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Chapter 1 Regenerate Snake

South America.

Amazon Rainforest.

The endless green sea is a paradise for wild animals.

Thanks to the oxygen rich atmosphere and humid and hot climate, it is an ideal habitat for snakes and a country of giant snakes.

There is no shortage of the legend of giant snakes in the vast Amazon jungle.

A small pond in the hinterland of rainforest.

Birds chirp and frogs sing, insects fly and fish leap, trees are tall and grass is dense, and they are full of vitality.

In the mottled light and shadow, a flexible black shadow plunged into the sparkling pond one by one, stirring up a circle of ripples.

A trapezoidal snake head, the size of a walnut, peeped out of the water under the moving water grass.

Curiously looking at this strange world, his eyes are full of caution.

This is a slender snake covered with dark scales.

If you pay attention to observation, it is not difficult to find that its golden vertical pupils are full of human intelligence from time to time.


There is a human soul under its snake body!

Chen Yan did not understand at all. Why did he become a little snake a little thicker than his thumb and a meter long?

Previously, I was watching a snake documentary on a video website.

In a twinkling of an eye, I was soaked in the South American jungle water.

It must be the sand sculpture game advertisement that caused the disaster!

"The dishonest merchant, the promised member has no advertisement!"

Chen Yan complained about a video website. He remembered the game ad box that popped up when the video was paused.

There is a snake head pattern on it, as well as the second game slogan of "the strongest poisonous python, devour evolution".

I thought it was a game of changing the shell and raising Kun, so I went to the fork.

Unexpectedly, when his hands shook and his eyes became black, he became a snake!

As a mature old bookworm, Chen Yan has a bold conclusion.

This is rebirth!


Why not rebirth the ancient emperor, the male master of the harem, and the rich star?

Regenerate a snake

Then play with a snake!


Chen Yan vaguely heard his hungry stomach protesting.

Although he has no ears at all.

As a snake, Chen Yan is not only born with high myopia, but also deaf.

Snakes do not have external auricles or ear holes, but have developed ossicles and inner ears.

That is to say, although Chen Yan cannot hear the sound of the external environment, he can very sensitively receive the acoustic stimulation transmitted by the ground and water flow vibration.

Even the faintest vibration cannot escape the capture of "snake ears", and scaring the snake with grass is the most vivid illustration.

As the saying goes, when God closes the door, he will open the window. At the expense of sight and hearing, Chen Yan gains a developed sense of smell.


Chen Yan keeps swallowing and puffing the forked snake letter, capturing the odor molecules floating in the air.

Through the analysis and identification of vomeronasal organ on the top of the mouth, a strange world composed of smell is automatically drawn in the brain.

With fuzzy vision combined with vibration perception and olfactory composition, Chen Yan knows the surrounding environment like the palm of his hand.

In addition.

What made Chen Yan even more shocked was that he was also equipped with advanced organs with heat source perception ability.

Buccal fossa!

Two small film depressions on both sides of the lower lip.

This is a powerful weapon for a large number of venomous snakes, such as Agkistrodon halys and Vipers. Anacondas and sea snakes generally do not have cheek nests. Anacondas only have lip nests at the front of their lips, which are less sensitive.

So, is Chen Yan a poisonous snake?

Chen Yan himself could not say clearly.


He not only has venom filled fangs, but also has a strong boa constrictor body.

Chen Yan instinctively knew that he could not only sting and poison his prey, but also hang it.

In other words, Chen Yan is an all-around soldier who practices both magic and martial arts!


In the real world, there is no such snake with evil and martial arts.

Chen Yan can't help wondering, what kind of wonderful snake is he?

Maybe it is just as the advertisement says.

Chen Yan is a mixed python that combines the genes of the most poisonous snake and the strongest python!

What does the advertisement mean by "devouring evolution"?


The empty abdomen is still moving crazily, reminding Chen Yan not to feel hurt unnecessarily anymore.

At the moment, it is the first thing to fill your stomach.

After shaking his neck, Chen Yan's head retracted into the water, and the whole snake lurked in the water grass.

His goal is a group of small fish wandering in the puddle.

He prefers fish to mice and frogs.

As the liquid water absorbs and covers up the infrared heat source too strongly, Chen Yan's cheek cavity heat sensing system is basically a decoration in the water.


He simply turned off the thermal induction system and relied on other senses to hunt.

The water in the pond is very turbid and the visibility is extremely low, but it is not difficult to defeat Chen Yan.

