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Chapter 1 Preface

Mentality is people's view and understanding of things, is their inner thoughts, and is a stable way of thinking. What kind of attitude you have determines what kind of view you have on things, and this view directly determines your behavior. The combination of a series of behaviors is a person's life and destiny. Some people are strong and optimistic and become strong in life; Some people are cowardly and enslaved by life; Some people are peaceful and open-minded, and they are wise people in life; Some people haggle over every ounce and are always troubled by gains and losses; Some people are ambitious and have made great achievements; Some people are short-sighted and can only be trapped in their own small world... A good attitude can shape a successful life; And a bad attitude will make your life dim. Therefore, a good attitude that leads people to success is like shining gold, bright and precious.

A philosopher said, "Your mind is your real master. It is because of different attitudes that people see different worlds: negative people always see failure and pain, while positive people always see sunshine and hope. Your attitude can be controlled by yourself. Whether you can reach the peak of success depends on your attitude towards this mountain. Remember, your feet are always higher than the mountains. In life, everyone inevitably has to experience hardships and hardships. In the face of difficulties and temptations, what kind of attitude you have will directly determine your life path.

In modern society, mentality has become the winning weapon in competition. It is easy to possess professional knowledge and improve skills. Only mentality is an important factor to reflect a person's value. Mentality is the sum of education, experience, personality and internal spirit. Mentality is more important than education, money and environment. As a philosopher said: "All things in life must be placed behind the mentality." Indeed, driven by the inner power of mentality, we often stimulate our infinite potential, which, if properly used, will result in far more than our best ideas. Some people say that even if we lose everything in the end, at least we can live in a down-to-earth attitude. Indeed, mentality is always the cornerstone of your success. Whether you want money, power or a happy family, as long as you have a positive and happy attitude, you can get everything. In the future life and world, mentality is the most fundamental competitiveness.

Entering this book, you are about to begin not only a journey of reading, but also a journey of creating a mentality and learning to control your own life destiny. Tolstoy once said, "I advise all people to think of their own wings and fly upward." In fact, everyone has his own ideal. Mind is the wing of your ideal. If you change your mind, you can open your wings, fly to the ideal heaven, become a distinguished person, and have an outstanding life.

Brand: Lianhe Duchuang
Launch time: 10:18:03, August 19, 2019
Press: China Overseas Chinese Press
The digital copyright of this book is provided by Lianhe Duchuang and is produced and distributed by Shanghai Yuewen Information Technology Co., Ltd. authorized by Lianhe Duchuang

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