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Chapter 1 Being Considered a Psychosis

Late at night.

In the ICU of Fengcheng Psychiatric Hospital.

Jiang Ming was tossing and turning in his bed, unable to sleep.

At the thought of those stupid things he did during the day, he was ashamed and ashamed.

Today is his big day. His new wife is Su Mengxuan, the first beauty in Maple City.

At the wedding, he drank a glass of wine poured by the hotel attendant, and then suddenly became crazy.

Singing and dancing on the stage, he threatened to perform handstand urination and breaking walnuts in the chest for the guests present.

As a result, he was caught here as a psychopath.

"There's something wrong with that glass of wine. Who killed me?"

Jiang Ming frowned, unable to figure out why.


A slight footstep sounded in the corridor.

Jiang Ming thought it was a nurse coming to make a rounds, so he quickly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

The doctors and nurses here have asked him many strange questions before in order to check whether he is mentally ill.

He doesn't want to be interrogated as a psychopath by the nurse again.


The door opened.

The footsteps came closer and closer, and the visitor stood in front of his bed without saying a word.

After more than ten seconds, the other party still has no intention of leaving.

Jiang Ming opened his eyes slightly in curiosity.

Seeing the scene before him, he was shocked.

I saw a man with oil colored clown makeup on his face, pouring unknown potions on the towel.

"Hey hey, poor hanging silk, Su Mengxuan is not the one who can touch your hanging silk. Only I can match him. I am his prince charming. Remember that in the next life, don't dream of a toad eating swan meat. Go to hell!"

The clown man sneered and held the towel stained with liquid medicine to Jiang Ming's face.

"I went to your uncle to hurt me. I will kill you first!"

Jiang Ming suddenly burst out and kicked his opponent's crotch.

The key point was injured. The clown man showed pain and bowed back several steps.

"You didn't fall asleep. Well, it's very good. I wanted to solve you quietly, but now it seems that I have to be serious."

A sharp dagger was drawn from his waist, and the clown stabbed Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming lived in a mountain village when he was young. He learned some martial arts with his grandpa who adopted him. He didn't panic when the dagger came.

He dodged to one side, grabbed the stool in the ward and threw his head at the clown man.

Both of them are skilful, half a dozen.

For nearly two minutes, each of them was injured, and no one could help it.

The clown man, knowing that he could not kill Jiang Ming today, and worried about alerting the security guard of the mental hospital, glared at Jiang Ming angrily and said coldly, "You are lucky, but I would advise you to divorce Su Mengxuan tomorrow, or I will let you die on the street sooner or later."

With that, he quickly fled from here.

Jiang Ming didn't chase after him. He was stabbed by a dagger in his foot and sprayed blood.

"Hiss... It hurts. Who the hell is this bastard?"

He pressed his hands tightly against the wound on his thigh, and the blood soon dyed his hands red.

When I was ready to call the nurse, I suddenly saw a green jade pendant on the ground.

This jade pendant was worn by the clown man. Jiang Ming accidentally tore it off in the scuffle just now. After falling to the ground, a crack appeared in the middle of the jade pendant.

He picked it up and put it in the palm of his hand. He looked carefully. He hoped to find information about the clown man from the jade pendant, because some people like to carve their names on the jade pendant.

After observing for a moment, no clue was found.

At the same time, the blood on his hand continuously flows into the cracks of the jade pendant.

The jade pendant emits a bright green light, which swishes into Jiang Ming's head.

Jiang Ming felt a buzzing sound in his head, and then a penetrating pain came from his head.

The pain was several times stronger than that of a pregnant woman in childbirth, and the pain was getting worse and worse. He held his head in his hands, rolled on the ground, and screamed hysterically in his mouth. Finally, he blacked out and passed out.

In a trance, he came to a strange space, surrounded by a gray, as if in the sea of clouds.

The white light flashed, and a Confucian scholar in white costume appeared in front of him.

The scholar was carrying a long sword, his face was blurred, and he could not see his true face clearly.

He stared at Jiang Ming for a moment and then said, "There is cause and effect in the world. Everything is fate. You can enter here, which means you are predestined by me.

From today on, you are my successor. I have taught you all the zither, chess, calligraphy, painting, tea, mountain doctor's fortune telling, and martial arts inheritance I learned in my life. I hope you will be righteous and benefit the people. If fate does not end, we will meet again in the future! "

After that, the Confucian scholar disappeared.

At this time, huge amounts of information flooded Jiang Ming's mind.

Jiang Ming wandered in these strange and strange information oceans, entering a realm of both mystery and mystery.


By the time he woke up, it was more than nine o'clock the next morning.

After such a long time of digestion, he has completely inherited the inheritance of Confucianism.

"Hmm? What do you mean by tying me?"

When Jiang Ming opened his eyes, he found that his whole body was tied by ropes, and several doctors and nurses were discussing his condition.

When he woke up, a young doctor said, "You committed self mutilation last night. I conclude that your mental illness has worsened. For your safety, you must be bound up."

"Don't talk nonsense. My leg was stabbed by someone. I didn't kill myself. Let me go!" Jiang Ming said in silence.

"After that, the patient's condition not only worsened, but also was accompanied by 'persecution delusion', which is very dangerous. I suggest that he be put in the prison room and increase the dosage of neuroleptics for him."

Another doctor said in a low voice.

Jiang Ming listened more and more mysteriously. He felt that his head was big and he felt powerless.

I heard a news in the past that no matter what the person does or says when he is sent to a mental hospital, his words and deeds are abnormal in the eyes of doctors.

So no matter how he defends now, the other side will not believe that he is normal.

"Call my wife and ask her to go through the discharge formalities for me!" Jiang Ming said angrily.

"Your wife came here just now. After she knew your situation, she agreed to bind you up and stay in hospital for treatment."

"Hum, it's God's blind that you can marry a beautiful girl from Su Da even if you are such a rubbish."

"There are so many rich second generation people in Maple City pursuing Su Mengxuan, but she didn't agree. I don't know what she thought. She married such a psycho."

"Well, you all need to say a few words less. Jiang Ming, President Su has become a joke in the mouth of the people of Maple City because of your ugly appearance at the wedding yesterday. You have lost her face and made her suffer countless ridicules and grievances. For her sake, I hope you will actively cooperate with us in the treatment and strive for an early recovery."

A bald doctor stopped others' sarcasm and said to Jiang Ming with a sincere heart.

After listening to his words, Jiang Ming felt bad and felt ashamed of Su Mengxuan.

He made a fool of himself at the wedding yesterday, which really disgraced his wife.

"I'm not ill. You quacks, let me go!"

In desperation, he struggled hard.

With a few clicks, the rope on my body broke unexpectedly.


Jiang Ming suddenly realized that he had inherited the martial arts inheritance of Confucianism. Although his accomplishments were not high at present, it was easy to break several ropes.

"No, the patient has' indirect violence out of control ', call security quickly!" The bald doctor exclaimed.

Jiang Ming is completely speechless. What kind of doctor is this? He has given him so many symptoms for no reason.

"Go away!"

With a strong push, he pushed the doctors and nurses standing in front of the door away and rushed out of the mental hospital.

He doesn't want to stay here for a moment.

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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