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Chapter 1 No Trees on Xikong Mountain

A bright moon is hanging high in the sky. It is clearly late autumn, which makes people feel thin and cool. She was sitting on the swing in the wind light courtyard with only plain clothes.

After the evening class, several martial brothers and sisters had gone to bed early, but she stayed outside, blowing cold wind and drinking cold wine.

In other words, I didn't notice how beautiful the scenery of Xikong Mountain is. For example, the green forest on the mountain in the distance, especially its mystery in the hazy clouds, and the spotty lights at the foot of the mountain make people feel particularly warm, as well as the strong trees growing up around the spiritual spring.

When she was eleven years old, she saw this big tree. Its branches were as thick as one person, not to mention its trunk and roots.

At that time, she was only amazed at such a huge thing, but never noticed the little water bubbling up under the tree root. The villagers had never seen such a tree, and even looked up various ancient books, but could not find its origin. So she named it "Mountain Sea Tree". Later, she changed its name to "Haven't seen" when she did not know which literate scholar passed by.

After five years in a trance, I don't know when I was able to build a human figure without seeing a tree, but no one bothered her.

"Xiao Qingyang, you are drinking again." A very pleasant voice came from behind. He never saw a tree coming, but he didn't need to waste much strength.

Qingyang looked back and saw a man with picturesque eyes and eyebrows appeared in front of her. His nose was high, his clean face was smiling faintly, and his green coat was lined with white clothes, looking like a fairy.

"Why are you here?" She doesn't wonder. This guy always appears and disappears. She has been used to it.

The man smiled softly, and there was no sound. The cool wind was blowing all around, and it was so quiet that he seemed to hear one or two calls of frogs hiding in the grass.

The Fengqing Temple is located halfway up the mountain. Although it is late autumn, there are many ghosts practicing here because of its rich aura. They know that there are many immortal disciples in this area, so they never dare to disturb.

At this time, Qingyang felt his stomach was distended. In addition, a warm and cool hand rubbed her head in a soft voice, saying, "Hmm... The wine was drunk too fast, and the turbid qi ran away."

She was a little stunned, then stared at him, rolled over, held the wine cup and dodged.

She is not used to such intimate behavior.

"What's the matter?" The other side was not angry, but spoke with concern.

"How many times have I told you that men and women are not intimate with each other?" She stared wide, her eyes full of disgust.

Unexpectedly, he was stunned, and then he smiled in an evil way, with an ambiguous tone: "Xiao Qingyang is shy?"

"It's not that shy, but you know you're not popular."

I haven't seen shame. Yes, it's a pain in the neck. Most of them regard the spirit demon as worthless. They either take the spirit demon for their own use or kill it. At this time, he wanted to hit her face with a brush of his sleeve. It didn't matter to others, but his little Qingyang thought the same!

He can only endure. He is such a spiritual tree that has been cultivated for thousands of years. There are many envious people and demons. Why should he be cold faced here. To tell the truth, if she didn't have such a beautiful face, why would he pester others every day.

Seeing his face turn green and white, Qingyang smiled helplessly and said, "I will go down the mountain tomorrow."

Once Xikong disciples have enough accomplishments, they will go down the mountain for a period of time, but Qingyang goes down the mountain ahead of time.

"Where are you going?" I didn't see any worry. I only thought that the disciples of Xikong would go out to work, so I also thought that his little Qingyang would also go out to work. But her cultivation has not reached the level of being able to work.

He frowned slightly: "You don't have enough accomplishments. What can you do?"

"Shifu said that there was a princess named Tan Yuantang who was in great favor for a time in Damu. She was also living in seclusion in the mountains, but she was suddenly taken back. She said that she wanted to go to the wedding instead of the princess, but she was suddenly killed. I may be able to find the reason, and he asked me to investigate the matter." She paused and continued: "He asked me to go to the Su House."

At this time, Qingyang was a little excited and reluctant. The excitement was that she could leave Xikong, which was full of rules and regulations every day. However, she did not know when to return.

"Why doesn't he go by himself? Besides, Su Mansion has always been heavily guarded. How can you go in?" After hearing this, he raised his mouth. He didn't care much for Qingyang's master. He didn't speak in the foreword. Now he wants to let his own little Qingyang do such a dangerous thing.

