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Chapter 1 People in Memory


With pink hair and red ribbons, a girl with similar facial features reached out her hand and smiled softly.

When I raised my hand, the girl's figure disappeared like a bubble!

As soon as the scene changed, Lumuda also found himself lying on the school desk, and the teacher was still spouting on the platform.

It turned out to be another dream.

His sister, Lumu Yuanxiang, evaporated when he was three years old.

The real disappearance.

Everyone except Lumudaiya has forgotten her existence. Both parents and neighbors regard this as a child's imagination.

Only he has been pursuing this sister who often appears in dreams.

"The college entrance examination is coming next year, so everyone should take it easy and review hard to get a good college entrance exam. Don't sleep in class as often as someone else, and finally have to go to the construction site to move bricks." The teacher's words were obviously referring to someone, and many students looked at Lumu Daya's seat with a sneer.

With this last sentence, the teacher packed up the teaching plan and left.

The atmosphere in the classroom suddenly became lively, like a holiday. Everyone talked and laughed with each other. The one who should go home, the one who should go shopping, and the one who should participate in the organization activities of the club.

Only Lumuda left the classroom alone and silently packed his schoolbag.

Since he was diagnosed as a mild hypochondriac in junior high school, his neighbors and teachers alienated him, and her classmates excluded her.

These people can't distinguish at all, and they don't want to spend energy to distinguish between paranoia and psychosis, but they can't avoid him.

There are only a limited number of schools in the small city of Kantakihara, and many people are still classmates in high school.

So that the isolation has continued until now.

Lumuda had to bear the loneliness in silence while trying to find her lost sister.

He desperately collects all kinds of supernatural phenomena, mysterious events and missing cases, trying to find the connection with his sister's disappearance.

At first, he just wanted to prove to the people around him that he was not ill, but later, the matter of finding his sister back has become a deep obsession in his mind.


After leaving the campus, I took out my mobile phone, searched for the number marked "Diviner", and sent a short message saying "Where can I find you after class?" to wait for a reply.

The other party sent a location and said, 'I'm waiting for you here.'

Lumuda also looked, "Changshan Town 212? Isn't this a high-end villa residential area?"

He sighed that the fortune teller was really rich, so he quickly took the tram to the other party's home.

This one was met by Lumu Daya in a supernatural event forum recently. People in the forum praised the accuracy of the diviner's calculation. It is said that many bosses of large enterprises come by plane from far away to find a fortune teller just to let her make a divination.

It is also normal for such a famous person to live in a high-end community.

Follow the house number to find the fortune teller's home, press the doorbell, "Hello, I am Lumudaya, who has made an appointment to do divination this afternoon."

After a while, the fortune teller in a gypsy costume opened the door, revealing an old female face under his hood.

"Come in."

Entering the living room decorated with high-grade European furniture, the fortune teller pulled two chairs.

After they sat down, she went straight to the topic and said, "Come on, what is it to come to me?"

"My sister is missing, and I want you to help me find her." Lumuda carefully pulled out a piece of paper from his wallet, on which was a young girl with pink hair.

Lumu Yuanxiang was fourteen years old when he disappeared. He had just entered junior high school. After such a long time, as his younger brother, he was three years older.

"Sorry, there is no photo, only this picture I painted myself."

In order to draw the appearance of his sister, he specially practiced drawing and oil painting, and the figure on the paper was similar to what he remembered.

"Oh, it's looking for someone." The diviner of similar requirements has heard too much. She took the drawing paper and said, "You should know the rules. The divination fee is 20000 yuan, and you should pay first."

"OK." Lumuda was also busy handing out two ten thousand yuan bills.

If his mother were not the CEO of a listed company, he could not be so rich as a high school student.

The diviner looked at the drawing paper for a while, took out a stack of tarot cards and spread a circle on the floor. Then shuffle, cut and draw cards with delicate and smooth techniques.

Lumuda also knew nothing about tarot cards, but he was surprised by the way he watched the fortune teller. Dozens of cards were played in the hands of the fortune teller, dazzled and beautiful. The most professional dealer on the gambling table was less than one tenth of this one.

After three rounds of divination, the results are quite different each time.

The diviner frowned and said suspiciously, "The result is so abnormal that it doesn't reach the person you said. Boy, you won't just draw someone to find me happy, will you?"

Lumuda also shook his head hurriedly, "No, how can I? I can't spend 20000 yuan just to amuse you!"

"My divination can't be wrong. Don't you have something important to hide from me?"

"... Yes." Lumuda also kept silent for a while, and had to tell the truth. "Apart from me, my parents and neighbors forgot about my sister's existence, and said I was suffering from paranoia."

"Her smile, her voice, and the sight of her taking care of me when I was a child are still vivid today. It is definitely not my delusion! She is the real person!"

Seeing Lumuda's sincere expression, the diviner reluctantly decided to do it again, "Where's her name?"

"Lumu round fragrance!" Lumu Da also replied.

The diviner continued to calculate, but still did not achieve the desired results, "This name, does not exist."

Lumuda also tried hard to hold on to the fortune teller who wanted to drive him away, and again pulled out 20000 yuan, which was his last savings.

"Please, please help me divine again! This time it's something else!"

"You are quite rich." For money's sake, the fortune teller returned to his seat. "Tell me, what else do you want to know?"

Lumuda also took a bracelet from his wrist.

This bracelet is made of a hair band. It seems that after many months, most of the bright red ribbons have faded into pink.

"My mother said that I got it from a girl with long black hair when I was very young. That person also mentioned the name Lumuyuanxiang. Please help me find this person."

"Good." The fortune teller took out a crystal ball with a fist from his arms. "As long as the dark haired girl you said is real and alive, the crystal ball will show her position."

The diviner waved his dry hands and fingers, wondering what kind of mysterious ceremony he was performing.

A black spot gradually appears in the center of the crystal ball.

Like a drop of thick ink falling into the water, the black quickly diffuses and fills the whole crystal ball.


A crack appeared on the surface of the crystal ball. The fortune teller changed his face and threw the crystal ball toward the distance, "Get down!"

In the explosion, the crystal ball exploded into crystal chips all over the sky.

If not for the soothsayer's quick reaction, they would be blown up all over their faces.

The diviner was stunned for a while and then cried out, "Ah ah! My crystal ball!"

Lumuda calmed down the fortune teller after he promised to pay compensation for the crystal ball.

"The crystal ball exploded... What does this mean?"

The diviner returned the bracelet to Lumu Daye and said angrily, "How did I know that I haven't seen such a situation in my career for so many years?"

She sighed: "But now that I have received the money, I must give you a result. When I go back to read the ancient books and check the information, I will give you an answer if I have made progress. Today you go back first."

Send Lumuda away. After closing the door, the back of the fortune teller suddenly straightened up. He took off his robe and threw it on the sofa. The illusion of old people dissipated, turning into a young girl about 17 or 18 years old.

She turned her wrist to draw the nihility symbol, and the crystal debris on the ground was pulled by some invisible force to fly into the sky, and then re formed a crystal ball that was crystal clear and could not see any damage.

Looking back at the crystal ball in her hand, she said solemnly: "Such a strong backbite has never been seen before. What kind of horrible existence is the original owner of this hair band? I'm afraid that the 'Seven Kings' will be killed in front of him..."

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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