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Chapter 1 My Daily Life in a Different World

"Throughout the old calendar period, Afalink was in the midst of a war. Because of ethnic and cultural differences, religious conflicts and other reasons, the war never stopped in Afalink. The chaos lasted until the end of the old calendar. The birth of the first generation brave Eiffel, the day on which Eiffel was born, was regarded by later historians as the dividing point of the old and new calendars.

In the 25 years of the new calendar, with the joint efforts of Aifel and the Elf King Yat, the first multi-ethnic and equal federal country, Yattis, was founded, marking the official start of the institutional reform of Afalink... "

Looking at the spitting Morpheus waving the history textbook on the platform, I couldn't help falling asleep. The boring history lesson was even more boring under the explanation of the old stiff Morpheus. With my heavy eyelids propped up, I moved my eyes out of the window, and my thoughts drifted away.

Afalink, this is the name of the world where I am now.

Why now? Because I came from another world before. On a rainy night, I was disappointed in love. I drank several bottles of Erguotou with some cephalosporins Then when I woke up, I became one of Afalink's newborn babies.

I'm glad that the reincarnation of me has not changed my nature. I silently comfort myself, although it is still difficult to accept that I am reborn to a different world.

But the next second, wrapped in swaddling clothes, I think the world seems pretty good. The cat ear lady in maid's dress took me away from my mother's arms, and I gradually changed my mind with only white eyes. People always have to adapt to the new environment to survive.

Slowly, I grew up and became a handsome aristocratic young master in the Arttis Federation. With double IQ, I was successfully admitted to the best school in the Federation - Arttis Federal College, and became the pride of the whole family.

That's why I would sit in the last row of the classroom near the window and listen to the poor old man. I really want to skip class, but on the stage, Mr. Morpheus is an elf. He is very powerful, and I dare not provoke him.

As an elf, except for his long and sharp ears, he has no other characteristics that match the spirit. The short and fat figure matched with the Mediterranean head shape is completely opposite to the tall, handsome and noble spirit. I stared out of the window at the boys and girls in other classes who were having PE classes, and kept dreaming until the chalk hit my head.

"Edward, after Artemis, how many national systems have emerged in Afalink? And tell the time and order of the establishment of other countries one by one." Edward is my reincarnation name. I was caught by Morpheus when I was wandering. Looking at the ponderous expression on his face, I knew that if he could not answer, he would laugh at me.

Damn, I have never seen such an ugly and small hearted elf. When I was caught playing truant in the first class of Morpheus, he showed more concern for me.

"Master Morpheus, there are two systems in total - the federation and the principality." I looked at the little reflection on the face of the elf and continued to answer: "In the new calendar 31 years, the principality of Fredom, which is dominated by human beings, was founded; in the new calendar 40 years, the second federation Forstrand was founded with the help of President Effiter; in the new calendar 41 years, the principality of Light was founded only for the belief of God of Light; In the 70 years of the new era, the last principality, the Dark Kingdom, was established. "

Morpheus didn't expect that I could answer all the correct answers. When he was surprised, I continued: "Teacher, do you need me to tell all the countries except Alpes?"

Obviously, he didn't expect me to make such a request. Now Morpheus doesn't hang his ponder on his face, but the stinky face is even more ugly. I like to see him angry and feel helpless.

"Well, no need, the countries in the other three continents are not within the scope of today's teaching, and I will talk about it later, you can sit down." Morpheus covered his embarrassment with a cough, and waved his textbook to show me to sit down. This old man always does this, which is very interesting.

I sat down with interest, and Morpheus continued his teaching, reading every word in the book, boring.

"The next class is teacher A Yuan's advanced fighting skills class, and I really want to go to her class soon." I don't want to see Morpheus even more when I think of teacher A Yuan, who is good-looking and has temperament.

In fact, I was the only one in the whole class who thought history class was boring. My old father was a history researcher. He told me all this knowledge from childhood to adulthood.

"Dang~dang~dang~" three long bell rings, and class is finally over. I was sitting in front of the clock tower of the college. Looking towards the clock tower, I saw old Crewe standing on it, smoking his own cigarette.

Obviously, the world's technology is so advanced, why don't schools install an electronic alarm clock, which is loud on time? The key is that after installing an electronic alarm clock, you don't have to worry about old Crewe getting drunk or mistaking the time and not ringing the clock.