Seeing how worried he looked, Qingyang frowned and said with a smile, "I should have listened to him. He has adopted me for so many years and should do something."

The martial brothers on the mountain all said that Qingyang was brought back from the war. At that time, she was covered with blood and was dying. Fortunately, Xikongshan is a good place for people to recuperate.

Moreover, with the cultivation of the past few years, Qingyang has not only kept his body well, but also got through the channels of his whole body, which is more than ordinary people.

He even knew that although Qingyang had a good constitution, his energy was very weak. Maybe he was a pure yin body and a good container for demons and ghosts to cultivate.

But he looked at it carefully many times, but he never started.

First, he is a tree demon with super spiritual power, and does not need containers at all; Second, he was curious about the person he had met five years ago. He always felt that there was something in her eyes.

It is clear that such a childish child can be mischievous occasionally, but there are so many things hidden in his heart.

A sudden gust of wind blew, which made the trees rustle in the yard, and also disturbed his thoughts.

He was silent for a moment, but there was tenderness on his face. Then he walked behind Qingyang and gently took up her scattered hair.

Then he took out a leaf hairpin from his sleeve and put it on Qingyang's hair. His voice was full of threat. He said, "This trip is dangerous. You know I've coveted your body for a long time. If something happens to you, your body will be in danger."

I took the opportunity to rub her head, which was a kind of comfort.

"Oh, you think so." The man who was taken advantage of opened his hand angrily. Everyone said that men and women would not kiss each other. With the mentality of revenge, Qingyang threw him a bottle of wine. Like the people in the small book, he roared: "Drink!"

Haven't seen him for a moment, he stared at the wine pot thrown in his arms, looking a little nervous.

He has never drunk wine in the world, but he is also curious about what can make his little Qingyang so obsessed, as if It smells good. I don't know how I feel after drinking it.

So he blushed slightly. Take a sip with the wine pot. It's sweet, spicy and Dizziness.

"Little Qingyang, why is your martial arts so bad?" With the strength of wine, he looked wild.

After hearing this, Qingyang lowered his head, and did not speak for a long time. He was so frightened that the person in front of him rushed to her and pushed her worried: "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Just a push, the person in front of him fell to the ground like a pile of mud.

Seeing nothing, he was stunned, and then smiled slightly. His eyes were full of light. He looked up at the moon overhead.

The moon was like a bright jade plate, completely disregarding the vicissitudes of life, he sighed, picked up the bottle of wine from Qingyang, and drank it.

When I woke up, I found myself hanging high on the unseen tree.

At this time, the Fengqingyuan is also very busy. Even people in their sleep did not know that they had been stared at by several people for a long time. A man hurriedly came up to smell it, then pinched his nose in disgust, and stepped back several steps.

When he came to the old man, he had no choice but to say, "Little sister is drunk again."

"I asked her what wine she was drinking this time." The old man looked calm, but his eyes were slightly murderous. Now he wanted to dig a hole to bury the man in front of him at the bottom of Xikong Mountain!

"Plum......" The man looked at the old man's stiff expression and couldn't help helping his forehead. "Are you all right, Shifu?"

When it comes to wine, there are indeed many stories on the West Kongshan Mountain, but it is nothing more than the feud between Little Sister and Shifu.

This couple likes drinking and hiding wine, which is really a headache.

But before, Shifu was a big hearted person. She put the wine on the shelf of her room and invited Qingyang to come back at the right time when she was in the morning class. She could either drink it herself or drink it with several martial brothers. She was punished for this many times. A few days ago, Shifu heard that the tree was not full of spirit at the foot of the mountain, so he hid the wine under the tree. Unexpectedly, the girl turned it out again, and presumably didn't tell her.

The man thought about it. He took a close look at the man on the ground, a little girl. Why does she like drinking so much.

He turned his head to look at the old man again. When his thoughts were confused, he suddenly got a shock and immediately patted his head. How could he be so disrespectful! Maybe some people are born to drink. Qingfeng, Qingfeng, you think about it again.

However, Qingfeng could not bear to see the ugly face of the man on the ground. How could she be a girl? She slept so ugly in public. He went up and shook Qingyang gently with his hand.

Copyright: Start Girls Network

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