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Chapter 1 Defeat the Earth

Earth, the small planet of the Milky Way in this group of galaxies in the Virgo Supercluster. Virgo is at the edge of the universe, and Earth is at the edge of the Milky Way.

If the cosmic civilization is compared to a city, the earth is equivalent to a remote mountain village, which is backward and blocked. Occasionally, a high-level civilization passed by in an aircraft to have a look at this group of backward biological civilizations. And then galloped away, leaving people's curious eyes. Look! UFO.

Like the earth civilization, there are also many remote and backward civilizations in the electromagnetic wave civilization. These civilizations are like remote mountain villages. Without technology to build roads, thousands of generations can not see the world outside the mountains. Even using electromagnetic telescopes to see some light, light has also experienced hundreds of millions of years of propagation, which is hundreds of millions of years ago on the surface of other planets. The speed of light, that is, the speed of electromagnetic waves, is too slow for human beings to reach. For many years, these small mountain civilizations at the level of electromagnetic waves did not know each other's existence, let alone the advanced civilizations in the universe.

Li Tianyou was driving a small curvature aircraft, the most advanced in the earth, around the vast universe outside the solar system. The dim and bright starry universe made Li Tianyou fascinated. He was very excited. He waited too long for this day, and finally was qualified to fly this aircraft. The whole earth has less than ten curvature aircraft, which can fly curvature aircraft, It is the dream of every interstellar agent.

Earthlings have no ability to build curvature aircrafts. These are donations from extraterrestrial civilizations. People on earth treasure the scrap metal retired by others.

Li Tianyou knew the structure of the aircraft like the palm of his hand before he flew it, so he could drive with his eyes closed the first time he opened this aircraft. He flew to the edge of the human space identification area, looked at the vast universe, smiled, pushed the propeller, and the system alarm: "Warning, you are not authorized to leave the human space identification area."

The Earth Call Center immediately sent a warning, and Li Tianyou's officer yelled: "Li Tianyou! What are you doing? Are you crazy? Get back!" The voice warning of the Earth base was transmitted by refraction. If it was transmitted at the speed of light, it would take at least ten minutes to reach Li Tianyou's ear from the earth.

"Goodbye, sir! Thank you for your care and cultivation. Goodbye, Earth."

Li Tianyou's officer scolded on the other end of the phone: "Are you drunk? Get back quickly. You are defecting! If you want to defecte from the earth, it is a capital crime!"

Leaving the earth forever in the most advanced aircraft is defection. Li Tianyou took out a photo in his pocket and was not allowed to take his mobile phone when he got on the aircraft. This photo was the only important property he took away from the earth. It was his first day of college. Three children and their parents took a group photo with him. These five people were the most unforgettable people for Li Tianyou, But he must go.

For that girl, Li Tianyou must flee from the earth.

He wept and wiped away his tears. He found a screwdriver in the spaceship, pried open a control center of the aircraft, and took off the intelligent controller from the integrated circuit board. Now the aircraft is completely manual, and no one can control Li Tianyou anymore.

Li Tian took a deep breath, controlled his tears and said, "Goodbye, Dad, Mom." He opened the curvature flight, pushed a propeller and disappeared in the sea of stars.

A few decades later, Li Tianyou, who flew through the curvature, left the solar system completely. He was charged with defecting from humanity and insisted on leaving. The first time he entered the vast universe in the Earth Identification Zone, he passed a giant unmanned pink planet. He was fascinated by the scenery here. Li Tianyou was not managed by the Earth base, and suddenly felt unprecedented freedom and relaxed.

Li Tianyou planned for this defection for too long. After the excitement of his first flight, he felt exhausted and fell asleep soon.

Suddenly a strong light shines on the cab of Li Tianyou from the front of the aircraft. It is difficult to meet passing ships in this starry sea. Accidentally encounter ships, mostly pirates.

From the strong light, Li Tianyou vaguely saw the logo of the other party's flying ship. It was a powerful flying ship in the universe, with strong lethality. The earth can't even build curvature aircraft, let alone this military flying ship full of technology, as long as this flying ship full of advanced technology can conquer the earth. But the position of the earth in the universe is too remote, and there is no important resources and technology. Ordinary people do not want to plunder the earth.

Before Li Tianyou could react, the warship flew out two small aircraft and cast a net to catch Li Tianyou.

When he got inside the ship, Li Tianyou didn't have time to appreciate the beauty of the ship. He looked at the three blue skinned half beasts and said alien languages that he didn't understand.

The pirate captain and the first mate muttered a few words. The first mate sent a pirate with a scanning instrument to check Li Tianyou's body. Then, the pirate captain gave an order and asked his men to escort Li Tianyou to the detention room.

When Li Tianyou was sent to the detention room, he saw a lot of treasures of the pirate warship, and a dozen large interstellar beasts were locked in cages. The most precious one was a rhinoceros that looked like the earth, and a red unicorn with four eyes. It looked like it weighed at least eight tons. This beast was the most ferocious and disobedient. In this dungeon, The pirates hated the star beast because it kept roaring, and many people here could not sleep because of the poor sound insulation in their rooms.

The prison room stinks. Li Tianyou is imprisoned in a prison room. Some people in the room are naked coolies. They are not slaves. Slaves are a kind of commodity. People like Li Tianyou who can fly curved aircraft are not intelligent enough to be sold as slave goods. They can only be coolies on a ship.

Here, in order to facilitate communication with Li Tianyou, he was sent to work. A pirate took a blue organic matter, like a blue leaf, and forced it to Li Tianyou. Li Tianyou wanted to resist, but the pirate punched him in the stomach, and the organic matter fell into his throat and into his body.

His brain language center has been developed, and he has become an earthman who can communicate with most aliens.

These coolies, who are locked with Li Tianyou, work the hardest and most tiring jobs inside the spaceship all day long. They never see the sun until they die. If nothing unexpected happens, Li Tianyou's fate will be exactly the same as these coolies.

Li Tianyou's language center is still perfect. The coolies often chat with each other and point at Li Tianyou at the same time. Before Li Tianyou's language center was perfect, the coolies could not fully understand what they said.

A few hours later, Li Tianyou's language center was gradually improved by drugs, and he understood the instructions of coolies.

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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