly made his fortune to set up Vanke Studios, which mainly engaged in mechanical maintenance and manufacturing. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he was not constrained. With his knowledge and talent, he gradually built a studio from scratch into a famous Vanke industry, Howard Stark, known as the late oriental master.

Of course, Anton Vanke himself is quite disgusted with this statement.

Unfortunately, after Howard Stark died in an accident in 1991, Anton Vanke also died in an accident on the way out to attend a conference.

So far, both the eastern and western military industries have fallen.

If Anton Vanke knew anything about it, he might be able to ridicule his old rival, Howard Stark, for his son's lack of credibility.

Ivan Vanke, Tony Stark, as the heirs of the military industrial enterprises of both sides, Ivan Vanke is much better than the less reliable playboy, both internally and externally.

Ivan accepted Vanke Industries. As the second generation leader, he showed his due responsibility. Instead of being overwhelmed by the grief of losing his father, he did his best to deal with the company's affairs.

But to be fair, in terms of the ability to manage a company, he is not even as good as Tony Stark, who was the manager of the company. He is a genius who is impeccable in other aspects except his character. Ivan can't really compete with him in the field of wisdom application.

So something very funny happened. Ivan Vanke tried his best to help his company, but the company's situation did not improve a bit, and the business situation was getting worse every day. Tony Stark is acting as a playboy in front of the shopkeeper. Stark's enterprise is thriving and has expanded to more industries besides military industry.

The most tragic thing was that Ivan and his wife both died unexpectedly when they went out in 2005. Just like his father Anton Vanke, their husband and wife were killed by unexpected disasters.

It can be said that two generations share the same fate, and no book can be written without coincidence... No wonder.

They were all murdered.

Outsiders don't know, can he not know that he is the son of man?

Father Ivan has taken great pains to save his life. He is a Chinese rather than a Russian in nationality. In his daily life, he also lives under the Chinese name of March, surnamed Ma Mingqi. Even he doesn't know how father Ivan did it. He has no sense of disobedience when leaving his Russian appearance among Chinese people.

The name of March Vanke, excluding the dead Ivan, is now known only by March himself.

Vanke Industry was also annexed after Ivan Vanke passed away, which naturally has a full flavor of conspiracy.

The reason why March is in the Middle East at this moment, as previously said, is to trace the cause of Ivan Vanke's death.

After all, Shisheng is the son of a man. His father's blood feud is forgotten and he goes to enjoy the peaceful life in anonymity. Maybe his father will not blame him, but as Marcy, it's really not manly.

But now Marcy wants to talk about his previous actions. Even though his body is strong and his mind is smart, he has organized people to extremes too much? That's it?

If the soul wakes up and wakes up some wisdom of previous life, is this what comes for free?

Bare handed, they found a relationship to open up. If Ethan hadn't pulled him, it would have been cool, thorough and stable.

He shook his head. He felt that it would be over if he went on like this. He didn't think of a way to change his situation, so he was determined to explain it to him.

March doesn't want to be a dog. If he can live his life again, he must live like a dog.

He is March Vanke, born in another world line of Marvel's multiverse. His project will bring a different beginning, and he will write new stories and create his own extraordinary cause.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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