Although he can't see, Chen Yan can accurately judge the direction and distance of prey by sensing the vibration of water flow and analyzing the smell of snakes.

I don't know whether he sensed the threat. The fish always avoided the water grass where Chen Yan was hiding, and didn't give him the chance to sneak attack.

After waiting patiently for a while, Chen Yan found that his temperature had dropped.

You must go ashore in time to recover your temperature. You can't stay in the water any longer.

Cold blooded animals are not good at this point. They become sluggish when their body temperature drops.

As a result, Chen Yan changed his strategy and gave up the plan of sneaking attack.

Simply go ahead and catch up with the fish.

If you change it to other snakes, it's definitely not worth the loss to dare to play chase with the prey.

But Chen Yan is different. He is a wonderful poisonous snake with the power of python.

Most importantly, he has human wisdom!

Just do what you say. Chen Yan slowly surfaced and traveled around.

Finally, a horn shaped opening of the pond gap was found, and it dived into the bottom again.

"There is a strong fishy smell over there. There are more fish!"

Chen Yan swallowed the snake letter and swam in the direction of fish.

"The left side vibrates too much. It is safer to catch a group of big fish or catch the group on the right side."

According to the magnitude of the current vibration, Chen Yan lurked near the group of smaller fish on the right.

At the bottom of the pond, Chen Yan's icy golden pupil kept a close eye on the leisurely fish before him. His tail was against the gravel at the bottom of the pond. The thick and long snake body curved and circled, and the huge explosive force quickly accumulated everywhere.


Suddenly, a string of bubbles burst in the puddle.

Chen Yan, like a black arrow from the string, shoots out, pierces the water flow, and rushes straight to the nearby fish.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa~

When encountering a surprise attack, the fish suddenly burst into flames and fled like flies.

Seeing that the prey was about to flee, Chen Yan could not help but let them go free. He hurried left and right, constantly chasing and gathering the fish to drive them to the trumpet shaped gap.

After all, snakes are cold-blooded animals. After Chen Yan's first sudden attack, he obviously lacks stamina.

It was difficult to encircle and gather in time, so that most of the fish escaped his scheduled route.

Fortunately, at the end of the day, several unlucky people with lost IQ were forced into the trumpet shaped gap, jumping around like trapped animals.

Hold the bell mouth and block the exit of the prey. Chen Yan is a snake in the pass, and don't open up ten thousand fish.

"Small sample, no one will save you even if you break your throat. Please be eaten by me!"

Delicious food is just around the corner, and Chen Yan's passion comes out with his appetite.

Without much nonsense, he rushed into the gap of the horn, opened the mouth of the snake full of jagged fangs, and mercilessly bit on the dying fish.

It has to be said that Chen Yan's venom is really overbearing. He only takes one bite from each fish and controls the injection of very little venom. The fish still die instantly.

"Am I so poisonous? What a strange snake! How do I compare with the Belcher sea snake and the inland taipan snake?"

Looking at the four half catties of small fish floating on the water, Chen Yan can't help narcissism, and the hunger in his belly becomes more unbearable.

Chen Yan leaped forward, picked up a fish, opened its mouth to 90 degrees, and swallowed it whole.

Then expand the chest cavity, wriggle the abdominal muscles, slowly squeeze the small fish into the elastic stomach, and secrete strong corrosive stomach acid to decompose and digest food.


Chen Yan's eyes widened and turned his neck to look at the snake's belly.


It had just eaten the small fish and its swollen abdomen was slowly shrinking and shrinking.

A faint warm energy rises from the stomach, nourishing the whole body.

Dimly, Chen Yan found that his body had become thicker and longer, and his strength had also increased. Even the scales on his body seemed to be harder and deeper.

What an amazing digestive system and growth talent?

This is called phagocytic evolution?

If you eat it all the time, won't it grow into a giant python?

Swallow the sky and eat the earth!


Devouring evolution, so terrible!

For the first time after becoming a snake, Chen Yan just ate a small fish and found the big secret.

At the same time, he could not help but be full of hot expectations for the future.


Chen Yan swallowed three small fish one after another, roared up to the sky, belched heavily, and exhausted.

Then he wandered ashore with his round, cold body, curled up and slept in a hole in a dead tree not far from the puddle, recovered his body temperature and recuperated himself.

After digestion, he will kill, eat all over the world, and embark on the road of infinite evolution!

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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