I began to think about some problems again. When I came to this world, I found that I always like to think about what is not. I don't know whether it is out of curiosity about this world or simply because I became gossipy after reincarnation.

"Edward, let's go. The next class is your favorite teacher, Ayuan. Don't be late to leave a bad impression on your goddess." Zeya patted me on the shoulder and urged.

Zeya, a tall and powerful young man, was born on the same day as me. Our two families call him a family friend, so he and I have played since childhood and become my first friend in the world.

He always likes to interrupt my thoughts when I'm thinking, but I don't mind. If it weren't for him, I would have missed a lot of things.

After cleaning up the textbooks in our desks, Zeya and I rushed to the advanced combat skills class. Artetiz Federal College is equivalent to the university in my original world. Different classes will have different classrooms. Afalink has a lot of differences from my original world, but also has a lot in common.

There are schools, hospitals, televisions, washing machines, and various electronic products in this world The world has everything in it. What the world didn't have, the world also has. Afalink has various races: humans, elves, dwarves, giants, goblins This is a world where magic and technology coexist. Even in historical records, Afalink still has ancient gods sleeping.

The gymnasium of the advanced fighting skills class needs to span more than half of the campus, but it is not a very long distance for Zeya and I who have been specially trained. As the best college in our country, the area of Artis Federal College will certainly not be left behind. Now this campus has an area of 4000. In Afalink, 1 field is equal to the size of 1 mu of land in my original world.

Zeya and I arrived at the gym in less than half of the 20 minute recess. This gymnasium was specially built by the school for advanced fighting skills classes. There are standard size challenge arenas in the gymnasium, enough for four classes to attend classes at the same time. The number of students in each class of Artetys Federal College is set at 20. These 20 people will live in the same student apartment and study together according to the college tradition from the beginning of enrollment.

In the middle of the challenge arena, teacher A Yuan had already changed her teaching clothes and waited for the arrival of the students. I went up to her and said, "Teacher A Yuan, you are still so beautiful today!"

Zeya on the side must think that I am like a dog licking, but I don't care. Phoenix Nayuan - This is the full name of teacher A Yuan, but I and other students prefer to call her A Yuan.

Like her name, teacher A Yuan has a fiery personality like a phoenix, even her long hair up to her waist is fiery red, and her figure is even better. Her beautiful young face looks like she is only in her twenties. She is a hybrid of human beings and elves. She has all the advantages of human beings and elves, and her life span is also longer than that of ordinary people. Therefore, her actual age cannot be measured visually. If you want to know the secret that all women care about most, unless teacher A Yuan is willing to tell it himself.

"Oh, Edward, do you want to come up so early to have a fight with the teacher?"

I watched teacher A Yuan clap her fists excitedly, and quickly waved her hand and refused: "No, teacher, we have to change our training clothes."

In fact, teacher A Yuan's duel was just a one-sided killing. She liked to abuse her students in the name of teaching. With many lessons learned, I would not go to the stage to humiliate myself foolishly.

The reason for changing the training clothes was very good, and teacher A Yuan did not force me to come on stage. In the locker room, Zeya looked gloating and said in his teasing voice, "Edward, you are miserable today. The person that teacher A Yuan wanted to beat never escaped."

Although I was very unhappy with the guy's tone, I had to admit that Zeya was right. I must be the best choice for teacher A Yuan to accompany her in class later.

The belt of the training clothes was tightly tied, as if it could strengthen my determination - I was ready to be beaten by teacher A Yuan. In fact, it's not bad to be beaten by your own goddess. I comfort myself.

"When~when~when~" old Kru rang the bell of class when he was ready, I was sitting on the floor outside the challenge arena after changing my clothes. Zeya specially found a position far away from me. This guy was afraid that I would drag him into the water. It was really "buddy"!

"Boys and girls, I have nothing to teach you today in the fighting skills class. From now on, there will always be only one content in the class, that is, try to defeat me."

I looked up at teacher A Yuan. She looked very neat in her white training clothes. Even such loose clothes were made concave and convex by her devil figure. The clear and flexible voice made me think her singing must be very beautiful.

However, standing on the stage talking at this time, she looks like a fallen angel laughing wildly in our eyes. From today on, she wants to beat up her students every day. Without saying that I can't run away, no one can run away!

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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